Victory celebrations (4)

It turns out that normal people hear about the King from the nobles directly. The few rumours that escape this scheme are in his favour.

But, everything a noble mouth says is absolutely poisonous.

Alba's nobility is centuries old. This is why they're so corrupted and sure their power is untouchable. They haven't been challenged in a long time. Their previous King was so devious that they looked up to him. He showed his power with his actions, and they did the same.

Now that Ignis is King, however, things might change. Even in a structured place, the nobles can't dare to overstep boundaries if the King doesn't. Indeed, the nobles don't need to follow laws so strictly, but they can't break any that their King respects.

«I need your help,» I say to the soldiers. Ignis is soundly sleeping, now snoring lightly. I'll wake him up soon and help him return to the tent. But, first, I need to do some real work.