Desperate Soul in the Desert for Love

Eva went towards her clothes and said:

"Can you please go out? I have to change."

Aeryn nodded and went out. When he moved out of the hut, he was annoyed. He did all of those things to make her his and now by seeing her tears. He thought everything went in vain.

When Eva moved out, she was in her clothes. She handed his shirt to him. Without looking at him and said:

"Thanks for this shirt." And she went towards the beachside, where they set fire at night. Aeryn took his shirt and sniffed it. The same fragrance of chocolate was coming from it. A smile came to his lips, and he wore it.

They were sitting on stones near the beach when they heard a yacht coming towards them.

"Thank god. Finally, someone came to our rescue." Eva exclaimed.

Aeryn just nodded because he was not happy. He had decided to make her his before going back. But things turned out different.

When the yacht stopped before them, the helmsman came and said:

"Sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were not on the yacht. Sorry"

"It's ok. Now, move."Aeryn's voice was solemn. He moved into the yacht and forwarded his hand to Eva. But she didn't take it and moved in.

The rest of the journey went into deep silence. Both didn't talk with each other. Aeryn tried to speak to her, but she didn't respond Because she was fighting her feelings.

She didn't want to accept her feelings. Eva didn't want to love again. That's why she wanted to go away from him. Eva knew if he did something and they came into a moment, Eva would accept him. And she didn't want to lose.

When they reached Venice beach, Eva immediately went out. Aeryn followed him. They sat on Aeryn's BMW and moved towards LA. They were almost there when three cars started following them. They started firing on Aeryn's car, Eva got panic. Aeryn speeded up.

"Aeryn, what happened? Who are these people? Why are they firing on us?"

"How can I know? Angel," Aeryn said, looking back and forth. He was concerned about her safety.

Due to fear, Eva closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hands. The car's all-glass had broken. Eva started crying when a bullet passed near her ear.

"Angel, Come to my lap. Fast, Angel. We don't have time to waste." Aeryn's voice filled with care, love, and concern. He was worried for her Angel's safety. He could fight with them single-handedly but not with his Angel. He didn't want to do anything that would harm his Angel.

Eva came to his lap and hugged him by locking her hands to his neck. She was sobbing.

"Angel, don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. I'll not let them harm you. Believe me. I'll save you.

You are my heart. I won't let anyone harm you. You are safe here in my arms. Trust me." Aeryn was caressing her back with one hand while the other was on the steering wheel. Suddenly, a bullet passed through his left shoulder. Aeryn hissed in pain. But right now, his top priority was his Angel.

Aeryn took his cell phone from the dashboard of the car and called his men in the warehouse.

"Where are you all? Someone has attacked me. I can't fight with them right now. Come to point A(location). And kill them all."

"Yes, boss, we will be there in five minutes." Aeryn tossed his cell phone on the passenger seat.

"Angel, you will be all right. I'll save you. Alright, don't be scared." Eva didn't respond. She fell unconscious when he was on call.

"Angel, Angel, talk to me. Please, Angel, don't do like this." Aeryn made her face him with his right hand while his left hand was on the steering wheel. His shoulder, arm, and fist were feeling extreme pain. The pain was shooting in the form of a wave from shoulder to hand digits. But he ignored his pain And continued driving while hugging his life.

Soon, he crossed point A. His men were already there. When Aeryn crossed them, he moved towards the hospital. After all, now his, Angel, was saved from those people because his men could handle them. So, his priority was to take her hospital for treatment. Because she got some cuts also from glass breaking and she was bleeding.

In the hospital, Eva was getting treatment while Aeryn stood beside her bed. The nurses and doctors were requesting him to get treatment because he was also bleeding, and his condition was way worse than hers. But Aeryn stood there watching his Angel. Until his eyes had encircled by darkness, and he fell to the floor.

Five hours later, Eva woke up. She found herself in the hospital bed. Eva immediately stood and started going out. The nurse stopped her, but she didn't stop.

"Where is the man who took me here?" Eva's voice was worried and helpless.

"Ma'am, you should rest. You just woke up. If you are stressed again, you will pass out." The nurse said, taking her back towards her bed. But Eva pushed her and moved out of the room. When she went out, her mother and Bella were coming towards her room. She saw them and ran towards them.

When her mom and Bella looked at her, they also moved towards her. Their lips had a smile to see her again in a conscious state. But eyes had a glimpse of sadness by looking at her condition.

"Mom, did you see Aeryn. Where is he? Mom, are you listening to me. Where is he? Bella tells me where is, Aeryn. Is he all right? Tell me, dammit." Eva immediately asked them when she approached. She was becoming restless to see him.

When they didn't reply she started looking for him by opening every door of the corridor. Luna stopped her by hugging her, but she pulled herself and started searching for him. She was searching for him when she saw her father, Mr.Aiden coming out of the room. She moved there and asked his father.

"Where is Aeryn? Is he all right? Tell me, dad."

"Eva, the doctor said...

"Tell me, dad. What did he say? Why no one is telling me." Eva asked again. Her heart was heavy and beating very fast. She felt like her heart was going to explode...

But Aiden didn't say anything then she went into the room.

Entering into the room, the first thing she saw was his unconscious body on the bed. The doctor was checking his file, she asked him.

"How is my Aeryn? Doctor, he is alright?" Eva asked with a heavy heart and hope in her eyes.

"I can't say anything for now. Aeryn lost a lot of blood. And he got a bullet on his left shoulder just above his heart, If he would not wake up in the next seven hours. Then I'm sorry." By saying this doctor went away.

She stood still there. Her mother came to her and put her hand on her shoulder from the back.

"Mom, I need some time with Aeryn...Alone. You all can go home. I'm alright, now." Eva said while a lone tear fell from her eye.


Eva cut her mother and said:

"Please, mom, I need this time with him." She said and moved towards his bed. Eva sat on a chair beside his bed.

While her mother went out and told her husband and Bella to go home, She would stay here for Eva.

In the room, Eva took Aeryn's hand in her and brought it near her lips. She kissed his knuckles, and tears started falling from her eyes.

"How could you do this to me? You said you would save me. But see, my heart is not safe. My heart is with you. If something happens to you, it will also die. Wake up, please. I have not told you even how much I love you. You said you couldn't live without me. So, now why are you leaving me behind. Please open your eyes. Your, Angel, is waiting for you. Listen, if you opened your eyes, now, then I'll accept your proposal." Eva was sobbing when she listened to a weak voice.

"Seriously," She looked at him. He was smiling in triumph.

Eva hugged him, and he hissed in pain because she unknowingly pressed his wound. When he hissed, she immediately pulled off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Let me call a doctor." Eva stood to call the doctor, brushing her palm on her cheeks to wipe her tears.

Eva was going to call a doctor when Aeryn pulled her from her wrist and, she fell on his chest, but she avoided putting pressure. He again hissed, but this time he didn't let her go.