Her Beginning, His Possession

At midnight at 2 am;

Luna Andrei was not feeling well. So, she got up and thought about Eva, retired to her room. She reached there. Open her room door and looked towards her bed that was neat with no puckering. She moved towards the washroom knocked it. When no one spoke, she opened the door and spotted an empty bathroom. Later, she moved towards her study and got her sleeping on the chair. She moved towards her and noticed a beer bottle on the ground, but when she took her hand to make her stand, she looked at her injured hand. A lone tear escaped from her eye. She ran towards the drawer and took out the medical kit. She placed it on the table and started cleaning her hand wound.

After cleaning her wound, she bandaged it. Later, she took Eva's one hand and put it across her neck and put her hand across her waist. By giving her support, she took her into her bedroom and made her lay on the bed. After covering her with a duvet, she kissed her forehead and left from there. She reached into her room and lay on her bed. She started weeping. Because of her daughter's broken condition, she was also broke down.

In the Morning:

Eva opened her eyes with a headache and retired to the washroom. After doing morning chores, she moved out.

In-room, her mother Luna was already present with coconut water. Eva took it. She gulped it down and started roaming in the room with no purpose because she didn't want to answer her mom anything. But thus her mother called her and said.

"Why are you avoiding me? I will not ask you how or why you got your hand injured. "

"ONLY, tell me when you are going to stop this. I can't have you like this. Please have some mercy on yourself and stop doing this. Please Eva; please,"

"Mom, sorry. I lost my control last night. But it won't happen next time; promise," Eva said.

Her mom sighed and kissed her forehead.

"I hope so you will forget everything and start a new life soon," said her mother.

Eva smiled towards her.

"Now lay in the bed and have some rest. I'll send your breakfast in your room," said mother.

"Mom, I have an urgent meeting. You know, yesterday's meeting had canceled because of an accident. So according to reschedule, it's today. I have to go, but I promise I won't do extra work or take stress now. I'll get ready.

She said ok and moved away.

Evangeline POV;

I know mom is in restlessness. Because of my condition, she is in pain. But it won't happen again because of that ungrateful person.

I can't hurt my mom. So, I'll again make myself strong. I'll fight with my heart, mind, and soul only for mom. She has done so many things for me. Because of her, I am alive. Now I can't be a reason for her breakdown. If seeing me like this makes her restless. Then I'll try my best to keep her away. By these thoughts and self-promising, I moved to the shower cubicle and had a shower, got dressed, did my bandage again, and reached downstairs for breakfast as I had eaten nothing from yesterday morning. I was feeling a little hungry. I ate my breakfast and went to the office. When I reached there it was 11 am, I held the meeting, at 1 pm at my office. So, I was there before the time I cross-checked all preparations and did some office work.

Exactly at 1 pm, Emma (secretary) came and told me about Wilson's arrival. I stood up from my chair and moved towards the staff block from the elevator. They will come there. Meanwhile, I saw a person moving towards me with a lot of men surrounding him. I voiced Emma, and she gave me a bouquet. I forwarded it to him.

"Welcome to LA and especially to our office, Mr. Wilson," I exclaimed.

He forwarded his hand, took the bouquet.

"It's my pleasure to come and meet you. Ms. Andrei's," He said and came inside.

After a cup of tea, we start our meeting in the meeting hall

After 1 hour of meeting, I signed a contract paper regarding our partnership, and when their time came to sign. Mr. Wilson voiced out.

"I'll take these papers back home after signing from our company CEO. I'll send a copy to you," He said.

I knew that the person attending the meeting was not the CEO, Mr. Wilson. So, I got annoyed.

"What is this behavior of your CEO? I don't think so. He knows about the importance of this meeting. That's why he is not here. Is he this much non-punctual and undisciplined person? Then I'm sorry. I don't think our partnership will go on," she replied.

He said.

"He was ready to come here, but out of sudden, his father met with an accident. So, he has to go there. He exclaimed to say sorry on his behalf. So, Ms. Andrei doesn't mind him,"

After our little chit-chat, I bid him farewell. He flew away.

As I was hell tired so from a meeting, I moved home. After dinner, I fell asleep because of tiredness.

On another side,

When Aeryn came home from the hospital, he was smiling. After seeing his smile, gavriel asked him; in an astonished and happy tone.

"What happened, dude? Tell me the secret behind your smile because you are smiling after a very long time. I don't even remember the last time when I saw your smile. So, tell me, buddy,"

suddenly Aeryn changed his expression and made a serious face. He said.

"There is nothing do your work" and went to his room.

After going into the room, he started smiling again. He took off his clothes and put on a white t-shirt and trousers. He moved to the bed for sleep.

But again, after laying on the bed. Aeryn started thinking about his angel. He voiced out.

"I have my eyes on you, my angel. Soon, you are going to be there, in my arms. Because your right place is in my heart, in my arms. I have waited for a long time now my wait is over, and your count down is starting"

Tick Tock 1

Tick Tock 2

Tick Tock 3


Just wait and watch how I'm going to snatch you from the whole world.....no, not from the world, but you. Because your world is me. Nobody has the dare or guts to take my angel away from me, but oh, you're not only an angel but a wild kitten also.