Chapter 9: Battle for Neverwinter

Get back into the city, I climb on the wall and observe the Beastmen army. The Orc King, Kursk is riding around and say something to his troops; he is inspiring his troops for sure. I have to say something to inspire my men too. I get on a high spot, look at my men and speak loudly:

- My brave soldiers, I know that you are scared because their number is too many, so do I. However, we can not back down here. If they take our city, our families will be massacred, our women and children will be enslaved and our houses will be burned. That's the reason why we are here, we'll protect this city, we'll show the Beastmen that they can not take anything from us and the only thing they'll receive today is the destruction of themselves.

My men raise their weapons high and let out their war cry to respond. Having seen my army's morale increase, I call Charles and order him:

- Split the oil barrels on the wall surface. In the worst case that the Beastmen can get on the wall, we'll abandon it and burn its' surface with oil.

- Yes, Lord.

From afar, I hear the sound from the drums of Beastmen. They start advancing with huge beasts in the front line. In their second line, there are groups of orcs carrying siege ladders and in the central, several trolls are pushing a giant battering ram.

- Archers, FIRE!

Rain of arrows starts to pour on the Beastmen army, with the power of Japanese longbows, any Beastmen who are hit are knocked down immediately onto the ground. At least 300-400 Beastmen has fallen in the first volley. Minotaurs and trolls are easy targets since they are big, but their endurance and strength are much higher than that of orcs so it takes many arrows to kill one.

After the Beastmen see the danger of our longbows, they start to move faster with shields cover their vital parts. Although their shields can not completely block our arrows, they reduce their speed and at least a beastman doesn't die from the first shot. Some of them also use singers to throw rocks toward us. Although their accuracy is low, I hear shouts of several archers being hit by them and fall.

Using my bow, I aim at a troll and shoot, my arrow pierces its' head perfectly. It fell to the ground, crush some orcs who can not avoid its' fall. Although suffer heavy casualties, the Beastmen manage to get to only 50 meters from our wall, a troll throws its club toward the wall, which creates a huge crack. God dammit, how does it have such strength?

Seeing the fact that beastmen can get on the wall is inevitable, I call off my archers to get off the wall to get behind the formation of spearmen which is set up already. I order them to get to high positions like rooftops so that they can shot efficiently from there.

About 5 minutes later, orcs appear on the wall and roar angrily at first. Several of them charge forward to the spearmen's shield-wall formation and be killed easily. The orcs see their comrades being killed when attacking alone so they stand on the wall and wait for their kind climb up. I guess they'll charge again when there are enough orcs inside the wall.

When the wall is covered by orcs, I shout to my arches:


Bows are let loose and fire arrows cover the sky, the orcs on the wall do not acknowledge their fate until the arrows hit the oil barrels. The wall is covered in flame immediately, they cry out in pain. The wall has become a hell for orcs who is on it and even who are climbing onto it. I smell meat being burned and charcoal.

However, our advantage doesn't last long, some trolls use their huge club to smash the wall, some parts are destroyed and the Beastmen pour in like the flood and engage in melee combat with spearmen. The gate is broken open with the huge battering ram, minators lead the assault and each of their blows takes the lives of several men.


Trolls and minators are killed by arrows one by one and their numbers drop significantly. Seeing this, I know this is an opportunity to turn the table, I order Kruger:

- Lead the swordmen to attack, push those goddam beasts out of our city.

Follow Kruger, swordmen charge toward the Beastmen, they are elites in elites in terms of wielding swords. Wherever they gold, I see orcs cut in half or their heads flying after experiencing the sharpness of katanas. Among them, Kruger is like Death himself, with each movement of his spears, orcs are slaughtered. He is like a wolf in a horde of sheep's. When a minator gets in his way, he thrust his spear to its' leg, the spear goes deep into the minator. Jump on his spear and use it as a fulcrum, he jumps up and cuts the head of the minator easily.

The Beastmen army starts to tremble, some orcs run away from the battlefield. I see Kursk ride his taotie charging at our men with about 1000 taotie riders behind him. They cause huge casualty to the spearmen's formation and create a small gap. I know that if shield-wall formation is broke, we are all done.

I get on my chariot, order Charles to assemble 500 cavalries and 300 knights riding on horses. With my lead, we charge toward the taotie riders to confront them. I fire an arrow and it hits a taotie head, its' rider falls onto the ground and be crushed by my chariot. Engagement happens and horses, men, taoties, Beastmen 's cry of pain and fight are heard everywhere. I see Kursk using his huge ax cut a knight in half.

I aim at him and fire, he notices the arrows and manages to dodge it. But my second arrow hit his tactile and he falls from his mount. Angrily, he throws his ax toward me, my chariot is blown up and I am sent flying for about 3 meters. One of my fake legs is broken why I hit the ground, which means I can't move.

Seeing me fall, he rushes toward me at full speed, I shot several arrows but he dodges them easily, while he is right in front of me, he crunches his fists and tries to punch me right in the face. Luckily, my dire wolves arrive on time and bite deeply into his skin. Not wasting this chance, I take down my sword made from taotie's fang and swing it. It easily cut a Kursk's arm and sent it flying. Kursk roars in pain, his bodyguards ride up to attack me and save him, my knights join the fight too. Charles wields his sword to push back the Beastmen and protect me to the backline.

After hearing, Kursk's cry in pain and see their leader heavily wounded, the morale of Beastmen drops to zero and they start to rout from the battlefield. With protection from his bodyguards, Kursk is carried back and with his men, he tries to escape for his life too. My army killed any Beastmen who do not run fast enough, but I order them not to pursue the Beastmen too far since I don't want any more casualties.

Seeing no Beastmen left on the battlefield, the soldiers cheer: