Chapter 4. War and Trial

Open the dining-room door, I get inside and see my father has already been waiting for me at the dining table. He is a middle-aged man with a serious look on his face; his hair is white since he is 60 this year. His body is well-trained and several scars on his face show that he is an experienced fighter. Charles has once told me that my father killed 5 beastmen in no more than 20 seconds and saved Charles's life.

Sit down on the chair opposite of my father, I greet him:

- Good morning, father.

- Good morning, Ivar. Are your fake legs comfortable?

- It's fine, father. Although I still get used to it, I have no problem walking right now.

- It's great! when I found out that you are crippled. I do not have any hope that you will achieve greatness. However, with your intelligence, you have helped me to develop Neverwinter so far. Reports from other settlements and villages in Iceland also say that the productivity of farms and iron mines has been increased by three times. As a result, our income goes up and I can recruit 500 more men and gather more supplies against the upcoming war with the Heathen Kingdom.

- So war will come to our land, father? Has the king planned anything yet?

- Luckily that our land might not become the battlefield, the king has raised his banner and is gathering supplies. He will command the army directly and march to the Heathen Kingdom right after this winter finish and spring comes

- You will go to war with him, father? Is it dangerous?

- I have sworn loyalty and alliance to him. We have 2500 soldiers, I will take 2200 with me and leave 300 as a garrison in Neverwinter. Our spies say that Khal Kjartan plans to attack us in summer, so if we attack in spring King Mathel believes that if we attack them in spring, we can catch them by surprise and defeat them.

- How many troops does Khal Kjartan have, father? I heard that the Healthen Kingdom is very strong in terms of military powers.

- He has no less than 50000 troops and most of them are cavalry, our kingdom only has about 30000, which is the reason why King Mathel decide to attack them by surprise to gain some advantages.

The Heathen Kingdom is the kingdom found by nomadic tribes, their leader is called Khal. They are famous for their superiority in terms of cavalry. There is even a saying that: where the Heathen calvaries come, even grass can't grow. The Allestein Kingdom no doubt has a very low chance of winning this war. I'm very worried about the safety of my father since he is old for now so he can't fight as skillfully as when he was young. The difference between 30000 and 50000 is very large, so I assume king Mathel only wants to show his power to achieve some kind of peace treaty with Khal Kjartan.

Why I'm still deep in thought, my father interrupts:

- Don't be worried, you are still a child so for now, I will protect you from those fearsome riders, ok? Just hide under your bed while daddy protecting you.

Feeling embarrassed from being teased by my father, I turn my head away while trying to cover my face. I can hear my dad laughing out loud that even the maids serving food and refreshments nearly drop the water jars they are carrying. My father continues:

- Ok, enough jokes. You'll be 8 this summer so you know what you have to do, right? Have you prepared for your trial.

Oh, if he doesn't tell me, I will forget about the trial. Our house has the custom that any member of the house is given a bow when we are 8 years old and have to go hunting in the Forbidden Forest and don't return until we knock down an animal or we die. As me being a cripple, my father is very worried and has ordered his experienced man to train me to use a bow since I was 5?

- I have asked Sir George to craft a bow for you, Ivar. 3 days more is your birthday so you should start preparing now. I have made the horse cart that you called "chariot" since you'll ride that easier than riding a horse. Charles and 30 men will accompany you to the forest and wait for you for 5 days. If 5 days you don't come back, they will go inside and find you.

-Don't worry, father, Charles and Sir Andal have taught me very much about hunting. I'm confident that I can successfully pass this trial.

- Be careful, son. When I was your age and do the trial, I was nearly killed by a boar. However, house Fortuna is the house of warriors and great warriors are only born from fighting. You are my only son, so I will give any help that you need aside from accompanying you into the forest.

- I will come back as healthy as I always be, father. I will not make you disappointed.

The breakfast ends there and three days later. I get out of the castle, get into the chariot, and my trial begins.