"Dad- wake the hell up- gods-"

I became so frantic. I almost lost it when I saw his eyes partially open.

"Dad!" I tapped his face. "C'mon- stay awake!" 

His breaths pick up. He opens his mouth to say something.

But it was cut. By the booming thud of a fallen roof behind us. I looked behind me, seeing the walls crack. Another crash takes my eyes to the open, where I see a figure on the ground. The force was so intense, there were streaks of impact surrounding him. I saw him move.

It was Derek. He was bleeding and covered in blood.

My brother sat there, staring at the boy with fear in his eyes. There were too many people for him to worry about.

I couldn't process that in time. There was a sounded blast on my left, and when I turned to it, my heart skipped a beat.