Su Ruyan's face turned red with anger, and she stamped her feet.

"I wanted to help you carry supplies with good intentions, but you treated me like this. Then I can't stay here, so I'll just leave."

Uncle Qu asked her,How will you leave? There are zombies outside. How can you, a weak woman, get out?"

His words made Su Ruyan stick.

Su Ruyan started to think about how to get out of Qu's house at this time.

Uncle Qu winked at a bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard immediately understood, stepped forward, pinched Su Ruyan's arm, and said in a rough voice,

"Please spare Captain Zhao and his supplies for us, and let's see if there is anything to eat."

The group of people were simply bandits.

Su Ruyan looked at the bodyguard in front of her with wide eyes in shock. She struggled and shouted,How could you treat me like this? Don't be so rude to me and talk to me properly. As long as we can cooperate well, I'll stay. If we can't cooperate, I'll just find a way to leave."

It was impossible for her to hand over Captain Zhao's supplies.

She doesn't want to team up with Captain Zhao and the others anymore. She can keep these supplies, which will be the foundation for her to settle down in the future.

"I told you you couldn't leave now."

Uncle Qu stood in front of Su Ruyan. Another man on the team stepped forward and grabbed Su Ruyan's other arm.

Then she heard Uncle Qu say, "We don't know how long we will be trapped here or whether there will be more zombies coming next."

"We have many people in here, and the more people eat, the more food we need. You need to put out supplies on your space first. Bring out all the edible supplies."

"Don't let me say this a third time."

Qu Yimin stood behind Uncle Qu, shivering with fear. When she looked at Su Ruyan now, she seemed to have seen what she had experienced back then.

Seeing the look of fear on Su Ruyan's face, Qu Yimin had experienced this kind of moment before.

A weak woman has no choice when facing a powerful man.

  Being grabbed by two men on the left and right at the same time, Su Ruyan shouted desperately,

"Let go! Let me go. Your grips hurt me; you scratched my wounds!"

This wound was still fresh. In order to force the supplies out of her body, the captain slashed Su Ruyan's body.

The wound had not been healed in the first place, and now it was still being grabbed so hard.

She is in pain!

Can't these men see it?

No one there pitied her. Uncle Qu took another step closer. He gently raised a finger, and a bodyguard of the Qu family stepped forward and slapped Su Ruyan twice.

Su Ruyan wanted to be scolded again, but the bodyguard continued to slap her.

Finally, Su Ruyan couldn't bear the beating anymore, and she shouted at Qu Yimin, "Are you just watching these men bully me like this? Aren't you a woman too?"

  Amid the injustice, she completely forgot that when she had faced Qu Yimin being tortured by Hu Yanxiang, she looked completely indifferent.

Qu Yimin lowered her head like a quail, hiding behind Uncle Qu and not daring to speak.

  Qu Yimin has been immersed in the memories of the time when she was tortured by inhumane people.

At that time, she fell into Hu Yanxiang's hands and couldn't escape, no matter how hard she tried.

At that time, Qu Yimin was so frightened because no one helped her.

She spent her days and nights in fear, and every minute and every second was torture.

Su Ruyan's screams reached her ears. Qu Yimin covered her ears and huddled in the corner, not daring to look or listen anymore.

Hua Mi played in the open space for a while longer, but when she had just returned to the RV, Gong Yi said,

"Those people from the Qu family broke Su Ruyan's foot and are now forcing Su Ruyan to hand over the materials in her space."

Hua Mi was stunned after hearing this, and then she said indifferently,

"She should have had such consciousness when she decided to betray her team."

No one would let a traitor go easily. If Su Ruyan betrays Hua Mi today, Hua Mi will make the same choice.

After she briefly freshened up in the room, she fell asleep next to her two children.

She doesn't have to worry about the zombies outside destroying the RV. This is the biggest benefit of taking Gong Yi out of the Xiangcheng base.

When Hua Mi wants to rest, she can get a good rest.

She slept peacefully until the latter half of the night, then got up again and looked at Gong Yi sitting in the sofa area.

Hua Mi asked him with furrowed brows. "What's wrong with you?"

Gong Yi whispered,There is a large group of mutant beasts approaching us."

Because he is a person with mental powers, Gong Yi does not have to sleep; even when he wants to sleep, there is no way.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't slept, but fortunately, Gong Yi wasn't worried about it.

Because he has two children to take care of, when the children fall asleep, he can also use his mental power to look at the children and all the dangers outside.

He was quite happy about this ability.

Because this allows him to take care of everything.

When Hua Mi heard what Gong Yi said, she immediately sat up and asked Gong Yi,

"How many of these mutant beasts are there?"

Gong Yi shook his head seriously.


His mental power can see up to one kilometer. Within the range, and one kilometer later, there is still a steady stream of mutant beasts moving rapidly in this direction.

And they were so densely packed that each one seemed like a starving ghost reincarnated.

These mutated beasts will eat anything except dead things and then poop after eating.

It looks very disgusting.

And they still walk standing up with a tail behind them, and they are very fast.

This kind of speed is simply impossible for ordinary people to catch up with, and they may not even have time to react.

But based on Hua Mi's current fighting strength, Gong Yi thinks it can still be dealt with, but there are too many mutant beasts.

Hua Mi can deal with one or two, but Gong Yi doesn't think she can handle such a steady and huge group.

After hearing what Gong Yi said, Hua Mi seemed to relax.

She has been afraid of nothing since she entered the apocalypse. What she is afraid of are mutant beasts and mutant plants.

But now that Gong Yi said this, she felt a sense of relief because this day had finally come.

Hua Mi raised the privacy curtain on the RV and glanced at the roaring zombies outside the RV.

The situation is a bit complicated now. There are still so many zombies here, and so many mutant beasts have arrived.

The place where the zombie tide and the mutated beast tide connect to each other is the vacuum area where they are located.

It won't be long before the place becomes very chaotic.

It is even more worrying than the living conditions anywhere in the apocalypse.

Survivors without any skills simply cannot survive here.