The Precious Moment

It's Sunday.

The continuous ringing of her cell phone woke Eva from a sound sleep. She glanced at the bedside clock. The numbers read it was seven o'clock in the morning. Her anger flared as she grabbed her phone as rang once more.

"What?" Eva rubbed the sleep from her eyes and, without seeing caller id, she asked.

"It's me, Aeryn."

Eva flinched and, her cell phone fell into the bed covers. She composed herself and grabbed the phone.

"Oh, What is it? You called me this early. What happened? Today is off. So, what's up?"

"Relax, nothing happened. I want to take you out for an outing. I asked you almost one month ago. But you didn't respond. So, I arranged it today as we have an office off."

"But, I

Aeryn cut her sentence and said:

"No buts or ifs we are going out it's final. Be ready till 8 o'clock. I'll pick you up."

Before Eva could respond, the call ended abruptly.

She hugged the cell phone and laid on her back on the bed. A small lively smile curved on her lips.

After that, she tossed her cell phone on the nightstand and stood, stretching her arms above her head getting, all the creaks and tightness out of the body. Time was limited. She needed to get a shower and dress for the outing. She started flipping her clothes out of the closet to decide which clothing she should wear.

At last, she decided to wear ripped jeans with a white crop top. In this top, her smooth white skin and navel were showing a little bit. She decided to go with a black jacket over a white top.

She made her hair open and wore sneakers. She was wearing her sneakers when her mother came into the room.

"Wow, my daughter is looking pretty. Finally, she decided to look like a girl. Otherwise, you always looked like a classy boss lady." Luna kissed her forehead and smiled.

Eva nodded her head and returned the smile.

"Where are you going early in the morning. While it's Sunday."

"Mom, Aeryn wants to take me out. He asked me a month ago, but I forgot. Now, he decided today and, I didn't want to decline him. That's why I got ready."

"That's great. I'm very happy for you two. Aeryn is a good man. He'll care for you and make you happy." Luna said, brushing her palm on Eva's cheek.

"Mom, it's not like this. We are just friends. Not more than this." Eva said and, her cell phone rang.

"Mom, he is outside. I'm going bye" Eva kissed Luna's cheeks and went away.

While Luna said

"I had seen shine in your eyes and glow on your face when you mentioned Aeryn's name. I know you love him.

God, give my Eva all the happiness of the world. She suffered very much in those five years. Now she deserved happiness and calm in her life. Make Aeryn a blessing for her."

By saying this Luna, moved out of her room.





Aeryn was leaning on his black BMW. When Eva moved towards him, Aeryn held his breath. She was gorgeous. Aeryn scanned her body from head to toe. When he shifted his eyes from chest to stomach, he saw her smooth white skin. Her navel was not showing, but if she raised her hand. Then her top will be up and, her navel will be on display. Eva approached him.

"Hey," Eva was blushing and, her face was red because he saw him scanning her body.

"You are looking beautiful," Aeryn exclaimed, smirking. He smirked, seeing blush all over her face due to him.

"Are you ready for a trip?"

Eva nodded, pressing her lips tight.

Aeryn wanted to make her lips pressed by his but, he controlled his need and exclaimed.

"Let's go." Aeryn opened the front door of his BMW for her. When she sat, he moved towards the driver seat to start the car.

While driving, Aeryn said:

"Where do you want to go first?"

"Anywhere." Eva shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, then let's go to a restaurant first. I'm sure you didn't have breakfast. So, first, we'll eat our breakfast, then go for a journey.

Fifteen minutes later, they were in a restaurant waiting for their order while chatting. Five minutes later, the waiter came with their breakfast. Both ate their food and, Aeryn paid the bill. Then both moved towards the car.

Aeryn took her to Hollywood. There, they visit TCL Chinese Theatre, Hollywood boulevard, wax museum, and many more places. Then they had lunch in Hollywood and, lastly, they went to the Hollywood walk of fame.

After their jaunting in Hollywood, Aeryn took her to Venice.

They walked through Venice, Eva was happy. She was observing everything with keen interest. Aeryn was happy seeing her happy face. During this journey, he saw Eva's childish side that wants love, care, and freedom. She was enjoying everything cheerfully. They did many things like discovering new things, helping others, riding the rides like a crazy person. There Aeryn came to know that Eva is crazy about rides. She became another person during rides. They ate street food also, and Eva loved them. They also eat ice cream.

While eating ice cream, some of it remained on her lips. When Aeryn looked at her lips, he wanted to taste those lips very badly and suck off breath from her lungs, But he couldn't. When Eva noticed him glancing at her, she asked him by raising her eyebrows.

"What happened?"

Aeryn said nothing by nodding his head in No and smiling a little. He forwarded his hands towards her lips. He made her lips clean from his finger and took his finger between his lips.

He licked his finger in a sexy way. When Eva saw him doing that, she felt a tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach and a strong urge to kiss him.

Without her knowing she also licked her lips.

By seeing her licking her lips, a smirk came to Aeryn's lips. He was happy that Eva's body knew her master and her body responded to him.

When Eva saw his smirk, she came to her senses, she said to herself:

"Stop your brain, Eva. It's not good for you."

Then Aeryn took her to Venice beach. When they reached, there was sunset, and the scene was breathtaking. Eva immediately removed her sneakers and started walking on sand.

Waves of water were kissing her feet while sand was offering her seat. Aeryn was behind her carrying her shoes. She stopped at a point and spread her arms by inhaling air, she said:

"Just for one minute, stand still, look at the sky, observe the setting sun and contemplate how amazing your life is."

"Yeah, my life is amazing. Because I have you in my life." Aeryn accepted, looking at her. But she didn't listen as she was busy enjoying this moment.

"Let's go. I have a surprise for you." Aeryn voiced out, pulling her from her arms.

They moved towards the marina where yachts and small boats were present.

"Why are we here?" Eva exclaimed.

"I told you, Nah, it's a surprise. If you don't want me to blindfold you, then keep quiet."

Eva shrugged her shoulders and followed him.

They stopped in front of the yacht.

Aeryn moved in and forwarded his hand to Eva.

Eva exclaimed, taking his hand.

"So, this is your surprise. It's good, but I don't know how to swim. If something happened, who would save me."

"I'm here with you. So, you don't need to worry about anything." They moved inside, and Aeryn took her to the second floor of the yacht.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. Is it for me?" Eva exclaimed in excitement, hugging his arm.

When Aeryn saw her hugging his arm, a deep smile came to his lips. But when Eva followed his gaze, she felt awkward, and she immediately pulled her hand.

"I took you here. So, it's clear everything is for you and you liked it. I'm more than happy." Aeryn caressed her hair.

Aeryn took Eva's hand, and both moved towards the couch, and the driver started driving the yacht. In the center of the settee, a table was present. That has filled with various dishes, and the surroundings had decorated with candles and roses.

Eva sat on the couch, and beside her, Aeryn sat. He took the champagne bottle from the table and filled two glasses. He passed one glass towards Eva, who took it.

"It's more like a dinner date." Eva exclaimed, sipping champagne from her glass.

"You can consider it. I don't have any objection."

Eva choked on her sip and smiled awkwardly.

Aeryn smiled, looking at her antics.

Then they got busy eating and the yacht was deep inside the sea. After eating, Aeryn took her hand, and they moved towards the third floor.

By reaching there, Eva gripped the railing and started observing the sky full of stars. For a minute, Aeryn looked at her, then he moved and stood across her. He placed his hand on her. Eva smiled, seeing his movements but didn't say anything.

"The sky is looking beautiful and complete with stars and moon," Eva exclaimed.

"Just like me. When you are with me, I feel complete." Eva looked at him.

Aeryn took something from his pants pocket and bent to his knee.

On his knee, he opened the box. There was a beautiful diamond ring.

"I loved you from the start when I saw you the first time. I fell for you every day and every night. My day starts and nightfall by missing you. I'm no more myself. You are my doze, and I can't live without you. My life is incomplete without you. Will you please accept me in your life and make me and my life complete? Will you be mine? Will you marry me?" Aeryn asked, forwarding his hand to her.