When it's over

After talking with Ignis some more, we realise we've been apart for so much. Weeks!

We spend some time agreeing that we won't follow whatever the Church tries to organise. We also note how much Lars has grown up. He's heavier, and his giggles are getting complex, maybe imitating words. Ignis plays with him for a long time until our son falls asleep. Then, Lars returns to his cradle, and it's finally my turn to get some attention. Ignis leaves Lars at his place and makes sure he's covered by his favourite blanket. He even tucks it to be sure our son doesn't wake up because of the cold.

Then, he walks to me, picks me up and carries me to the bed without any forewarning. I was going to tease him a little, but he gave me no time!

«Hey,» I say.

«I haven't held you for weeks, Ronnie,» he comments, letting me sit down before unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes sweep over me, and I don't move a finger.