I Own her

At Aeryn's Flat

When Gavriel came home from meeting with Andrei, He was happy with a little sad. When he went to the living room, Aeryn was there, playing the game on his cell phone. He sat on the couch with a thud and said:

"Buddy, here you are playing the game. And there I have to tell a lie about Uncle's accident," if you were free, then why did you not go for a meeting???

Tell me.

"My choice was I don't want to go. So, I didn't go simple," Aeryn said.

"Because of you, the first time I have to listen to something and have to excuse her on your behalf,"

"Oh, who has the guts to tell you something. Tell me the name of that person I'll meet him,"

"No, Buddy, there is no need to meet her. She is hot. When she was saying to me all those things, she was looking damn cute. "

"Who is that person who has an honor for your praises??? Aeryn asked.

"Ms. Andrei's,"

Aeryn's expressions changed. He said.

"Oh, you are talking about your sister-in-law,"

Gav's jaw fell to the floor. He said;

"What who is my sis-in-law. Buddy, that is not fair. I know she is sexy, but you didn't even meet her. I met her first so, she will be my girlfriend and on my bed first,"

Out of sudden, Aeryn got up, moved towards Gav and jerked him from the collar of his shirt, and said

"Don't you dare to say; something cheap about her again? She is going to be mine. She will be my wedded wife. I own her. She is mine,"

You are my brother. That's why I'm leaving you this time. Don't say; something cheap about her again. Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do and left his collar.

"Alright, dude, relax. We are brothers. We can't fight over a girl. If you want her, you can have her from now onward. I'll look at her as my sister. But please relax. Later he questioned:

"But Aeryn, you have not even seen her suddenly. How can you become this possessive over? her, you are ready to kill me. I'm not able to understand this. Will, you clear this for me?"

Aeryn didn't speak. Then Gav exclaimed:

"Aeryn, I have been with you for the last seven years. I have not seen you; to date any girl thus what happened now you forget about angel did you???

then Aeryn looked towards him with red eyes and said;

"From now onward, she will be my angel,"

"you mean replacement," Gav said.

Instead of answering him, he got up from the couch and moved to the room. Behind him, he can listen to Gav's yelling. He was saying; tell me, buddy, you can't hide everything from me. Bud, listen. But he left.

On reaching the room, he called someone and ordered:

"Alex, I have a word for you,"

He exclaimed, "Sure, boss, tell me."

Then Aeryn spoke:

"I want to know everything about Ms. Evangeline Andrei's the CEO of Andrei's group of companies everything, from her birth to till now every single detail, "

Alex said;

"Sure, the boss gives me some time. I'll report to you back.

"Alright, take your time, but I want obvious results with no mistake," and hang up.

Now he thought about something and retired to the living room, where Gav was present. Seeing Aeryn, he made a straight face, showing him anger, but Aeryn ignored his face and said:

"Tomorrow, go back to France and handle everything there," thus Gav voiced out:

"What about here's work?"

Aeryn replied, "As for here, I'll see."

Then he walked off.

While Gav was thinking, he didn't want to come here. But now, he doesn't want to go back. Why? Because of his angel..., Argh. Gav moved to the room, had a shower, and retired to sleep. Because tomorrow morning he has to go back.

On the other side, Aeryn lay on the bed and took his cell phone, seeing his angel's pics. While seeing pics, he exclaimed;

"Wait, my angel. I'm coming,"


It was 7 am. Gavriel flew back to France. While Aeryn got up from bed and did the morning chores, later he continued jogging. After reaching home, get ready in his black 2- piece dress. Thus, he left for work towards Andrei's office. Because of their partnership, he got a separate office cabin on the same floor as Eva. When he reached the office, the time was 9:30. Emma greeted him and called for a cup of coffee, and moved out. She called Eva and told her about Mr. Wilson's arrival.

On the other side, Eva was ready in her black dress and leaving for the office when she got a phone call from Emma. She told her about his arrival. When Eva reached the office, Eva reached Aeryn's cabin. She knocked and opened the door. When she opened the door, she saw a figure sitting on a chair facing his back towards her. She said;

"Hello! Mr. Wilson, welcome to our office. I didn't think about you arriving here so early," and stand in front of his office desk.


Yesterday, I found out you commented on my punctuality and disciplined behavior. So, I realized to show you my this side also," Aeryn said and turned towards his angel.

When she saw him, she said;

"YOU, you are CEO of Wilson group of companies," he nodded. "I can't understand why you didn't tell me in the hospital, " she asked.

"I didn't consider telling you because I considered that was not important," He replied.

"YOUUU," she said in frustration by raising her index finger. "Yes: me," He said.

"No, nothing. Let's forget about that and be professional," Eva exclaimed.

"Call all your staff related to our project in the meeting room in 10 minutes. I want to work from now. So, hurry," Aeryn said while putting on a firm face.

Okay, she said and left.

When she has gone, he started smiling and said;

"Not so long,"

Outside his office, Eva called Emma and said; to inform everyone. And call them in a meeting room in 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, everyone was in the meeting room. They were discussing their project details and were giving suggestions. The suggestion specified by Eva has been liked by Aeryn very much.

"My angel has grown up not only into a gorgeous goddess but also a successful businesswoman. You don't want to do business, thus why are you here? I'll find out soon. But you are doing very well in your field," He thought.

He was in his thoughts when he overheard a voice calling him and saying: Sir, what do you feel about this proposal. He asked by looking towards Eva, what do you think, Miss Evangeline.

"I don't think so. There is any mistake," She replied.

"Okay, then we will follow this proposal," he said.

Then Eva dismissed the meeting and went towards her cabin.

After reaching her cabin, she sat on a chair. She thought Aeryn was outstanding while doing business. That's why he and his company falls in the top 10 world companies. So, it will be a benefit for my company also and start doing some paperwork.

On another side in Aeryn's cabin, he started feeling sad and started missing her again. So he went into her cabin. He got up from his chair and went towards her office. When he entered by knocking. He saw her sitting in the chair, and then he got his heartbeat back. He went towards her desk and sat there.

"Yes, Mr. Wilson, do you want something?" She asked.

"Yes, you," He replied.

"What?" she asked.

then he said;

"Why don't you ask me for a cup of coffee,"

then she said:

"sure," and called Emma for two coffee cups and hung up.

After a while, Emma entered her office. She gestured her to put the coffee on the table beside the couch and leave. When she left. She stood from her chair and went towards the couch, sat there, and exclaimed:

"Why you don't join me now?"

He hurriedly got up and sat on the couch beside her. While sipping her coffee, she felt a hot stare on her. Yes, he was staring at her consistently. When she was not able to tolerate she said;

"Will you stop staring at me? I'm feeling uncomfortable with your stare,"

"You got scared," He asked in a mocking tone. She said; didn't you listen to what I have said

"I'm saying I felt uncomfortable, not scared,"

then he smirks towards her.

He was sipping his coffee. But Eva stood up. Because she finished her. She was ready to go, but he said;

"I came for discussion. Bring the papers here,"

As for professional work, she brought papers and started discussing them. 5 minutes went by when she felt an ardent gaze again. She raised her eyes to look at Aeryn but did; the biggest mistake.

As their eyes came into contact, their gaze got locked. Eva saw him looking towards her eyes, then towards her lips. When he saw her lips, he gulped down. By seeing him gulping down through his Adam apples, she also gulped down. But she didn't know why? After seeing; her body's reaction towards his gulping. He got the courage to kiss her. He leaned towards her face.

She didn't know why, but seeing him leaning his face towards her, she wanted to resist. She wished to slap him hard and yearned to run from here. But instead of all these, she closed her eyes.

When he saw her, closing her eyes, and gave in. He smirked. He leans towards her lips. But bites on her cheek instead of lips and left from there.

Aeryn not only left her cabin but also from the office building. He sat in his car and cursed himself for letting her go because he needed her. Aeryn needed her right now. But he left her. Because he knew if he tastes her lips. Then he won't be able to control his inner demon from devouring her and she is not ready for this yet. He also knows she won't be able to forgive herself after this kiss. So, he let her go for this time.

In his desperate condition, he reached his flat. Aeryn needed a shower, so he had a very long, cold shower to suppress his inner demon. After getting stable, he came out in trousers only, sat on the bed edge and picked his cell phone, opened his phone, and saw her pics. While watching her pics. He said;

"Angel! This time, I controlled myself just for you. But next time, I won't control myself from devouring you. So, it will be better for you if you don't call my inner demon out because if he came out, no one is going to save you from me."

Aeryn closed his eyes, leaning on the bed.