When the boy raises his head, his eyes immediately catch Emmanuel's. Their eyes locked for almost too long, I thought, until it broke, sheepishly.

It was until then that he followed my words and looked outside, and their demeanors changed completely. It took a moment for them to do something; they devised. Sang then spoke up.

"Alright, I'll make a path for you and you leave with them. I'll clean up everything, send the fight somewhere else and make sure that no one notices. Good?"


"Also, don't forget to pull a sleeping beauty on whoever's in this place."

-He nodded, and vanished, the doors merely rocking back and forth widely as if someone had just kicked them. Sang followed instantly, pulling us along as she sneaks to the side of the compound. We climbed the wall and found ourselves landing poorly in bushes. Ahead of us was a broad street. She lead us to a random SUV parked across, slamming her palms against the the door of the car.