Hua Mi made a "please" gesture, indicating that those men could come in; it didn't matter.

However, the Qu family's bodyguards and Captain Zhao's people were a little hesitant at this time.

Captain Zhao's teammates said whimsically,

"How about you ask your doctor Lin to give us some supplies, and then we won't go in?"

Hua Mi laughed,

"How can you threaten me if you go in or not?"

It was at this time that Captain Zhao squinted at Hua Mi and asked,

"Are you also a space superpower?"

As soon as these words appeared, the more than twenty people at the entrance of the bunker fell silent.

Captain Zhao said to Hua Mi,

  "I just saw you throw a bucket of gasoline into this with a casual flick. Where did your bucket of gasoline come from?" 

"Are you hiding in the space? Do you directly throw it out like this?"

He had worked with Su Ruyan for more than a year before, and he knew the convenience of being a person with spatial powers.

In the past, Su Ruyan could throw out a bunch of supplies with just a flick of her hand.

Thinking back to Hua Mi, she had always had a disdainful attitude towards Su Ruyan.

Captain Zhao suddenly realized that Su Ruyan's spatial ability was not the only one in the apocalypse, as she said.

Hua Mi, a fat woman, not only has great fighting ability, she is also a space superpower.

This perfectly explains why Lin Zhigang always said that he had no teleportation tickets in his hand, but the few people in their RV never went out to look for supplies.

Because there are supplies in Hua Mi's space.

Captain Zhao's words made the eyes of the surrounding men gleam.

At this moment, a woman stumbled through a room full of mutant eggs.

Her feet stepped on the dense white bones and finally stood inside the door, looking at Hua Mi outside the door calmly.

  It was Qu Yimin who was trapped in the basement by Uncle Qu.

Hua Mi lit the lighter in her hand.

"Come out quickly; I want to light up."

Just when everyone thought Qu Yimin would run out, Qu Yimin slowly shook her head.

She picked up an emerald ring from her feet.

That ring belongs to Uncle Qu.

Next to the ring was a pair of bones that had been chewed clean.

Her uncle is dead.

Hua Mi frowned and looked at Qu Yimin's heartbroken look.

She was slightly impatient and said,

"Don't delay any more. If you don't come out, I'll burn you too."

Captain Zhao and the other men next to her immediately changed their attitudes after learning that Hua Mi was a space superpower. He made a 360-degree transformation and said,

"Yes, burn this place down quickly."

"I saw it. They were all eggs. They were all densely packed. When these eggs hatch, I don't know how many little mutant beasts there will be."

"It's about to burn. Leave this woman alone."

The men outside the door no longer wanted to go in to find supplies.

After they lost Su Ruyan, a space power user, they met another space power user.

  Moreover, this space superpower is more powerful in combat than Su Ruyan, a burden that only knows how to be protected by the entire team.

Captain Zhao and others didn't need to discuss it; they decided in a minute. From now on, they would hug Hua Mi's lap tightly and follow Hua Mi to live their lives.

Among them, the bodyguards of the Qu family were silent, one by one. They knew that this was the eldest lady of the Qu family.

After the end of the world, to be honest, Uncle Qu treated them well.

But at this time, none of them wanted to take the helpless eldest daughter of the Qu family with them, but they did not add insult to injury and encouraged Hua Mi to burn Qu Yimin to death quickly.

Perhaps their silence at this moment is their greatest kindness at this moment.

Hua Mi glanced at Captain Zhao and the others but said nothing.

She turned her gaze to Qu Yimin and asked with her eyes, Can Qu Yimin come out?

Qu Yimin's eyes were filled with tears. At this time, her eyes were no longer as timid and turbid as before.

Instead, Hua Mi felt that this was one of the few sober moments in Qu Yimin's life.

Hua Mi, who was standing outside the door, frowned slightly and said to Qu Yimin,

"I used to hate you, but there are many women like you in the apocalypse."

"Some people will die, but some people will choose Nirvana and be reborn. If you are lucky enough and strong enough, you will live in a new world."

Qu Yimin shed tears and shook her head slowly. "I can't do it anymore; I'm too tired; I don't have the courage to live."

She was tortured at the hands of Hu Yanxiang.

At that time, she knew that she might not be able to return to the E City base alive to meet her brother and the elders of the Qu family.

Later, she contacted Uncle Qu, who was her only relative, but now he is also dead.

How can Qu Yimin live alone in the apocalypse? She's not that strong.

Look at the Qu family bodyguards outside. Who is willing to bear the burden of her life in the apocalypse?

There was no one.

Qu Yimin stood in the mutant beast's egg and slowly opened her arms.

She cried and said to Hua Mi,

"I finally remembered where I saw you, and I know who you are."

She knew.

Maybe Qu Yimin didn't recognize Hua Mi at the beginning.

At the moment when her mind had just returned to clarity, Qu Yimin recognized the woman in front of her. She was Hua Mi, the big-bellied woman she had wanted to get rid of before.

But what's the point of knowing now? Her uncle is dead; what should Qu Yimin do with this news?

It's not like she could be as good at dancing as other women and step forward to curry favor with Hua Mi.

It was impossible for her to go forward and chop Hua Mi to death with her strong fighting power, like others.

Qu Yimin can't do anything.

She didn't even say clearly what Hua Mi's true identity was: Light the fire, give me a ride, thank you."

Qu Yimin slowly closed her eyes, with a smile on her face.

It seemed that as long as Hua Mi dropped the lighter in her hand, she could go back to before the end of the world, to the time when she was the eldest lady of the Qu family.

She is still arrogant and domineering, still arrogant and naive. She has parents and brothers, as well as uncles and aunts, who hold her in the palm of their hands and love her.

She grew up in E City, where the Qu family was like a local emperor.

She has classmates there, relatives, people who love her, and people she loves.

With an expressionless face, Hua Mi threw the lighter into the mutant beast's lair.

and instantly ignited the raging fire.

Qu Yimin was so happy that her face was filled with an innocent smile, and her body was burning with fire.

She finally has to say goodbye to this fucking apocalypse.

No, never again.