Desperate souls

It's been one week since Aeryn went back to France because Gavriel went to America for work, and his father, Mr. Andrew, was involved in an accident. He was on bed rest, so someone needed to handle company work.

"Champs, are you serious about that girl? Because, after your angel, you mentioned to me to stop looking for girls as you don't marry anyone else but her," Andrew said, taking a bowl of soap from his son's hand.

Aeryn sat on the bed edge.

"Dad, I'm pretty sure. She is the one I need most, and please forget about her because now she is my angel."

"Your mom liked her very much. Even though she gave you her ring to give to her, she is no longer with us. Not your mom and not your angel." Andrew exclaimed, "their bitter past."

Aeryn felt the sadness in his father's voice at mentioning his mother's name.