Chapter 50: Battle of Kai (2)

Eunice observes the battlefield, 50000 men, she sent as a vanguard are now being harassed badly. They are surprised by suddenly appearing strange soldiers erupt from the dirt, these Fortunians' soldier weapons are so sharp that they break the swords or axes of her soldiers after several clashes. But the more troublesome problem is the disciplined soldiers holding large shields charging downhill. Although charging, these soldiers seem not to lose their formation or show any signs of indiscipline.

If this keeps happening, half of her army will be defeated, but this region seems to be full of enemies' traps. There are certain areas that the enemies avoid going into, and when the Lyrions step into that area, they fell into spike traps being killed or maimed. Eunice turns around and asks Hansel:

- Hey old man, do something.

Being insulted by Eunice earlier, Hansel's face is a bit red:

- Why don't you do it yourself, Eunice? You have 50000 men left, just overwhelm them.

- I don't know these Fortunians have more tricks or not, you will slow down their advance and allow us to call our men back. Sending more men without a proper formation just brings more casualties on our side. Do as I command.

- Aye.

Dismounting from his horse, Hansel raises his hands to the air and aims at the center of the Fortunian formation.

- Under the name of Hansel Waldenholf, master of flame and commander of the wind, I summon the fire and wind spirits to destroy my enemies, FIRESTORM.

A huge horde of fire is unleashed toward the legionary wedge formation, with a loud sound, a group of soldiers is blown up and the fire spread wildly, catching both armies' soldiers' clothes and fleshes. Although some Lyrions are burned by fire, much more Fortunian legionaries are burned alive. Their screams can be heard.

These terrifying fires suddenly appear on the battlefield terrors of both armies as they all try to go back to their ranks, one on the upper hill of the Fortunian Army and one for the downhill of the Lyrion Army. Everything is as Hansel predicted, now the enemies are falling back, giving spaces for his comrades to retreat to behind, he can unleash more powerful and hazardous spells without concerning about being scolded by Eunice or Hadrian later.

- Under the name of Hansel Waldenholf, master of...


Eunice suddenly shouts out to Hansel, he is confused by seeing Eunice running toward him. He feels being knocked out to the ground a second before Eunice's hands reach him, he looks down and notices an arrow has pierced his chest, blood is pouring out from the wound. He adjusts his magic power trying to block the blood pouring out his veins. But his vision blanks and darkness captures him.

Seeing that Hansel has fallen, Eunice kneels to check his state, her bodyguards form a simple shield wall around them to avoid any possible arrows that might come. Hansel is still breathing, although weak but he will survive, Eunice signs in relief. Although they do not like each other much they have served the same man for nearly 10 years, so Eunice knows that they can rely on others in life and death situations.

Having no more willing to fight, Eunice orders:

- Beat the drums, retreat.


- The enemies are retreating, your majesty. Should we pursue them?

- No, let them go, we don't know if they have anyone like that man earlier or not.

I look at the retreating Lyrion army, I don't know if this is a victory or not. Although their vanguards are caught by surprise and damaged heavily, half of their army is fresh and healthy. The fire blow earlier really frighten me, its' power can be compared to that of a tank, the pointy end of the wedge formation is destroyed just by one blown.

This is the first time I encounter a mage, I didn't expect them to be this dangerous, one mage like that guy can fight as strong as hundreds of warriors. Luckily, this guy shows off too much and reveals his location, I've trained with my archery skill for my entire life, although he is nearly 800 meters away, slowing down time to calculate the movement of the wind gives me plenty of opportunities to fire. 7 continuous arrows are fired but only one hit. I need to practice more, my legs leave no space for my close combat skills to prosper, so archery is the only skill I can rely on if I want to have certain advantages while fighting my opponents.

I call the messengers and order them to send my command to the captains, I'll march to the Apollo Fortress and prepare my defense there. I'll send the rangers to investigate the information about the enemies and if possible, assasinate every mage they find, confront one in the open field is a terrible experience that I don't want to have again.


However, the cavalries led by Charles, a retainer of King Ivar doesn't know about his army's retreat, he leads his riders charging right straight at the retreating Lyrion army, thinking that those who are retreating are soldiers with shattered morale who do not have the willingness to fight back.

A brave and fierce charge, apparently, and clearly, that is a blunder for the Fortunian Army.