Chapter 24: A juicy chatter with my uncle

The tension in the room rises right after the words are spoken out of my mouth. My uncle's bodyguard put a hand on his sword, which make my knight take a step forward to warn him. My uncle sees that the situation is getting worse, he waves his hand, his bodyguard returns to normal stance. He smiles lightly:

- Ivar, if you can't explain your words, I'll take that as an insult.

- Yes, uncle. Let me show you something before we continue this topic.

I open my desk's drawer, take out some blueprints and show them to Alfred. Hesitantly, he takes them and carefully learns them. After several minutes, he raises his voice again but with delighting voice:

- This is unbelievable, how can you think of creating such a thing. If we manage to make these ships, we'll be invincible in rivers and even the seas.

The blueprints I give him are the blueprints of " Nihon Maru" and "O Taka Bune'', which were the strongest vessels in the Sengoku period in Japan. They are both sea monsters that can dominate the ocean if compared to the current crafting ships' technology. Iceland is not a suitable place to build these types of vessels, that's why I want to have house Rosewood to be under my banners. Before my uncle gets back to his normal state, I continue:

- Before you get to Neverwinter, you must have seen our land, right?

- Yes, I'm intending to ask you about that. Although it is in winter, your people seem not to suffer from hunger or poverty. I see many people can afford to buy silk clothes, how can you do that?

- I'm not going to tell you, uncle. Swear fealty to me, and I promise with you, I'll make your homeland, Oceanhall richer than you've ever imagined. Rose Harbour will become the trading center of the continent. You'll be the admiral of the strongest fleet that has ever existed in the world.

My words have touched my uncle's heart. My father usually told me about Alfred's admiration for vessels and how he always try to create them. I show him these blueprints so that he can acknowledge my capacity. I don't fear that he can refuse my proposal and still build these ships since even if he can memorize the blueprints, he doesn't know how to create the details of them. Only with the help of house Fortuna, house Rosewood can build and sail these ships.

My uncle is still deep in thoughts, maybe the profits I offer are still too low exchanged for his fealty. I need something more to convince him, I take out a little powder from a bag beside my drawer:

-If you are still hesitant, I'll show you this, uncle.

I throw the powder into a cup of water and magnificently, a fire rises from the water and enlightens the room. Alfred's eyes widen in shock, not give him chance to calm down, I whisper:

- Uncle, imagine how mighty the Rosewood fleet will become if they can control the fire that can even be ignited in water. Fight under my banners, Lord Alfred Rosewood, and your house will have everything that I've just promised.

Having hesitated for a while, Alfred Rosewood seems to have made his decision. Draw out his sword, hand it to me and kneel. I know what is going to come, I stand up, take his sword, and put it on his shoulders. This tradition has been passed down for centuries, he starts to swear his oath:

- I, Alfred Arcus Rosewood of house Rosewood, do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to Lord Ivar William IV Fortuna of house Fortuna that I will put my realm under his rules, and that I will be faithful to his heirs and successors by law, answer when being called and serve when ordered. My house will continue to be his honor's shield, sword, and spear from this moment to its' last.

-Arise, Lord Rosewood, I Ivar William IV Fortuna, Lord of Neverwinter, Duke of Iceland and Duke of Meath recognize you as my vassal, you'll share my wealth and under my protection. May the Gods witness it.

- May the Gods witness it.

He stands up and I give him back the sword. We sit back on our chairs and relax a little bit. I tell him:

- I feel a little awkward, uncle. These formalities do not suit me much.

- Haha, get used to it, Lord Ivar, you'll have to do more than these in the future.

His words make me think a little. Ah, with Rose Harbour within my realm now, the area I rule has grown enough for me to declare myself as a king. A king sounds glorious, but if I increase my status now, many things need my attention, and I'll have to spend a handsome amount of money for my coronation. If there are objections from the nobles, I'll have to suppress them as well.

Seeing that I talk no more, my uncle continues:

- You can become a king now if you want, Lord Ivar. My house will follow you, house Aetherwolf has just been defeated so they won't have any voice in this.

- There are tons of things I need to do if I want to be king at the moment, uncle. I don't know if it is worth it.

- I think it is necessary, Milord. You need a title to rule over us, I have a good relationship with the High Priest, he'll be here in one month to crown you.

I start to think seriously about whether become a king or not. Become the king means I can call for help from the church in case kingdoms with different faiths attack and borrow money from them, which is considered ideal. In addition, I'm worried about the Heathen Kingdom, Khal Kjartan signed the truce with King Mathel, not me, so he can attack my realm without worrying about breaking his word. Becoming the king will be easier to negotiate with him since our positions will be equal.

Alfred: - I believe the people want you to become king too, Lord Ivar. Your stories have become the main songs that the musicians sing, even in my land. The story is about a crippled boy who killed a monster and tamed wolves when he was 8, defeated 20000 Beastmen when he was 9, and now at 11, he defeats a king to reclaim his father's honor. They want a ruler, Ivar, and I'm sure you'll be suitable for that position. Be better for all.

Ivar:- If that is the case, uncle. I'll summon my counsel to inform them about my decision. You will send a letter to the High Priest to invite him here and recognize me as a king. The coronation will be held right after the feast celebrating victory. I believe you can complete this mission easily.

- I will not make you disappointed, Ivar. The High Priest will be here when you need him.

- Thanks, uncle. You can leave now.

My uncle leaves the room leaving me inside. I'm adapting to what is going on, becoming a king is a step closer to my dream. I stand up and get by the window, watching the snow raining outside. How should I call my kingdom? The Kingdom of Neverwinter? The Kingdom of Iceland? I need something more glorious, something that will become a symbol and be remembered forever.

A name appears in my mind. So let the name of my kingdom is the Kingdom of Fortuna, which stands for my house, which are descendants of the goddess of fortune, fate, destiny, blessings, luck, and fertility.

There'll be many things to help my new kingdom survive and thrive. Nonetheless, I believe someday, it will be recognized as the Empire of Fortuna.