Tangled Love

"What do you want," Aeryn said while caressing her hair.

Eva felt good from his touch. She didn't know why she was feeling attracted to him. While in the past, when he touched her or kissed her, she hated him.

"I, I don't know. Just don't ignore me. I don't like it when you pay no attention to me." Eva said while looking at her feet. She didn't know, but she was saying. Just Eva was talking her heart out.

Aeryn lifted her head by her chin. He made her eye contact with him.

"I didn't ignore you, and I can't. Why? The reason you knew it. I was handling my emotions these days. That's why I didn't talk to you much. I know, I can't resist myself, that's why I was doing this. I...., Aeryn stopped but said to himself, I love you that, was not hearable to anyone other than him.

"Please don't do something like this again. We are friends, Nah, and friends won't leave. You know what? You are fortunate Because you are my first friend." Eva smiled sadly.

"Yeah, lucky because you are mine. Now let's go for lunch. I'm sorry you had not taken breakfast." Aeryn said while caressing her cheek.

Eva felt a spark, an electric wave that crawled down her spine, and she jolted. But immediately maintained herself, She glimpsed at Aeryn, who had a smirk on his face, but Eva decided to ignore it.

Instead of going to a cafe, both went to a restaurant. Aeryn offered her a chair. When Eva sat down, he moved towards his chair. They ate their food in silence but, after lunch, both did some chit-chat. Then Aeryn came to know that Eva had not visited most of the places there. So, he thought of a plan and decided to invite her for a tour.

"Angel, would you like to go for a tour with me. I also have not seen many places out there. We would enjoy it a lot and also have a chance to get to know each other better." Aeryn said lightly but in an intimate voice.

But Eva got angry.

"Why do you always call me Angel when you know my name is Evangeline. Can you please call me by my name?" Eva was scowling.

"I like to call you angel. Even your name has a word angel-like Ev-angel-in. So, it's simple. But why don't you like me calling you an angel? Is it something bothering you regarding this word." Aeryn was calm and observed her expressions.

Eva didn't say a mint, then spoke.

"No, it's nothing. No one is bothering me. Only I can control myself, not someone from my memory." Eva was lost in her world and came back when Aeryn said:

"What did you say? Who is controlling you from your memorization?" Aeryn was focused.

"No, I said only, I can control myself, not even my inner self. Who sometimes bothers me." Eva covered up her blunder.

"Oh! then what did you think about the tour?"

"I, I don't know. I'll think about this."

"Sure, but Let me know when you'll be ready. I'll be waiting for your yes," Aeryn said while smirking.

Eva nodded.

Aeryn called the waiter, and he came. Aeryn paid bills with his credit card, and they left for office. After getting free, both went home.

Eva was happy. She didn't know why but she felt good with Aeryn. But then she reminds herself.

"Eva, it's just friendship. Nothing more. You can't love him. Love is nothing for good. It's your destruction."

Then Asher came to her mind, and her heart started feeling heavy. With a heavy heart and poisonous memory of the past, she fell asleep.



Aeryn's POV;

I was ignoring her deliberately. I just wanted her to feel desperate. Because if she starts feeling even a little bit, it will be a lot easier for me to trap her. And she fell into my trap.

When I bumped into her outside the lift, she was in my arms. I wanted to taste her lips very ineptly, but I controlled my urge to claim her. I looked into her eyes, which contained emotions of my bleakness. So, I gave it a final hit. I made her stand on her feet and moved to leave without saying anything.

Then she called, and a satisfied smirk came to my lips, but I didn't turn towards her. I wanted to bring her to her bottom line, and she came. She told me all those things, and I knew it already. I knew that she had started loving me, but she didn't even know. So, I decided to take things slowly. I wanted her to accept her feelings by herself.

I wanted to say I love you, but I controlled myself and diverted the topic by inviting her to lunch. Because I knew she didn't eat anything. No one knew, but I had installed a small pen camera into her office desk. I haven't talked to her recently. That's why I put the pen tracker in her cabin. During lunch, we chatted, and I invited her to the tour. She said she'd think. But I know she'll come.



One month later

Time passed like a blink of an eye. Both were comfortable with each other, especially, Eva Because Aeryn was already in love with Eva. They do office work together, laugh together and almost every day do lunch together. They didn't do any romantic thing in the past month, but they came close to each other. Eva came to know about his family and friends. She felt sympathy for him as he lost his mother, uncle, and ant in an accident when he was eighteen. Eva felt attached and didn't know what she felt about him was friendship or something else? But now, she didn't want to lose him.

Aeryn was almost successful in making her fall for him. He cared for her, cherished her, and made her comfortable around her. Now he decided to take the second step of his plan. He controlled himself for the past month only for her, but now he decided to do some romantic stuff. Because he wanted to make her his wife, not a friend. He loved her, and now is time to claim her.

Aeryn decided something as his smirk glanced on his lips.