Uncle Qu did not refute Su Ruyan but nodded.Yes, yes, you are right. You look down on me, and I look down on you. We are both burdens."

"So we are already prepared for this apocalypse, but without any value, we are just people who are not suitable for this apocalypse."

"We should die."

Su Ruyan, whose leg was broken, looked at the crazy Uncle Qu in disbelief.

Do all Qu family members have such a crazy gene?

Qu Yimin is also very crazy.

Uncle Qu is like this now.

A long line of zombies swayed outside the door, and Su Ruyan yelled in despair.

"That's because you have no effect on the apocalypse. That's because you are born unadapted to the apocalypse! It's not like me!!!"

"I'm a space superpower. My superpower came specifically for the coming of the end of the world."

"I am the most noble person in the world."

The end of the world is coming; isn't there a shortage of materials at the end of the world? Wouldn't it be true that if you still have supplies on you, they will be snatched away by people with malicious intentions?

So it would be nice to have space power.

She would store supplies in the space. No one knew how many supplies were hidden in Su Ruyan's space.

So how could she not adapt to the apocalypse?

She was born for the coming of the end of the world.

No one gave Su Ruyan an answer, and Uncle Qu just smiled and let Su Ruyan dream.

The first criterion for adapting to the apocalypse is to hide one's arrogance.

Neither he nor Su Ruyan could do this.

So they both deserved to die.

The zombies had already swarmed into their room. Countless hands reached out to the two of them, and their sharp teeth bit into their flesh.

Uncle Qu's consciousness gradually became blurred, and the pain disappeared bit by bit.

He thought that when his consciousness disappeared, maybe he would become a zombie; maybe not.

But it was none of his business anymore; he was going to die soon.

That's great; he was already very tired from living in this apocalypse anyway.

Hua Mi had already entered the ruins where Captain Zhao was at this time.

It has to be said that Captain Zhao's ruins are much safer than the Qu family's bunker.

At least it doesn't leak like the Qu family's bunker.

  Except for the main door, the rest of the ruins have been firmly sealed by collapsed cement stones.

But before Hua Mi could speak, she heard the screams from the Qu family.

Her expression changed; she turned around with her big knife in hand and walked out of the ruins again.

There is nothing to announce; the mutant beasts are here.

Captain Zhao also rushed out of the ruins with 10 people.

Before he could ask what happened, two mutant beasts rushed in front of them at extremely fast speeds.

Captain Zhao hurriedly raised his hand and subconsciously killed a mutated beast before looking at Hua Mi.

Hua Mi had already killed a large number of mutant beasts with her long knife, and she ran directly towards the RV.

"Captain, what are these things?"

Captain Zhao's teammates looked at him in panic and pointed at the two humanoid mutant beasts on the ground.

Captain Zhao's face turned ugly. He had previously spoken to people from the Qu family on the phone and learned that another monster called a mutant beast had appeared in the world.

"I heard that the difference between these monsters and zombies is that the zombies die and their numbers will gradually decrease."

"Zombies cannot reproduce in the apocalypse, but mutant beasts can reproduce."

When Captain Zhao said this, his teammates asked anxiously,Captain, what should we do now?"

"It seems that a lot of zombies are coming again."

The captain glanced around, and indeed, the surrounding situation made him feel very dangerous. .

Those zombie waves were also mixed with mutant beasts, and some zombies were attacking the mutant beasts.

Those zombies could briefly help Captain Zhao and the others block some mutated beasts, but they couldn't last long at all.

Because Captain Zhao discovered a dense mass of mutant beasts behind a large group of zombies.

He gritted his teeth, looked in the direction Hua Mi was running, and immediately shook his head.

"Let's go; let's follow her."

He took the lead in holding the knife and ran behind Hua Mi, like Hua Mi's tail, running all the way. Outside the edge of the RV.

Hua Mi looked back, frowned, and asked, "Why are you following me? Go kill monsters."

Looking towards the Qu family, there were almost a dozen bodyguards coming to them.

They saw the vacuum belt next to the RV. No matter how huge the zombies and mutant beasts were, they would not get close to the RV.

So is there any mystery behind this RV?

Everyone moved closer to the RV, resulting in a wave of mutant beasts and zombies, all centered around the RV, constantly attacking it.

During this period, zombies and mutant beasts were still attacking each other.

The scene was in chaos.

"Don't stay with me; I'll kill you all."

Hua Mi felt that these people who came over had not yet fully realized the seriousness of the problem.

While she was killing zombies and mutant beasts, she looked up and looked around to find Gong Yi.

And in the RV behind her, her brother's cry suddenly came out, and then her sister started crying again.

The two little guys seemed to realize that the situation outside was very urgent.

Their cries made Hua Mi's heart hurt.

Though she knew that her brother and sister would not be in any danger if they stayed in the RV,.

But at this time, when the child cries, the mother will feel particularly distressed.

Hua Mi turned around and entered the vacuum belt of the RV to comfort the child.

Captain Zhao stopped her.

"Wait, wait, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Captain Zhao also discovered that the area around the RV was very strange. There was a large open area where zombies and mutant beasts couldn't get in.

He tried to walk into the clearing, but approaching the edge of the clearing was like touching a jelly-like barrier.

This barrier is still transparent and invisible, perfectly separating everyone from the RV.

Captain Zhao and others were unable to enter.

He nervously looked at Hua Mi's figure, who was about to go in, and asked, "You don't want to just leave us and go into this vacuum zone alone?"

Hua Mi frowned and said impatiently,

" The children are crying; I will comfort them."

After that, she left.

Captain Zhao hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Hua Mi.No, no, there are so many zombies now, and if you leave, won't we be short of a fighting force?"

"When did this happen? You are still thinking about coaxing the child; our lives matter."

The men present felt very angry, so they said that women taking care of children were such trouble, and they couldn't figure out what was the key and what was not the key.

Seeing that there are zombies and mutated beasts all around, how can Hua Mi think about coaxing her children at this time?