Hua Mi's face was cold. She looked Captain Zhao up and down carefully and said,

  "You are a strange person. My own children are crying. Can't I go and comfort them?" 

"But we are going to die!"

Captain Zhao shouted anxiously at Hua Mi.

"Your fighting power is so strong, we can't handle it once you leave."

Hua Mi raised her hand and pushed Captain Zhao aside, who was blocking her, and she stepped into the vacuum and said,

"Who cares about you? I have to coax my children now. For me, my children are the most important thing."

She was able to inform the Qu family and Captain Zhao, and Hua Mi already felt that she was very kind.

Now that her brother and sister are crying, what does the life and death of others have to do with her?

She can't ignore her own children for the sake of others.

Captain Zhao cursed loudly and pointed at Hua Mi's back as she entered the RV. He was so angry that he didn't know what to do.

He couldn't enter this vacuum zone now and beat up Hua Mi.

Besides, he couldn't defeat Hua Mi.

Captain Zhao could only pick up his knife and continue killing zombies with his teammates.

After a while, a bodyguard from the Qu family came over and fought side by side with Captain Zhao.

"The space superpower in your team is dead."

Captain Zhao glanced at the bodyguard who said this:

  "Now let's talk about this. What's the use? She's dead, and you didn't torture her."

The bodyguard said again,

"She vomited out all the supplies of your team before she died. Do you think we should go back and take out these supplies?"

"We'll help you kill them."

Captain Zhao looked at the bodyguard and asked, while killing zombies and mutant beasts,

"Why are you helping me?"

The bodyguard said,

"Our boss Qu is already dead. He led us to find supplies. Now that he is dead, we have lost the source of supplies."

"So I think we can cooperate."

"How about this? You have less than 10 people there, and I have more than a dozen people here. Together, we can be considered a strong team."

Captain Zhao nodded immediately, without much hesitation.

Now it was clear that the people in the RV ignored them and did not care about their lives or deaths.

Then, of course, they have to find ways to find supplies themselves.

Anyhow, the supplies that Su Ruyan spit out were what Captain Zhao and the others had found in the zombie wave in the past few months.

Now it's just a matter of getting back his own supplies.

And just when Captain Zhao and others stumbled their way to the Qu family's bunker,.

Only bones were left inside the bunker.

Everyone who could be eaten has been eaten.

This mutated beast eats more cleanly than zombies, leaving no one alive.

A group of people stood outside the bunker and slowly cleared a clearing.

These mutant beasts are very fast, but if you master the rhythm, the survivors and mutant beasts may not lose to fighting.

There was a teammate standing outside the door, looking at the gloomy atmosphere inside. He couldn't help but feel timid and unwilling to enter the bunker.

"You go to the front first."

One man encouraged another man.

The instigating person glared at the man fiercely, unwilling to take a step forward.

He even stepped back half a meter.

Captain Zhao glared at these people, who were greedy for life and feared death. He took out a flashlight from his backpack and shined a light inside.

Everyone immediately prepared for battle.

They are afraid that if they lost their minds, the mutant beast inside would escape.

At this time, behind the crowd, a female voice said coldly,

"It's all eggs; there are no mutant beasts anymore."

Everyone turned around in a hurry and saw Hua Mi, who had finished coaxing the child and was standing behind them.

Captain Zhao frowned.

"How do you know there are no mutant beasts here anymore?"

Hua Mi walked over with a long knife in hand, and everyone unconsciously split into two sides. She stood directly at the door of the bunker and swung a knife inside. Take action.

Immediately, there was the sound of heavy objects falling.

Instantly, a pungent smell of gasoline overflowed from the bunker.

Captain Zhao and others hurriedly covered their mouths and noses.

"What did you throw away? Is it gasoline? Are you planning to burn this?"

Hua Mi turned around with a half-smile.

"Didn't you see that there are mutated beast eggs here? If I don't burn them, do we wait for them to hatch and continue to eat the survivors?"


Hua Mi knew that the eggs of the mutant beasts could not be kept without having to find someone to dissect them.

After they have just eaten a group of people and obtained enough nutrients, the mutant beasts will multiply these things on the human bones.

The genes of mutant beasts are so weird that no one can figure out what species they will evolve into during their next reproduction.

Therefore, if you see the eggs of mutant beasts, you must burn them immediately.

Everyone saw Hua Mi take out a lighter, start a fire, and throw it inside. Captain Zhao's people immediately said angrily,

"Are you crazy? There are a lot of supplies in here. If you burn them, what about us? Aren't all the supplies also burned?"

Hua Mi extinguished the lighter in her hand, took two steps back, and pointed at the dark door in front of her. "Then you go in and get the supplies. I can't guarantee that while you are getting the supplies, these eggs won't be hatched."

"How can it be so fast? How long has it been?"

The person who spoke was a bodyguard of Zeng Qu's family. His eyes were red, and he looked at Hua Mi fiercely, as if looking at some enemy. " We all escaped from the E City base, and it's not like we haven't seen the eggs of this mutant beast hatch."

"It takes at least several days for such eggs to come out. How long has it been now? Not even half a day. ."

Hua Mi nodded.Yes, you don't even have half a day."

"But in just half a day, more than half of you have died."

"You originally had 100 people, right? Now there are only a few people left. How many people are there?"

Hua Mi pointed at the twenty or so people on the spot. Among the twenty or so people, there were also a few who were Captain Zhao's people.

She raised her thumb and pointed toward the door.Why are mutant beasts called mutant beasts? It's because their genes are very unstable and may mutate anytime and anywhere."

"Perhaps the kind of mutation you encountered at the E City base takes several days for their eggs to hatch, but for the mutated beasts you encountered this time, it may only take a few minutes for their eggs to hatch."

"Who can control genetic mutation? No one."

The Qu family bodyguard sneered.

"Don't think you know a lot. You know so much. Why don't you go to work in the Xiangcheng base? Let's see if you can do it."

"We don't have any supplies now. What else can we do? I don't know how long I will be trapped in this place, so of course I have to find all the supplies as much as possible."

"The supplies are so precious now!"