Hua Mi didn't bother with Uncle Qu; she just opened the door and walked out. There was not a single zombie outside.

They were all cleared out before Hua Mi came in.

Uncle Qu chased to the door and said to Hua Mi,

"Well, let me trust you for once. You go and bring Dr. Lin and your husband and children in. We have more people here to protect you."

But Hua Mi was unmoved by these words; she went straight out of the door and charged with a long knife.

Uncle Qu looked at her back, filled with anger.

He thought Hua Mi made an excuse and ran to them just to ask them to take her in.

Just like when Su Ruyan came running over.

As a result, Hua Mi left without looking back. What was this? Do you want them to run out of the bunker and beg her to come back?

Uncle Qu couldn't figure out the key to this, so he saw Hua Mi wielding a knife and killing the zombies.

Soon, her figure disappeared into the zombie wave.

Hua Mi then entered the ruins where Captain Zhao was.

Uncle Qu's eyes narrowed for a while. This woman was chubby and had a fair face. Unexpectedly, she was very good at picking up a knife to chop zombies.

Uncle Qu immediately turned around and found Qu Yimin. He asked,

"Has she always been very good at killing zombies?"

Qu Yimin nodded.

Hua Mi's figure is now out of shape; her face looks like a white bun, but she is much thinner than she was during her late pregnancy.

Qu Yimin didn't look carefully at what Hua Mi's face looked like now.

She said to Uncle Qu submissively,

"That woman is indeed very powerful. When we followed them, we saw that it was that woman who was beating zombies most of the time."

"Doctor Lin was repairing the power grid. Her husband is nowhere to be seen."

Uncle Qu nodded clearly.

"If that's the case, then if she joins us again, we will agree."

In this team of more than 100 people, no one has been able to do what Hua Mi did. Come and go freely among the zombies.

Uncle Qu saw clearly that Hua Mi, a woman with such strong fighting ability, played a greater role than Su Ruyan, the embroidered pillow-like woman.

Then he heard Qu Yimin say,

"Actually, her man is more powerful than her, but he doesn't often leave the RV."

Uncle Qu's eyes lit up after hearing this. Isn't what the world lacks the most now, a man with strong fighting ability?

He immediately summoned his bodyguards and sent two people out to the RV to invite Gong Yi over.

Qu Yimin followed Uncle Qu and asked,

"Uncle, are we going to guard this bunker to the death?"

Uncle Qu shook his head and said,

"Don't listen to that woman's nonsense; do you know those mutant beasts? How fast is it?"

"When your uncle and I came out of the E City base, I brought more than 200 people with me, and now there are only 100 people left."

Now the woman said that the wave of mutant beasts that appeared had passed for several hours.

"Do you know how far those mutant beasts can run in a few hours?"

So what Uncle Qu meant was to look at the problem dialectically.

After he comforted Qu Yimin, he waited for the people he sent out to invite Gong Yi, Doctor Lin, and the two children.

Inside, the bodyguards of the Qu family were still doing their own thing, playing cards and drinking.

Some men even teased Su Ruyan, who had her leg broken.

The ultimate evil was going on inside the bunker.

Just there. At this time, a mutated beast rushed in from nowhere, pounced directly at Qu Yimin, and bit the throat of a man behind her. At this time, Qu Yimin had not yet reacted.

All the men in the bunker were doing their own thing without any sense of crisis. It wasn't until a burst of warm liquid hit the back of Qu Yimin's head that she turned back tremblingly and looked at a pair of pointed ears behind her. There was a humanoid mutant beast with a long tail behind its butt.

The mutant beast's mouth was full of blood, and it stared at Qu Yimin with a pair of golden vertical pupils.

Qu Yimin opened her mouth and was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound.

She just stood still. A man next to Qu Yimin pointed at his companion, whose throat was bitten, and suddenly reacted.

He hurriedly took out his gun.

But before he could take aim, another mutant beast rushed out of the open door. Come in, jump directly into the bunker, and join the group of men playing cards.

"Close the door; close the door quickly! ! ! "

Uncle Qu shouted loudly.

Then, the moment the bunker door was closed, there was a crashing sound outside the door.

It was the mutated beast that had arrived outside the bunker and crashed into the bunker door.

Qu Yimin's face turned pale. After coming back to her senses, she looked at Uncle Qu and asked tremblingly,

"Uncle, what's wrong, uncle? What happened?"

Uncle Qu didn't have time to answer Qu Yimin. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qu Yimin's wrist.

Originally, Uncle Qu wanted to take Qu Yimin to the basement, but Qu Yimin didn't know what kind of stimulation she got. She shouted loudly, "What happened? What on earth happened? Don't touch me; don't touch me. I beg you, don't touch me."

She couldn't control herself at all and screamed loudly.

Her expression was crazy, and her behavior was not like that of a sane woman at all.

Uncle Qu raised his hand and slapped Qu Yimin in the face.

Qu Yimin suddenly became quiet. looked at Uncle Qu blankly.

Uncle Qu said,What that woman said is true; there is a mutated beast coming over."

"If there is indeed a large group, none of us here can survive. You go to the basement and block the door."

The bodyguards of the Qu family took out their weapons in panic and began to search in the bunker to see where they could shoot.

  Qu Yimin was dragged by Uncle Qu and pushed directly towards the basement.

Her face was pale, and there was a lot of blood on her body.

Just when Uncle Qu was about to push her into the basement, Qu Yimin suddenly regained her consciousness. She reached out and held Uncle Qu's arm and asked in a panic,Uncle, what should you do?"

Gunshots rang out, proving that there are already bodyguards who have discovered traces of mutant beasts.

But they were prepared too late. At this moment, half of their bunkers were zombies and half were mutant beasts.

Mutated beasts are constantly attacking the door of the bunker. Mutated beasts rush, mutated beasts rush again, then zombies rush, and zombies rush, and mutant beasts rush again.

There was chaos outside the bunker.

Uncle Qu raised his hand and touched Qu Yimin's hair; his eyes seemed to have a thousand words to explain.

But in the end, he just pursed his lips, pushed Qu Yimin into the basement, and pushed down a cabinet at the basement door with his backhand.

He had no way to explain anything to Qu Yimin. Because at this moment, Uncle Qu didn't know whether Qu Yimin could survive.

The only bloodline left in their Qu family is Qu Yimin.

Regardless of whether what Uncle Qu did was useful or not, at least before he died, a man with white hair would not give a man with black hair another chance.

"Uncle, uncle."

The basement door was being slapped wildly.

Qu Yimin wants her uncle to come back.

Now she only has her uncle as her only relative, and she is very afraid of being left alone.

Because she has nothing to rely on in these last days.

She truly felt the cruelty of the apocalypse. If she didn't have an uncle, she would once again become a toy under a man.

She was once the little princess of the Qu family. She had a natural sense of superiority, but she was once stepped on in the mud and humiliated wantonly.

Qu Yimin squatted in the dark basement and cried bitterly,I really don't have the courage to live alone, uncle, uncle; this world is too cruel, really too cruel."

Through a door, more than a dozen mutant beasts rushed towards her. Upon entering the bunker, the ground was full of messy supplies and torn survivors.

  Not all Qu family bodyguards will be torn to pieces by mutant beasts.

Though these mutant beasts are very fast, they are not very strong, and their bodies are extremely fragile.

As long as the survivor can give the mutant beast a knife, the mutant beast will be cut in half.

Uncle Qu stood in the middle of the bodyguards. He looked at the chaos around him and shouted anxiously, "You must pay attention to the rhythm and don't let these mutated beasts rush in and disrupt our position."

"Think carefully; we also killed them from City E. We have experience dealing with these mutant beasts."

But it was too late for him to say this.

Because no one was prepared before these mutant beasts rushed in.

Though Hua Mi had already warned them once that there would be a wave of mutant beasts coming,.

But no one paid attention to it, which resulted in many people dying in the beginning.

When everyone hurriedly prepared under the command of Uncle Qu, there were only more than fifty members of the Qu family left in the bunker.

Just as these fifty or so people were hacking the last mutant beast to death on the ground, the survivor closest to the window suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

He turned his head, covered in blood, and looked at the tightly sealed window. There was a thunderous sound outside.

Before the survivors could react, the window was broken.

Countless zombies piled up from outside the window, swarming in like a flood.

Everyone screamed in horror. They had just killed a dozen mutant beasts, and they had lost half of their number.

  Before that, none of them thought that their current location was being surrounded by a zombie wave.

The result was like this: zombies kept squeezing in through the windows.

The Qu family's bodyguards hurriedly began to deal with the zombies.

  There were so many zombies that many of the Qu family's bodyguards were bitten by zombies.

A bodyguard, covered in blood, ran to Uncle Qu and shouted loudly,

"What should we do now? What should we do?"

What can Uncle Qu do?

His face was ashen. He looked at the panic-looking bodyguard in front of him and finally made up his mind and said, "You guys go; go your own way."

"If anyone can survive, don't worry about me anymore. If everyone is not lucky, great, then we can be companions on Huangquan Road."

When he said this, he was already prepared to die.

The bodyguard standing in front of him stared with tears in his eyes.

He looked back at the zombies in the bunker, then looked at Uncle Qu and cried.

"I'm sorry, I have been taking care of you since the end of the world. Please take care of yourself."

After saying that, the bodyguard turned and left, calling a few people. Let's kill together towards the door.

Uncle Qu stood behind these people, watching them bravely fight their way out of the encirclement, but he did not move.

Because he knew he couldn't leave anymore.

At his age, he would probably become a burden to these people if he followed them out.

Uncle Qu suddenly laughed at himself. He felt that he had turned into a kind person when he was dying. This was simply incredible.

He has never been a good person. For someone who has climbed to his position, what evil has he never done in his life?

Even when his bodyguards were tormenting Su Ruyan like crazy, Uncle Qu felt indifferent.

"Retribution, retribution~~"

Uncle Qu clasped his hands behind his back, as if he were back before the end of the world, taking a walk and turning around.

He was shaking his head and humming an opera.

When Uncle Qu passed by Su Ruyan's room, he saw that Su Ruyan was still tied to the bed.

Perhaps realizing that there were zombies outside the room, Su Ruyan glared at Uncle Qu, who was passing by.

"Let me go; let me go quickly! The zombies are coming."

"Hurry up and let me go."

The uncle smiled at her with contempt. "If I let you go, where can you go? What efforts can you make to change the current situation?"

"Can you survive?"

After saying this, Uncle Qu was actually idle and strode into Su Ruyan's room.

He sat down by Su Ruyan's bed, still sighing.I really didn't expect that I would die with you in the end."

The disgust in his tone made Su Ruyan feel that Uncle Qu was really evil.

It can be said that Uncle Qu's attitude towards her was full of ridicule and contempt.

Why was he looking at her like she was a burden? Who was Uncle Qu?

He was actually full of ridicule and contempt for her dignified space superpower. !

The anger in Su Ruyan's heart was rising.Where I'm going and what I'm going to do, that's not something you can tell."

"At least I have the ability to find teammates. My teammates will take me and shuttle freely among the zombies."

"And you have been relying on your bodyguards until now. You are old and useless; you can't even hold a knife."

"Even if you want to move freely among the zombies, you can't do it."

Amid Su Ruyan's unbridled contempt, Uncle Qu raised his head and laughed. .

He felt as if Su Ruyan was telling a joke.