King Aurelius (2)

«How was the journey?» Ignis asks. No... Not Ignis. His Majesty, the King.

«It was pleasant, your Majesty.»

«I hope you weren't stopped from doing anything you wanted to.»

«I wasn't.»

«I'm glad.»

He smiles, and I can finally see something of my personal Ignis. It's weird, but I feel like standing next to a different person.

He has my husband's looks, but he's so different at the same time.

As if he was pretending, either with me, right now. Which one is the real Ignatius?

«Have you thought about our situation?» he continues.

«I have, your Majesty.»

«Will you tell me your response this evening?»

«Yes, I will.»

He smiles, showing his contentment for a second only.

«Will I also get my answer?» I murmur, wondering if pressing a King in the capital is allowed. I did interrogate him during our journey. Oh, I did so many criminal things after that. Yet, it didn't feel dangerous in the least.