"Let me rephrase myself, you were technically using my chi- well- we are the same person, so you can say it was yours-"

She paused, seeing the confused look on my face. It was strange hearing that we were the same person. 

"You can just refer to us as me and you," I said, almost unbelieving of this fact.

She sighs, "Sure."

"I helped you awaken your chi that was mine, to begin with."

"You sound as if you don't want me awakening it."

"Oh please, I made you awaken it. I just feel superior because I know more than you."

"So you're happy I awakened it?"

"Can we stop saying awaken?- Yes I'm happy."

"But my father's not."

Realization hit me when I said that. The memories came flooding, filling the empty, content space in my soul once more, dragging me down like a ship caught in a whirlpool. It suffocated me, so much that I was dazed for that moment.

"He wasn't," I said.

She mimicked my pose and lowered her head.