
I hug Ignis, checking he's all right.

Of course, he is: I just saved us from an attack. Or, better said, I lost my self-control and used magic in front of everyone.

However, Ignis's reaction is quite chilly. He doesn't start panicking. He doesn't try hiding me from sight... He does nothing as if this wasn't the worst possible outcome.

Only when he senses my panic does he wake up and realise.

«Hey, it's all right,» he says, hugging me protectively. «Just wait and see.»

He pecks my hair, and my face loses colour. Is this how one acts when their secrets are discovered? Acts all calm as if there have never been secrets?

Oh, but... I don't know, maybe it's smart.

«Thank you for saving me, wife.»

I just nod, dumbfounded. He's the King, so he's right. Let's make it simple.