What people think (1)

A few days after the parade, Aria comes to the Palace. She still uses the hidden paths, and I don't tell her she can pass through the main gate because Marius has fun guiding her.

They deserve to spend some time together, don't they? Also, I'm curious to see whether things are improving between these two. Does Flavius know how much time they spend together?

I hope it's all right among the three because it would be a pity to ruin a friendship because of teenage love. Flavius was getting along with my brother so much, and it's rare for him to feel attached to people other than Ignis or Lars. He needs a friend more than he needs a girlfriend right now.

«Hello,» I say when the two step into my chambers. «Let's have tea in the garden.»

I don't need to hide as badly anymore. Everyone knows most of my secrets already. Just my role as Crown Princess is hidden, but that one isn't all that relevant now. After all, what could it change?