King Aurelius (1)

Arriving at the capital is the end of our adventure. It's been fun, but now we need to focus.

The journey from the gates to the Royal Palace is different from last time. People are crowding the streets on both sides. They cheer on us when the carriage passes, and Marius hides his face when he notices they're all staring at us.

I wave my hand, greeting the people on my side.

It's odd. I've never been greeted like this anywhere. But they truly seem happy that I'm here.

People can be so strange. What has Ignis told everyone to make the peasants pleased about me?

Some children throw petals in front of the carriage as we proceed slowly. Tobin is on a horse, riding next to the carriage with his emotionless expression.

«Sir Tobin, are we going to proceed like this for the whole time?» I inquire. My hand is getting tired of greeting.