Chapter 44: Prepare for a total war.

Beta Castle, a newly built castle by the Quintus River in Iceland. There is a rumor that King Ivar build this castle to celebrate his memory of one of his wolves, Beta, who died from protecting him from a stray arrow.

That's what my people talk about this castle when I started to construct it 3 years ago. However, aside from keeping the memories of Beta, I use this castle as a gathering point for my naval. Now, I'm in the office room of the castle, looking through the window watching my pride, hundreds of Nihon Maru and Otaka Bune, the heavy vessels that dominate the naval warfare in the Sengoku period.

After hearing about house Rosewood succeed in defense of Rose Harbour from the invaders, I decided to stop marching to Oceanhall to reinforce. Sir George and my uncle, Alfred Rosewood have gone there with 25000 men so with the advantages of the defenders as well as the abilities of my uncle, I reckon Rose Habour will stand even if they attack with their full force.

In the worst case, I can sail from here and reach Rose Harbour in 2 days and save the city. Here, I have 7000 elite troops under my command, 10000 men under Charles' command, and 16000 sailors under the command of the Vice Admiral of the Royal Fleet, Harry Rosewood, my cousin who has just arrived here to command the fleet in the absence of his father. I have no capable admirals in my court except for members of house Rosewood.

Moreover, I'm mobilizing levies from every corner of my kingdom. Yes, they've never held a spear in their lives but under training, they'll become be capable of fighting their enemies. In order not to disrupt my economy and production, every family only has to send a man, if there is only one man in the family, he doesn't have to go, artisans and talented workers don't have to go, too. I expect in 2 months I'll have 40000 levies here in Beta Castle. Training them will take time but I predict this will be a long war, so I'll have to prepare to fight for a long time.

A knight gets in the room:

- Your majesty, Lord Greyrat, and Lord Grimguard have come back from the Grasslands with their troops and 10000 Grasslanders. They request your audience, my king.

- Good, let them in.

They come back at the right time. If the Grasslanders are counted, I'll have 40000 soldiers in total. The Rangers have sent messages about the Lyrion Raiders split their forces and they are attacking both Summervalley and Bear Forest, with these troops, I can both ensure the safety of Veronica and gain some additional profits.

Kruger and Impetus get inside and kneel:

- Your majesty.

- Stand up. I've heard about your glorious victory in Grasslands, what can I offer for the Kingdom of Fortuna's greatest generals?

- It is our honor to serve you and the Kingdom, your majesty.

- I acknowledge your loyalty. Under my rule, loyalty will be rewarded equally. But now, we are at war, and I need you to fight for our kingdom. If you're tired from the march, you could rest for several weeks.

- No need for that, your majesty. We and our troops are ready for the new campaign.

- Good, then you have 3 days to rest here and reorganize your men. Kruger, you will take 10000 soldiers and go to Meath. Lyrion raiders have conquered the Bear Forest, should they succeed to take Metus Gladius, you know what to do.

- As you command, your majesty.

- Impetus, take 30000 men left, which include the Grasslanders and match to Veronica, Lord Harry Rosewood will escort you by ships, in 1 day you'll reach the city which I believe it is being sieged. If you manage to defeat them, build a fortress near Bear Forest and the coastline to watch out for both directions' threats. I'll send you reinforcement in 3 months.

- How many Lyrions besieging the castle, your majesty?

- About 30000.

- Then to defeat them quickly, I'll need support from the Royal Fleet.

- You'll have that, I'll talk to Lord Rosewood.

After receiving my command, they bow and get out of the room to prepare for another March. If I predict correctly, in 3 months I'll have about 60000 troops here in Beta Castle, ready to match to fight the Great Lyrion Army if they dare to set foot on the ground.


Varnasiga is burning, houses, churches, .... are in waste.

The bodies of the soldiers fighting to buy time for the citizens of the city to escape are all over the place, dying brutally. The Lyrion raiders are going from house to house, find everything valuable left and burn the house after. Hadrian Brozehand is watching the main church burning, while observing his men executing the captives. A Lyrion marauder appear:

- Master, aside from these soldiers, we find no survivors left in the city. They might have fled north, should I organize a team and chase them?

- No need for that, we don't have many horses, there must be a decent number of soldiers escorting the civilians. Pursuing them can bring us more casualties. Just loot the city and bring the loots, especially food to the ships, if we are lucky, we can catch them by the seashore.

- As you command, your mighty.

He continues to observe the execution of the captives. However, before an executioner cuts the head of a prisoner, the prisoner jumps and headbutts the Lyrion, then, the prisoner uses his teeth to cut the throat of the Lyriom before others can come to save him. It takes 5 men to push the prisoner to the ground again, a Lyrion takes down a sword intending to kill the prisoner. However, before he raises his sword, Hadrian stops him, the master of the Lyrions look at the prisoner and speaks:

- What is your name?

- Hammer my name into your brains, you barbarians. I'm Bishop Lancelot of Varnasiga, you've burned and pillaged our holy city. Not for long, the gods will punish you for your crimes. The plague will come along with the storms and sink your ships to the bottom of the sea.

Laughing uncontrollably, Hadrian speaks:

- Bring this man to the ships. I'll see if he still has this spirit after making friends with the torturers. I want him to spill out every useful information.

- As you wish, my master.