There are a total of ten people in Captain Zhao's team, which can be regarded as a small group of people.

If they want to get away from the zombie tide at close range, they will definitely attract a lot of zombies to chase them.

The faster they go, the fewer zombies will chase them.

If they linger here any longer, more and more zombies will be chasing them. Finally, they will recruit a lot of zombies to chase and intercept them from the front.

Then everyone's situation will be very dangerous.

Captain Zhao didn't have time to say anything to Su Ruyan. He picked up the angry Su Ruyan on his shoulders and threw her out. He ordered his teammates: "Tie her up and gag her to prevent her from yelling on the road."

Everyone knows Su Ruyan, and as long as she is unhappy, she will definitely not care about the people around her or the surrounding environment.

No matter what she wants to do, she must do it.

Just like when everyone was working hard to fight zombies, she didn't even wait for everyone to finish picking up the crystal cores. She said she was going to chase Gong Yi and Hua Mi's RV, so she ran away by herself.

This caused everyone to hurriedly discard the crystal nuclei that should belong to them on the ground and follow Su Ruyan to protect her.

But now Captain Zhao has decided not to tolerate Su Ruyan's bad temper, and everyone is happy.

When someone found hemp rope, they tied up Su Ruyan and immediately evacuated from the ruins with Su Ruyan.

However, it was still too late. As soon as they came out of the ruins, two zombies staggered up from the opposite side.

Fortunately, the people walking at the front reacted quickly. After taking care of the two zombies in front, a group of people rushed out of the ruins.

  As a result, before they even reached the joint, they were shocked by a large black mass of zombies in front of them.

Captain Zhao turned around and immediately told his teammates behind him,"Walk faster, go back to the ruins, and close the doors and windows tightly."

They couldn't escape in this situation.

Su Ruyan in the team was still struggling desperately. Even if her mouth was blocked, she could still make a whimpering sound.

It seems that she is extremely uncooperative with Captain Zhao and others.

But no one on the team has the thought or the free time to coax her.

Everyone hurriedly returned to the ruins and immediately brought various tools to block all the door frames that could be blocked.

At this moment,the Qu family also learned that this extremely safe place was discovered by a zombie wave.

And the people on their side didn't even have time to retreat.

Everyone can only find a bunker nearby and use the bunker to cover the people on their side first.

While the people of the Qu family were covering up, they saw that the luxurious RV in the open space had not moved.

Lin Zhigang, who was supposed to be walking around outside the RV and flying the drone, did not get out of the RV.

There was hesitation in Uncle Qu's eyes. At this time, he was weighing it in his mind, rolling his eyes in his eyes, and immediately calling two people from the Qu family to follow him as he walked out of the bunker.

Qu Yimin cowered in the corner in fear. Seeing that Uncle Qu actually walked out of the bunker, she shouted anxiously, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Uncle Qu gave Qu Yimin a calming gesture.

He personally came to the door of the RV and knocked on it. With an anxious look on his face, he shouted loudly into the RV: "Dr. Lin, is Dr. Lin here? There are zombies coming, Dr. Lin."

"Why don't you follow me? Let's go hide together."

The two bodyguards of the Qu family, who were following Uncle Qu, saw this and looked at each other without speaking.

At this time, the door of the RV was opened. Lin Zhigang stood in the RV with a fresh look and said to Uncle Qu, who looked concerned about him, "No, you can go; I can have a better view standing here."

Lin Zhigang was originally in the RV. Discussing with Hua Mi Gong Yi how to fight against this wave of zombies.

It was Uncle Qu who ran up rashly and interrupted their little meeting.

Uncle Qu's face showed anxiety,"How can your RV survive in the zombie wave?"

"No matter how luxurious and sturdy it is, it can't withstand the impact of zombies."

He held Lin Zhigang's hand with one hand. He tried to pull Lin Zhigang out of the RV and looked very concerned about Lin Zhigang and said,"You'd better come with us. We found a bunker, which looks very stable."

"I heard that you have a power grid in your hand. We can work together to stabilize the power grid in your hand, and our bunker will be stronger."

After all, Uncle Qu was still self-interested, and he never asked Hua Mi what Gong Yi and his wife should do.

Uncle Qu had never seen Hua Mi and Gong Yi, so he just wanted to get Lin Zhigang first.

Lin Zhigang struggled, but he still hadn't realized why Uncle Qu was so strong.

His body was pulled back by Hua Mi.

Lin Zhigang sat directly in the seat of the RV. Hua Mi stood where Lin Zhigang was standing, looking at Uncle Qu outside with a cold face.

She asked directly,What's the matter? Are you planning to rob someone?"

Uncle Qu didn't know Hua Mi.

Previously, Qu Shiheng colluded with Chen Hu to deliver a fatal blow to the Xiangcheng base when Hua Mi was giving birth.

Though Uncle Qu knew about this matter and provided Qu Shiheng with a lot of people and resources, Uncle Qu had not personally participated in this matter.

He frowned and looked at Hua Mi, whose face was full of fat.

Uncle Qu said,"I'm just worried about Dr. Lin's safety, and I want to invite Dr. Lin to our bunker. I don't have any malicious intent."


After saying that, Uncle Qu glanced at the brother and sister behind Hua Mi and was filled with emotion. He said sincerely,The same goes for you. I invite Dr. Lin, and I invite you as a couple."

"It won't be easy for you two to survive in the apocalypse with your children. Let's go to the bunker together."

" I have people who can protect you, and Dr. Lin also has a power grid that can make the bunker safer."

He changed his tune after seeing Hua Mi appear and invited Hua Mi and Gong Yi, by the way.

But in fact, anyone can see that the person Uncle Qu really wants is Dr. Lin.

Hua Mi sneered and said to Uncle Qu outside,"No, I still advise you not to have any extra thoughts about playing tricks at this time."

"After all, the zombies are already here."

After she said this, people rushed over from the streets and alleys. Densely packed zombies.

This roar made people's scalps numb.

At this time, it is indeed not the best time to snatch Dr. Lin.

Uncle Qu was very aware of current affairs. He immediately took two members of the Qu family and retreated to the bunker.

As they were about to quickly enter the bunker, zombies immediately pounced on the abandoned building.

The Qu family's people immediately organized themselves and hacked to death all the zombies that jumped into the window.

Captain Zhao wanted to leave but was delayed by Su Ruyan, and they could not leave the ruins where they were.

Zombies also surrounded the ruins where they were, and the people there were working extremely hard to deal with the zombie attacks.

At the same time, what no one noticed was that in the entire zombie wave, there were no zombies around the RV.

All the zombies surrounded the RV, trying to get close to the RV from all angles, but there was no way.

This RV has a very secure vacuum belt around it.Hua Mi was in the RV. After she coaxed the child, she soon felt unwell.

So she picked up the long knife and walked out of the RV door alone to kill the zombies.

Since giving birth to the child, Hua Mi's hearing, vision, and body reaction speed have all made a qualitative leap.

In just a few moments of flying around, layers of zombie corpses piled up around her without Gong Yi's help.

This level of activity was not enough for Hua Mi to warm up.

Without anyone's help, Hua Mi could kill alone for several hours without feeling tired.

But Captain Zhao, the Qu family, and others inside the bunker and ruins were all in a hurry and extremely exhausted.

  On Captain Zhao's side, Su Ruyan has been tied up by her teammates.Looking at her teammates, they were busy fending off zombies.Su Ruyan actually fell asleep in this situation.She doesn't know how long it took, but Captain Zhao's men slapped Su Ruyan awake. The teammate looked at Su Ruyan with a bad expression and said, "Take out all the food in your space. We need to replenish our strength now and need something to eat."

Su Ruyan looked at the teammate in front of her coldly.She didn't move at all.Now, do these people know how to beg her?

It's a beautiful idea to get supplies from her space! 

She just didn't take out the supplies, and she was anxious to kill these people.

Who asked them to treat her like that and tie her up?

The teammate lowered his head, rubbed his tired face, then turned around and said to Captain Zhao, who was struggling to resist the zombies, "Su Ruyan refused to take out the supplies in her space."

Captain Zhao had already begun. The annoyance was at its peak.He handed the position he was guarding to someone on the team, turned around, took out a knife, and slashed Su Ruyan's arm directly.Amid Su Ruyan's screams of fear and pain, Captain Zhao said fiercely, "You have been our teammates for so long. You should have known who we are."

"The situation does not allow you to get angry."

"Just take out the supplies. If you don't take them out, you know we have plenty of ways to torture you."

Su Ruyan leaned back desperately, and the blood on her arms had stained her sleeves red.

Only then did she realize that Captain Zhao and her teammates were serious about forcing her.When Captain Zhao stretched out his knife towards her and was about to stab her again, Su Ruyan hurriedly turned her head, and a lot of food appeared next to her.Several teammates who were extremely tired from killing zombies hurriedly came forward with food and wolfed it down.

Captain Zhao kneeled down in front of Su Ruyan. He looked at the tearful Su Ruyan and said,"Don't blame me. It's because we are so good to you on weekdays that we make you forget your identity."

"Don't worry, no matter what, we won't kill you."

"But from now on, you have to be more obedient. Unless it is absolutely necessary, we don't want to treat you like this."

Su Ruyan, who was tied up, also had a large ball of rags in her mouth.She lowered her head and cried.At this time, she did not dare to cry loudly for fear of upsetting Captain Zhao.Captain Zhao will give her another blow.Seeing Su Ruyan's fearful and obedient reaction now, Captain Zhao felt very satisfied.

He stood up with the knife in hand, and his teammates asked him in a low voice,"Do you want to put some medicine on Su Ruyan's arm?"

Captain Zhao waved his hand carelessly. "Who hasn't been injured in the apocalypse? That's it. What kind of medicine is needed for a minor injury?"

"Leave it there. She won't fight the zombies, and it doesn't take much effort. The wound will stop bleeding on its own in a short time."

"We don't need to waste medicine on this."

This is Captain Zhao's true thought all along.

In the past, if Su Ruyan had a small scratch on her body, she would take out medicine to disinfect herself and apply ointment.

Every time Captain Zhao saw it, although he didn't show it publicly, he secretly felt sorry for the medicine used on Su Ruyan.

Medical resources in the apocalypse are quite precious. People like them who are walking in the apocalypse will not give themselves medicine unless it is absolutely necessary.

Therefore, this woman, Su Ruyan, seems even more pretentious.After hearing Captain Zhao's cold and ruthless words, two more lines of tears fell on Su Ruyan's face.

This time, Captain Zhao gave her such a big blow that she fell directly from heaven to hell. Su Ruyan was completely disappointed with Captain Zhao and the others.

She took advantage when Captain Zhao's men killed the zombies and were tired and exhausted, and she used all her strength to break the rope around her wrist.

Then she quietly observed the situation outside the ruins.Maybe Captain Zhao and the others had been killing zombies, so they didn't see what the scene was like outside.

But Su Ruyan saw it.The place where they tied her was on the second floor of the ruins.

Looking from Su Ruyan's direction, one could just see behind a small group of zombies besieging the ruins. Hua Mi seemed to be clearing the area, wielding a machete to carve out a large open space.

On the other side of the open space was the bunker where the Qu family stayed.

So as long as Su Ruyan finds a way to attract the zombies, she can run to the Qu family's side.

She remembered that she had been wronged by Captain Zhao's team, and her eyes were full of resentment.At this moment, a man came up from downstairs.

Su Ruyan immediately lowered her head. Although the rope on her body was broken by her, she was still tied up by the rope where others could see it.The man who went upstairs had a bottle of water in his hand.Perhaps it was because Su Ruyan had always been a group favorite. Once she was treated like this by Captain Zhao,his heart would be biased, and he would not be able to bear it.

So this man's attitude towards Su Ruyan was still very gentle.He unscrewed the cap of the water bottle in his hand and placed the mouth of the water bottle in front of Su Ruyan's lips.There was a hint of murderous intent in Su Ruyan's eyes.Look, isn't the big enemy who will attract the zombies for her coming?