Complicated love

Marius comes back from his mission soon enough, and he snuggles in my chambers just like usual. Aria follows him, silent and a little worried.

«Hello, Aria,» I say.

«Your Majesty,» she says, curtseying perfectly.

I bet Marius helped her with this! I was right: these two have been seeing each other way more often than what was necessary for our mission.

«There is someone I'd like you to meet,» I say while walking toward the sitting room.

«Yes, your Majesty.»

«My mother is here...»

«Mo-mo... Her Majesty?» she says, opening her eyes wide.

«You can call her, her Highness, Duchess Bursio.»


«It's the same; her title is hidden, either way. She's meeting another Mage right now... Well, other two Mages. I felt it right to introduce you as well. You can ask her about anything troubling you, and my mother will know the answer. She's more powerful than I am, and she's wise.»