Shock the world

«Ventis has finally assembled an army,» the Minister of Defence says. «Our border with Borea is also unstable, and it's possible they will take the chance to invade and claim part of our territories. They've been eyeing it for a long time.»

«What about the numbers?» Ignis asks, scratching his chin while observing the map. He's focused on his job, considering all the options and thinking of a strategy. I'd stare at him the whole time, but it's better to pretend to understand the map.

«They're still under control. We can deal with both armies, but we'll have to be quick and smart. We don't have time to waste.»

«I need to stay in the capital until the naming ceremony. But after that, I will reach the border.»

«Your Majesty can stay in the Palace,» the Minister points out, surprised. «I mean... it's dangerous, and the King is... Uhm, too relevant to let him close to the battleground.»

«How can I win a war if I don't fight?»