A plan (1)

We reach our camp and retreat to plan. It's better to act before the enemy hears about the news. We shall surprise them and use the effect to our advantage.

Also, I need to return to the Palace in a hurry. Lars must be waiting for me, and I don't want him to suffer because of this.

«The border with Borea isn't far from here, and they have a complex relationship with magic. They don't have many Mages, but they worship them as Saints. They have no intention of fighting against one.»

«So, you think they will retreat if I show my magic?»

«I hope so. But, to work, you should use something visible and of impact. You don't need to hurt anyone. Rather, you have to scare them. They won't come back in a long while after that.»

«I see.»

My fingers are still trembling, but I smile and nod at Ignis's words. I shall focus on the next step and not continue reliving the moment when the attacker aiming at Ignis died. Because of me.

But I had no choice!