Facing Su Ruyan's coquettishness.

Captain Zhao just let go of Su Ruyan's hair and led his teammates to stand up.

Everyone looked at Su Ruyan, who had humiliated them, with indifferent expressions, and then returned to where they lived one by one.

"Let's go and leave here as soon as possible."

Captain Zhao ordered his teammates. Everyone is very busy now and really doesn't have time to waste on Su Ruyan.

And just outside the area where they lived, a large group of zombies were approaching in this direction.

Gong Yi in the RV said to Hua Mi, who had just entered the RV, "There is movement over there with the zombie wave. In less than 10 minutes, this place will be flooded by the zombie wave."

It seems that they have been in this place during this time. The stay was too long, and coupled with the popularity of the Qu family, it would be strange not to alarm the zombie wave.

Hua Mi fearlessly carried the long knife and entered the RV.

She threw the long knife into the storage and ran to the bedside to tease her brother and sister, who were turning over and looking up.

As she rang the bell back and forth, she said to Gong Yi, "Then I guess Captain Zhao and the people from the Qu family won't be able to leave even if they want to."

She had just made Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan feel about what it means to be implicated.

As a result, there was a zombie wave, and now Captain Zhao and the others were going crazy.

As a result, the next moment, Hua Mi's body was held in Gong Yi's arms.

Gong Yi lowered his head and whispered in Hua Mi's ear, "I thought you were going to kill Su Ruyan just now."

Hua Mi shook her head; she didn't need to take Su Ruyan's life.

She is not a murderer, and she will not kill anyone she dislikes.

"This kind of person doesn't need me to kill her. She will soon know how cruel this world is."

At this moment, Su Ruyan was still having trouble with Captain Zhao.

Captain Zhao has already ordered his men to pack their bags and prepare to leave here and return to the oasis.

Su Ruyan obviously didn't want to leave.

She just wanted to be angry with Captain Zhao, and she just wanted to be angry with everyone on the team.

Because they had just brutalized her and treated her with such a disgusting attitude, Su Ruyan couldn't stand this attitude.

So she stood still and didn't move.

As a result, the next moment, Captain Zhao threw a large package in his hand directly in front of Su Ruyan.

Captain Zhao said to Su Ruyan irritably,"You stand there and never do anything. Now you should do something."

"Put this package in your space."

Su Ruyan sneered, "You want me to do it? Why should I do it?"

Look, she just said it. The entire team couldn't escape her superpower.

Her superpower is so valuable that, in the apocalypse, packages that others cannot carry can be placed in her space.

And now, even though Captain Zhao and the others were angry with her, they had to turn to her for help. She was so noble and arrogant.

Su Ruyan waited for Captain Zhao to coax her.

Captain Zhao stretched out his hand, with an impatient look on his face, and grabbed Su Ruyan's neck.

Considering that Su Ruyan had never beaten a zombie in the apocalypse, Captain Zhao's strength was too great.

She struggled, with a look of pain on her face. "Don't use so much strength; you're hurting me."  

"Tell me carefully; I'll naturally put this luggage in my space when I'm happy. But you scared me now."

"I'm not happy; I'm very unhappy."

Do you understand what Su Ruyan said? She was unhappy.

The way Captain Zhao treated her was wrong. Captain Zhao should not be cruel to her. He should be coaxing her, like before.

Now that the situation was so urgent, Captain Zhao shouldn't have reached out to pinch her and squeeze her so painfully.

Captain Zhao should be careful to make her happy, do you understand?

Su Ruyan told Captain Zhao how to treat her correctly.

However, Captain Zhao was quite impatient. What situation are they in?

Is Su Ruyan still losing her temper? ! 

A teammate was lying by the window of the ruins, looking outside with a telescope.

He panicked and said to Captain Zhao:

"Captain, something is wrong. There is a large black zombie wave rushing towards us."

"We have to leave quickly; otherwise, we will fall into the zombie wave."

The captain glanced back at the window.

Even if his teammates didn't say anything, he could still faintly hear the roar of zombies while standing in the ruins.

Damn it.

It must be because the popularity brought by that group of Qu family members is so great.

Counting the Qu family, there should be hundreds of people.

The popularity of these hundreds of people gathered in one place will definitely attract zombies.

Therefore, the top priority is to travel lightly and leave such a popular place as quickly as possible.

However, Su Ruyan did not cooperate with Captain Zhao. Until now, she had not put Captain Zhao's luggage into her space.

Everyone had already begun to evacuate and picked up their luggage, which was piled at Su Ruyan's feet.

However, Su Ruyan raised her neck and looked at Captain Zhao proudly.

She was waiting for Captain Zhao to bow his head and apologize to her.

Captain Zhao became anxious and slapped Su Ruyan in the face, causing Su Ruyan's body to fall onto the pile of luggage.

Captain Zhao was anxious and shouted at Su Ruyan, "Can you clearly distinguish the situation? If you can't, I will tell you now."

"There is a large wave of zombies running towards us."

  "They were attracted by the Qu family's. Think about it for yourself. If we don't leave, we will soon fall into this zombie wave, which will be very dangerous." Captain Zhao has seen ignorant people. But he has never seen Su Ruyan so ignorant.

At such an urgent moment, Su Ruyan was still being petty.

It was almost killing a whole team of people.

Half of Su Ruyan's face was swollen after being beaten, and the injury on her neck had not healed yet. Thinking of the injury to her neck still caused burning pain.

  As a result, he was slapped by Captain Zhao.

Su Ruyan screamed and jumped up, then hit Captain Zhao with her small fist."You hit me; you hit me; how dare you hit me? How could you be willing to hit me?"

"You are no longer the same person as before. Captain, you are not."

Su Ruyan was having trouble with Captain Zhao.

Captain Zhao's teammates on the other side also said anxiously, "Captain, they are getting closer and closer. If we don't leave, we won't be able to get away."

The zombies' voices were getting closer and closer, and listening to the sounds, it seemed that they were closer than they imagined. There are even more zombies.

It was like thunder rolling by.