Chapter 13: Civil war (2)

In the vast plain of Meath near the trading city of Kursk, we see an army under blue banners marching in five-column formation. At first glance, we can know that these soldiers are well-armed and trained to be disciplined. They are marching at the same pace while singing, which shows that their morale is extremely high.

Hearing my men singing, I can help but smile proudly. There are 6400 troops under my command here. Although my number is far inferior to the Royal army, I believe the overall strength of my army is superior to them. I have just acquired how to make some Greek toys, which include Greek ballista,catapult, and most importantly, Greek fire.

The city of Kursk comes in my sight, it is a big city with a high stone wall and iron gates. Aside from Neverwinter and Metus Gladius, this city is the largest trading city in the Kingdom. There is a large forest between the plain and the city. In order to let my troops rest, I order to stop the marching to encamp here. After the main tent is built, I get inside and summon my generals.

It takes about 20 minutes for everyone to show up, I start the meeting:

- The city of Kursk is not far from us now; however, the city is well-defended than I expected. I need any information about the city and Stannis Pyrell, who is known to command the garrison here.

My spymaster, Sir Manuel answers:

- Milord, our birds sing that there are 2500 soldiers in this castle. And they are elites of house Pyrell. About that guy, Stannis, he is the second son of Duke Pyrell. Not like his brother, he is well-known for his intelligence, Milord. That's why Duke Pyrell leaves him to defense his main city.

- Do we have any news from Sir Kruger and Sir Impetus?

- Milord, Sir Kruger has captured two towns and five villages. About Sir Impetus, he has managed to conquer Ostrovic, according to what his messenger says, he'll be here in about a week.

- That's good, how about the Royal Army, where is their location.

- Feared that house Crayton and house Rosewood can turn their back, Daveth Mathel stays in Metus Gladius with about 8000 troops, Milord. And Mandred Pyrell is leading the rest marching to Meath, he left the capital 2 days ago, so they'll be there in about 2 weeks.

- So we have two weeks to besiege this city, huhh? Continue to build up the fortification and the defense system of our camp, they'll be important if we can not take down the city in time. Charles, choose 50 knights to accompany me. I want to scout around a little bit. If there is nothing else to discuss, you're dismissed.

- Yes, Lord Ivar.


Riding through the forest with my knights, I speak to Charles:

- Do you receive any letters from house Rosewood and house Crayton, Charles? Convincing them to change sides is not a matter that I can talk about in the council meeting.

- We haven't received any letters from house Crayton, Milord. But Lord Rosewood answered that his army is ready and will march to the capital when there is an opportunity. He says that he has 7000 men under his banner.

- So that old guy is just want to wait and see who is the winning side, huh? Anyway, at least we know that we don't have to worry about house Rosewood for now.

While I and Charles are still talking, suddenly the wolves behave strangely, they run forward and block my horse. Stop riding, I ask the oldest, Alpha:

- What's the matter, why do you stop us?

A wolf run to a bush and jump on it, and a cry of a man can be heard. Knowing what is happening, Charles shout:


But it is too late, an arrow from an assassin on a tree pierces my left shoulder and I fell to the ground. My bodyguards attack back and use shields to cover me. Feeling pain, I am dragged by a knight to his horse, before my vision goes blank, I see Beta uses her body to stop an arrow aimed at me. From the edge of the forest, I see a man in his 20s wearing green armour with the banner of house Pyrell leading cavalries to charge against us. And then, I fainted.


Panic, I wake up with cold sweat. I'm lying in my tent, Charles and other generals are standing around my bed. Charles' arm is bandaged. They cry out happily after see that I am still alive. I slowly rise up, Ahh, my shoulder is hurt. I ask them:

- What happened after I faint?

- Milord, we were ambushed by Pyrellian soldiers. After you fainted, we tried our best to get you out of there and come back to the camp.

- Any casualties?

Hesitate for a moment, Charles, answer:

- 37 knights have been killed, Milord. And one of your wolves is killed, while three others are wounded. I'm sorry, Milord.

Goddamit, I'm sure that guy Stannis is the one who designs this ambush. I was too careless to think about the possibility of being caught up. However, a plan to pay back the debt is formed up in my head. I order:

- Order our troops to change all of our banners to funeral flags, and eat properly before nightfall.

A general seems not to understand my plan and ask me:

- But why? Milord, the soldiers are worried since they know that you could have been cured.

- That man, Stannis is a smart one, he acknowledges the difference in numbers, that's why he set up a trap. If he sees the funeral flags, he'll think that I have died and lead their troops to attack us at night, that's his only chance to win. The Royal Army is far away. So we'll bait him to get inside our camp, and then, we will give them the most unpleasant deaths that they can experience.

- We'll follow your orders, Lord Ivar.

**********( Change POV)

Stannis Pyrell is sitting with his war councils. A man is praising him:

- You're so intelligent, Stannis. That fucking cripple must have died already. No child can survive after being hit by an arrow.

- Don't be too happy yet, we have not received the evidence of his death yet. If he is still alive, his men will still have the courage to fight and as our spies say, their soldiers are much stronger than ours.

A knight gets in the room and speak:

- Sir Stannis, the enemy's banners have been put off and change to those used in the funeral, we see they are preparing for the protocols involved in a funeral.

Swann breathes deeply and closes his eyes, after a while, he opens his eyes and order:

- Order soldiers ready to fight, hire any mercenaries available, we right at nightfall.

But Stannis Pyrell doesn't know that this wrong decision will cost his life.