Hua Mi thought that she still had to inform Qin Zhen about this matter and let Qin Zhen make preparations.

She asked Qin Zhen,How are the walls in the Xiangcheng base being repaired now?"

"You're asking me this in the middle of the night?"

Qin Zhen yawned and weakly responded to Hua Mi.

"Everything is fine in Xiangcheng. No one in the base dares to run towards the four city walls now."

"Once someone passes by, it will almost blind people."

The contractor built the city wall very quickly, and the diamond city wall was rising along the way.

The scene was extremely magnificent, and the hearts of those who saw it were surging.

And the contractor particularly likes shiny things.

He has been building the walls like diamonds.

This diamond wall is about 15 meters high, and according to the contractor, it will be even higher in the future.

But this height is completely enough for now.

He not only made the city walls into diamonds, he also reinforced and consolidated the ground of the entire Xiangcheng base.

Inside the ring of diamond city walls is a cement city wall. The cement used is cement from the production line of Huami Factory.

Therefore, this cement city wall is extremely strong, even stronger than the contractor's diamond city wall.

If there are living things and plants in this world, they can break through the diamond wall of the contractor.

Then they will sadly find that no matter what they try, they can't break through Huami's cement wall.

And just outside the diamond city wall, which is the outermost edge of the entire Xiangcheng base, ten large power grids have been built.

According to Qin Zhen, not to mention the demons and ghosts outside can invade Xiangcheng.

Even Xiangcheng's own people cannot destroy Xiangcheng's protection from the inside.

After saying this, Qin Zhen asked Hua Mi again,You called me in the middle of the night. Didn't you just want to ask Mr. Bao how the diamond city wall was built?"

Hua Mi laughed. " Let him go; he likes those gorgeous and exaggerated things, and we can't change his character."

After saying that, Hua Mi told Qin Zhen about the tide of mutated animals here.

Qin Zhen,on the other end of the phone, immediately entered a state of alert.

She nervously asked Hua Mi, This wave of mutant beasts sounds very exaggerated. Will it actually reproduce? Then when will it arrive at the Xiangcheng base?"

"It's already too bad on the outside of our Xiangcheng base. There were already such a large layer of zombies surrounded us, and now there are so many mutant beasts."

"When will these sad days end?"

Hua Mi suddenly laughed,Once we enter the apocalypse, it will always be in the apocalypse. You will see that the survivors seem to be surviving in the apocalypse. That is because of the survival of the fittest."

"All the weak will not be able to survive in the apocalypse. Those who die are those who are not adapted to the apocalypse or have really bad luck. So what we ultimately want to think about is not how to eliminate the apocalypse and return society to the way it was before the apocalypse. It's about how to adapt to the end of the world."

Qin Zhen, on the other end of the phone, was silent for a moment, then sighed very sincerely and said, Actually, I can't even imagine how the survivors in this city would survive without you."

Hua Mi didn't say anything. She also knew that she played a big role in the apocalypse.

But she would not be as proud as Su Ruyan, though she has every right to be proud of it.

After she said a few words to Qin Zhen and hung up the phone, Gong Yi was also calling Tang You, Cao Feng, and other subordinates.

Hua Mi is only responsible for the infrastructure construction of the Xiangcheng base.

The people who really protect the Xiangcheng base are Gong Yi and his garrison.

When Hua Mi looked over, Gong Yi hung up the phone with a serious expression, stood up, and said to Hua Mi,

"I'm going out to grab a few samples. You can see if there is a teleportation point here. There will be some experts from the garrison dissecting a mutated beast for research."

Gong Yi is a person with a great vision for development. During the period when natural disasters occurred frequently, he continuously recruited a large number of experts from survivors into the Hunan City base.

Everyone said before that there are many medical experts in F City.

In fact, it was because the Xiangcheng base was low-key and because Gong Yi never liked to show off.

For today's Xiangcheng base, medical experts can directly crush several streets in F City.

After all, the sons of Lin Xia, commander of F City, all work at the Xiangcheng base, right?

After notifying their respective people, Gong Yi protected the entire RV.

He also told Lin Zhigang that he should stay in the RV to take care of the children while he went to catch the mutant beasts and prepare for dissection.

Hua Mi went directly to Qu's side with a long knife in hand.

When she entered, she no longer saw Su Ruyan.

The people from the Qu family were very contemptuous towards Hua Mi, but they did not do anything more extreme to provoke Hua Mi.

On the contrary, Uncle Qu looked at Hua Mi in surprise, who kicked open the door of their bunker, and asked,How did you get in?"

Hua Mi said with a straight face,How I got in is not important to you. Hurry up and prepare; a large number of mutant beasts have already arrived."

The reason why this large number of mutant beasts did not rush here is that Gong Yi's mental power can also block it,but because there are too many, every time they are blocked, a mutant beast would cost Gong Yi a certain amount of mental energy.

With so many mutated beasts, Gong Yi's mental powers couldn't last long.

Even if he overexerts his mental power, Gong Yi might become a fool in the future.

So Hua Mi had to inform the Qu family and Captain Zhao to prepare for the mutant beast.

The members of the Qu family looked at each other, and Uncle Qu looked Hua Mi up and down unceremoniously.

His look looked very arrogant and unreasonable. Uncle Qu asked suspiciously,"Where did you get the news? Aren't there so many zombies outside now? We didn't see a shadow of a mutant beast."

Hua Mi rolled her eyes and said,

"Do you believe it or not?"

She originally informed Uncle Qu because there were many people in the Qu family, and if everyone helped, they could kill more mutant beasts.

But now this member of the Qu family regards her as a liar, so what else does Hua Mi say?

She turned to leave, but Uncle Qu stopped her. "Wait a minute."

Looking at Hua Mi's back, Uncle Qu asked,"If there are a large number of mutant beasts approaching outside, how did you survive?"

This shouldn't be the case. He knows that mutant beasts are powerful. Just the few mutant beasts that appear in E City Base can destroy the entire E City Base.

Not to mention the large group of mutated beasts that Hua Mi mentioned.

He made it clear that he didn't trust Hua Mi.