The Restless Patel in Roses of Love

Aeryn's POV

I didn't go to the office because I wanted to tease her. I wanted to see her reaction After not finding me there. And She did the same as I thought. When the doorbell rang, I went to open the door. I went there directly after coming from the shower. But I was surprised to see her. She looked gorgeous. That was the first time I saw her wearing pants and a coat with a white undershirt. She perfectly looked like a businesswoman.

I was more than happy to see her first step towards me. I felt that she was feeling uncomfortable. So, I took the initiative and asked her why she was here in a concerned way. I didn't want to give her a look that I was happy or waiting for her.

After greeting her, I invited her inside. She gave me a bouquet of lilies, I love them, and she knew it. I felt more than happy. So, I asked her how she knew that. She said her friend likes them. So, she randomly picked them. I felt a bang in my heart. I was angry. But when she looked at me, my anger melted like ice, looking at her eyes, holding some unexplained feelings. I smiled towards her and offered her coffee.

Sipping coffee, I asked her about friendship, Because I wanted to start it from the start. I proposed to her and showed my feelings a little too fast. For all of this, she had not prepared. So, that's why I decided to take it slowly. I wanted her to feel comfortable with me. She is mine, that is for sure. Just I need to plan things that will work out, and then she will be with me in my arms Because she belongs to me only.

To my surprise she said:

"I don't have any objection."

And I'm sure she was also unaware of what she was saying.

But I thanked her, giving her a soft kiss on her knuckles. She pulled her hand and stood up. To tease her, I asked her if she didn't like me kissing her.

To my surprise, she said no, it's not like that, and went away.

A satisfactorily smirk glanced on my lips. That was my Angel's first step towards me.




The Next Day

Evangeline went to the office as Aeryn was already there. They started doing their work. They discussed some work in the meeting room and worked on their project. At 3 pm Aeryn went to the construction site to check out work there. After checking, he went directly to his home.

Eva also did her work and moved towards her home. At night Eva thought about Aeryn.

"Why didn't you talk to me about our friendship or something other than work?" Eva talked to herself and fell asleep.

On the other side, Aeryn was leaning on his bed's headboard and seeing her angel's pics. He was smiling when he got a call.

"Alex, what happened? Did you get any information? It has been a lot of days." Aeryn's tone was grave, with no hint of a previous smile on his face.

"Yes, Sir. I got some information." Alex said.

"Good, send me the file till tomorrow at my flat," Aeryn said.

"But Sir, something is missing," Alex's voice filled with horror and worry.

"Shoot, What you have to say,"

"Sir, five years back, Ms. Evangeline went to France. When she went there, she was jolly and happy but after she came back. She became sedate and solemn. Nobody knew what happened to her in France that changed her completely. She was no longer chubby and cheerful. She became sober. She started to study hard and, with a lot of hard work, she became capable of inheriting the position of CEO about one and a half years back."

"Anything else,"

"No, Sir,"

"Okay, then go to France and find out what happened with her five years ago that changed her. Once you find it, immediately tell me."

Before Alex could say something, Aeryn abruptly ended the call.

"I'll soon find out. What made you change that much, my angel? How did you come here? Soon." Aeryn said while looking at his angel's pics.



Almost a week has passed since their meeting in Aeryn's flat.

They didn't talk much except for work.

Aeryn didn't say anything or give her any attention.

She was feeling infuriated and felt like Aeryn was avoiding her. Does he doesn't want her now? What happened to him? Why is he avoiding me? These types of thoughts were coming into Eva's brain. She decided to ask him why he was doing this to her.

With this determination, she fell asleep.



Next Morning

The continuous beeping of the alarm woke Eva up. She turned off the alarm clock and got up. Eva stretched her body a little and went to the washroom.

She was very excited and also nervous for today. Eva did her morning chores and had a long hot shower. She came out of the washroom by wrapping a towel around her body and went to the closet.

She picked a simple white prom dress and white heels. She put her waist-length hair open with a wavy curl. When she was ready, she moved towards her office. Aeryn was not there yet. So, Eva started waiting for him. She didn't know why she was waiting for him, Why she couldn't tolerate his ignorance. At first, she wanted him to stay away from her.

After a lot of wait, she heard Emma.

"Ma'am! Sir reached in his office a while ago,"


What should I do? It would be alright if I go and check him out. No, what he would think. Probably, he would think I came to him like a lost puppy. I won't ask him. Why is he avoiding me?

Gosh! What am I thinking? Why am I thinking about him like that? He talked about friendship a week ago. Now he doesn't even want to be my friend.

So, she neglected the idea of talking to him. She started busy with files. During the lunch break, She called Emma.

"Where are you?"

"Doing lunch, Ma'am. Do you need something?"

"No, you carry on," Eva hung up.

She stood from her chair to go to the cafe as Emma was already eating her lunch. So, she didn't want to disturb her. She decided to grab her lunch by herself.

Eva moved towards the elevator as the cafe was on the 9th floor and Eva's office on the top floor. She was going to press the elevator's button. Suddenly, the elevator door opened, and the person bumped into her. Due to bumping, she pushed back and, her feet lost balance, she was going to fall, When a person's hands grabbed her from the waist.

Eva saw him with wide eyes as the person made her stand on her feet. After Eva stood on her feet, The person moved to leave.

"Aeryn, wait...

Aeryn stopped but didn't turn his face towards her.

"Aeryn, why are you avoiding me?" Eva asked, playing with her fingers.

"No, I'm not avoiding you." Aeryn's back was still facing her.

Eva moved towards him and stood in front of him.

"Then, why are you not even facing me?"

Aeryn didn't say anything.

"What happened? I'm watching you, it's almost a week, and you are not talking to me except for work. What did I do? Why are you doing this?" Eva said almost, stopping her tears that were threatening to fall.

"You did not do anything. Why are you feeling like that? It's nothing." Aeryn exclaimed, avoiding eye contact.

"Last time you told me, we are friends. But after that, you are not even talking to me. Before friendship, you were so good with me."

Eva exclaimed with tears in her eyes. She was trying to hold them, but Aeryn's bleakness was breaking her heart. Eva doesn't know why his behavior was hurting her. She felt that pain again, but this time it was for Aeryn, not Asher.