"We don't have time to talk, we need to go before things go sideways."

She looks like a panting mess, as if her eyes see something that was not meant for her to witness.

"I saw them- shit, I saw them," she breathes harshly.

"Saw who?"

She begins to murmur, and I almost don't understand. My brain blanks at what I see from her lips in her whisper.

'Your parents.'

Hope rushes to me for a moment, but that moment is caught up when Sang brings me back. I shouted my brother's name, who had been in our shared -bunk- room. Sang barges into the room, catching him frozen as he sat cross-legged with a bowl of cereal. She yanks him to his feet, exiting the room with speed towards me and the door.

Now it was my hand that she held, after slamming the door closed. We began to sprint after her.

"Why are we running?" He asked, caught off guard.

"I blew our cover, we need to get out of here."