Jealous son (2)

«Veronica, why do you do that?» Ignis inquires. His eyes are worried, but I'm not sure for whom.

Lars is still eating, this hungry thing. He is all right. And I am, too, now that he stopped nibbling on my nipple.

«Because Lars bites me when he eats. I guess his gums are annoying him, or something of that kind, because he does it so often. But he's a good boy and stops after I warn him.»


«But?» I wonder. «What should I do? Let him hurt me?»

At this point, Ignis is in a corner. He doesn't know what to say and, even worse, he doesn't know what to feel. He'd protect us both, and never would he have imagined to find us on two opposite sides.

It's funny how something so simple can break Ignis into pieces. It's so much more difficult than a campaign, isn't it?

We're not even fighting, though. And I am the mother, so I am right.

«What is it that makes you worried?» I ask.

«Nothing... I was just surprised...»