Madness of Love

Aeryn's POV;

I pulled her from her wrist and made her fall on my chest. When she fell on me, a smirk of triumph came to my lips. This time my plan worked. Yeah, this was all set up by me. I have arranged all of this beforehand. If she would still not accept me on the Island, then it would be my last weapon. But this time, she surrendered before my love and her feelings.

When we moved from the yacht and sat in a car, I messaged some goons to fire at my car just to scare her. But they not only terrified her but also hurt her. I only ordered them to break the backside glass of the car. But they broke everything. Due to this, my Angel got injured. So, I command my men to kill them all. How can they disobey me and hurt my life, my angel? When she came into the hospital room, I had already woken up. The doctor played with me and lied to her. Due to the fear, she accepted her feelings. I was listening to her every word. When she started crying, I just wanted to wake up and tell her.

"Ssshhh, I'm alright. Stop crying. You don't need to do this."

But I calmed myself because she was on edge, and this was the right time to trigger her. And she fell into my trap and confessed her feelings. That time I was not able to resist myself further. So, I opened my eyes and said

"Seriously," But she didn't respond and hugged me. I loved her response of embracing me made my heart crazy for her. But she unknowingly hurt my shoulder, due to which I hissed in pain, and she immediately pulled herself away from me and started to go out for a doctor. But I didn't want a doctor right now. I just wanted her near me in my arms, close to my heart. So, I pulled her and made her close to my heart by falling on my chest.

"Now tell me?"

"What?" Eva snuggled into my chest more, and this act of her gave me all answers but still, I wanted to listen from her mouth. I put my right hand on her waist. She was not wearing her jacket, and her top was little up to her waist. When her bare waist skin came into contact with my palm, I felt a spark. And I'm sure she felt the same because she flinched a little but soon became comfortable.

"How much you loved me?"

"When I said I love you," Eva exclaimed, playing on my chest with her fingers.

"You said you didn't even tell me how much you love me."

I said while squeezing her waist.

"So, you were listening. Why didn't you wake up? You were enjoying my condition." Eva said to me with an angry tone.

"In my consciousness, you would never tell me that you loved me. So, I decided not to rouse myself to listen to your confession."

Eva didn't say anything because she didn't know what to say.

"Now accept my proposal. I woke up."

She remained silent.

"I think you will only say that you love me when I would be in a coma.....

Eva immediately put her palm on my lips and cut my sentence.

"Please, don't say that again. You don't know how much I was scared and how much my heart was paining to see you unconscious. I can't bear to lose you. Don't leave me, ever."

I mumbled something, but due to his palm on my mouth. It was not audible, then Eva removed her hand from my lips and said sorry.

"You loved me. right?" I asked again.

This time she put her head on my chest and nodded her head in yes, and I could feel a smile on her lips because they were on my chest.

A smile came to my lips that were full of love and peace, and I kissed her head. A lone tear fell from my eye due to happiness. I was more than happy because finally, the person who belonged to me was in my arms with willingness. I knew I was selfish, and all of the things I did were wrong. But I can be mean and much more than this just for her. She is the only one who can tame a person like me, a devil. She is the only one for whom I can fight with anyone or everyone. She is mine, and she will be mine in every situation. Till now, she only saw my love for her. But if she tried to trigger me by going away or doing something that was not bearable for me. Then she will face my wrath of obsession for her. From now onward, she will be with me with her consent or without it.

After five minutes, she tried to move away from me. But I gripped her from her waist and said,

"Sleep with me. Don't you dare to go away?" I moved aside and made a place for her on the bed. She hesitated and exclaimed:

"I won't go away. I'm just going to a couch." Eva again tried to stand.

"I said stay with me here, close to my heart." My tone was commanding.

His tone was commanding, but this didn't affect her.

She moved next to him just because of his insistence. She also wanted to stay close to him. So, she laid beside him, and he wrapped his right hand across her waist. She felt her goosebumps standstill by his touch. But soon, she felt comfortable. Both were lying on the hospital bed.

They were the people who didn't want to love. But now they were madly in love with each other. Aeryn's love for her was full of obsession. He wanted her from the start, and now he will do everything to make her stay with him all her life by hook or by crook.

On the other hand, Eva's love for him was just absolute and austere. She didn't want to love again after all of the sufferings Eva suffered due to Asher. But, Aeryn's love and his consistency made her guards low. She again fell in love, but this time the person was Aeryn. Her feelings for him were a mixture of love, care, and fear.

The fear of being rejected by him like asher. She feared losing him like she lost Asher. She won't be able to bear it this time. If he did the same, she would be dead. But despite her fears, she confessed her feelings and accepted him in her life without knowing the consequences. She won't know what is waiting for her. She didn't know what she did was right or wrong. She just accepted the feelings of her heart by welcoming him into her life.

Eva's mother, Luna, saw her daughter sleeping peacefully in the arms of Aeryn through a small window glass on the door. A satisfied and peaceful smile came to her lips. She thanked God for giving her daughter peace in the form of Aeryn.

But she knew less from now on. Eva's life was in the hands of the devil. Beyond this, the devil will himself play with her daughter's dear life by loving her or paying extra attention to her. In both situations, her life was going to hell.