Struggling for Love

It's been two months since Bella's exams had done, and she wanted to go to France for her internship.

"Mom, Please. I want to do my internship there." Bella was pleading to her mom.

"No, Bella. I can't send you there. Once I had made this mistake by sending your sister there. I won't repeat this mistake of mine." Luna exclaimed, moving towards launch, and Bella followed her.

"But mom, Nothing will happen to me. Mom, Please. I promise I will take good care of myself. Please, mom," Bella said, sitting with her.

"Why do you want to go to France. You can do your internship in our own company. You don't need to go anywhere else."

"But mom, from the start. I wanted to do an internship in Wilson's company. Please, mom, it's my dream. And also their company is so famous and big. It will be great for me to do an internship there." Bella was trying to convince her mother.

"I said no it means no. I can't take a risk by sending you there away from me. You can do an internship in our company tomorrow. No need for further discussion." Luna exclaimed, handing over a cup of tea to her husband, Aiden, sitting on the couch beside her.

"But mom, I don't want to do an internship in our own company. I want to do something by myself. I don't want to depend on dad's company or Eva to do great in my grades."

Bella said with pleading eyes.

"No means no."

"Dad, Please help me. Make mom understand that not a single thing will happen to me. I will take good care of myself. I won't do anything to make you both worried. Please, dad, make mom agree. Please, please." Bella made an innocent face by pouting and blinking eyes.

"My girl, your mom is right. I'm with her. She is right about your safety. I won't try to convince her." Aiden voiced out, glancing towards her from the newspaper.

Bella huffed in anger and went away from there.

"Thanks for not taking her side this time," Luna said to her husband in a tone devoid of any emotion.

"Last time, I should not force you to send her there. I'm sorry." Aiden's voice was carrying a tinge of repentance.

Luna didn't say anything but stood from there and went to her room.

On another side

It's almost two weeks since their confession. They were lovers, but they had not done any lovey-dovey things yet. Even not a kiss, just chatting and working like friends and business partners. Aeryn tried to do it, but Eva exclaimed to him to take things slowly. Yes, she confessed her feelings to him. But still, she needed time to make things progress between them. His closeness always made her remind Asher. She was trying to adjust herself with these staff.

Eva was working on the laptop when Bella went inside her cabin. She huffed in anger and sat on the couch in her office.

"What happened? Who made my little cutie pie annoyed? Tell me? I will take that person's class." Eva exclaimed, stopping her work. She called Emma for coffee cups and snacks and moved towards her. She sat on the couch, and Bella placed her head on Eva's lap.

"Tell me?" Eva asked, caressing her hair.

"Eva, mom didn't agree."

"For what?"

"I said to her I want to go to France for an internship in Wilson's company. But she refused. Dad was also with her." Bella was complaining to her. She was like this from the start. Whenever Bella felt annoyed or had any problem, she went to Eva to soothe her worries. So, today she again came to her with her trouble.

"Mom is right, sweetheart. She doesn't want to send you away from her." Eva said to her, remaining calm.

"But, Eva, I want to go there very badly. I have been waiting for two months to go there for my internship. But mom is not concurring."

"You can do your internship here. There are a lot of companies besides ours in LA."

"But I wanted to do my internship in Wilson's company only."

"But why? Are you hiding something from me? Which I should know." Eva said, caressing her hair and smiling like Bella is her child.

"No, Eva, I didn't hide anything from you since childhood. Then how can I hide something from you now." Bella said while lifting her head. Now she sat on the couch folding her legs.

"Alright, now tell me? Why are you worried, and what happened?" Eva raised her eyebrow.

Bella was confused, but then she said:

"Eva, I loved someone. He is a very good man. He is not like other guys. Please don't say anything harsh. I know you don't believe in love, but I am seriously in love with him. I can't live without him. He is necessary for me." Bella said all of this in one breath and closed her eyes because she knew how much Eva was against love.

But the next moment, she felt Eva's palm on her cheek. But she was brushing her cheek. Bella opened her eyes.

"You are not angry with me, right?"

"When my little girl became this big to fall in love. Who is the lucky one?" Eva exclaimed to her.

Bella calmed by listening to her. She held her hand and said in excitement.

"You know him."

"I know him... But I don't think so, tell me?"

"Gavriel," Bella said with full red.

"Gavriel Wilson?" Eva asked.

Bella nodded with a red and happy face.

"So, because of him, you wanted to go there."

Bella nodded and said.

"Eva, I loved him and wanted to live with him. Please, Eva, persuade mom. I'm sure she won't let you down. She will listen to you. Only you can make her say yes. Please, Eva."

"Bella, are you out of your mind. You are still a little girl, and you don't know anything about love. You don't even meet him many times. How can you say you loved him. Mom is right for not sending you there. I won't allow you to do this nonsense." Eva's voice was deep and harsh.

Bella started weeping and said:

"You also don't want to see me happy. No one wants to see my happiness." Bella started her drama.

Eva sighed and said:

"Listen, Bel, you very well know how much I love you and how much mom, dad loves you. So, stop your drama."

"You___You think I'm doing acting. Fine, then see this.....,

Bella took the pencil from the table and pointed its nib to her throat.

If you also have not agreed with me and didn't persuade mom. Then I will die here in front of you." Eva huffed in anger and frustration.

She was going to say something when Emma came with coffee and a snack. Both looked at her. Bella stopped her acting and threw a pencil onto the table, and Eva told Emma to put things on the table and left.

When she left, Bella again forwarded her hand to pick a pencil. But hurriedly, she dropped the coffee cup, and hot coffee made her hand burnt.

Bella hissed in pain and started crying. Eva immediately went to the freezer in her office and took out an ice bag. She soothed the pain with an ice bag and said:

"Listen, Bel. You don't need to do all of this. See, you made yourself hurt. I will talk to mom, and as you said, you're sure she won't refuse me. So, smile, idiot."

"Eva, Are you serious?" Bella exclaimed by making an innocent face.

Eva nodded, and Bella hugged her tightly.

"I knew it. Like, always, you will be on my side. I love you. You are the best."

Eva smiled towards her innocent little bel.