Weakness is Strength. 6:05am.

I Sharisha was bullied by many girls for having big breasts. ever since the fourth grade they appeared and just grew like crazy.


at first boys wanted to see and touch them and girls were just as curios making me supper popular.


i was too yang to understand that my body was not something for shearing. and allowed anyone to do what they wanted to me just because i was special i did not care.


being the center of attention was so addictive.


everyone wanted to be with me.


everyone wanted to touch me.


i lost my virginity the next year to a boy from hi school. after that i was just used like dump not understanding what was happening to me.


I didn't know that sex was meant for couples who are in love.


heck I didn't know that what I was doing was called sex in the first place.


for years I called it "shearing".


boys who'd come up to me and say.

" can you share some time with me today?" and I always say yes to it as it was the only thing that keeps me special.


in time i understood, but it was too late to change things so i did nothing to change the situation. as it was too late to get my virginity back.


I lost my position of being special and became a prostitute or a slut.


all i could hope for is earning some money in the process. as man and boys simply used my body as they wanted


i lost count to how many boys used me to satisfy themselves.


then teachers found out and began to treat me even worse than boys.


and today was just like usual i Sharisha was asked to visit the boys dressing room after physical education class.


I know that boys will be interested in actually seeing the real deal after seeing the book illustration.


then after looking they always touch. and then someone who has the most balls will tell me to do blowjob's.


sometimes they rape me after all that.


this time they would pay and that was better then free. so i horridly arrived to find an unusual scene.


several lockers were bent out of shape as a group of semi naked boys were thrown about. their blooded faces spoke for the reason. a girl in extremely revealing dress just stood next to a super cute boy.


her body hands showed the whole thing.


(did she come with the boy and got bullied to?) was my first idea.


"if you don't want to lose your dicks apologize to her now!" a girl in the black dress demanded pointing at me.


(what?... apologize to me?.... ) I was just not sure if I herd her correctly.


"and if i ever hear that she is asked to do anything by anyone i will come to cut IT off myself." she roared.


then she punched the locker to make her point clear. i thought that she was going to hurt her hand i had to close my eyes not wishing to see more blood on those week hands.


a large metallic crash echoed as something hit the far back wall so hard that the room shook. when i opened my eyes again to see with fear i saw a hole in the wall as the girls hand was not even scratched. but the entire metal locker section was laying smashed into a ball in the hallway.


I was still frozen in miss understanding the situation.


the cute boy who was next to the girl in black came to me and looked at me right in the eyes.


his gase was warm and soft unlike other boys. he was sweet and caring.


I felt warmth from a male for the first time in my entire life!


it's as if a warm fire he melted me from the inside out.


all others cold and uncaring hearts hurt and froze me. their disgusting eyes always saw me nothing but a tool.


not human, not a woman, not a lover!


I was a item to be used and thrown away afterwards.


not now though!


so warm!


so soft!


he asked in the creepiest voice i have ever herd. forcing me to look back at the situation snapping me out of my dreams.


"Do you also wish to die like me?" his horrible death defined tone shook me and the boys to our very souls. shaking my heart hard removing the ice of cold feelings.


Shakira did not know how a death voice can shake off her cold heart and give it hope and love, but it did.


i could not reply as i was not sure what he meant, but for some reason i felt free and even had a desire to live just explode inside of me.


"Yes, please." was my unexpected response. what I'm I saying anyway?


"as long as it is by your hand." i blurred out like a shy love struck kid. and my face began to heat up...


i felt all hot and bothered on the inside unable to keep my head calm.


(did i actually have my first crush!) i heard about these things called love but was never allowed to feel it until now. i felt unsure and somehow happy to be next to him.


the girl in black gently took my hand and we left the shaken up boys who were just a mess behind.




during the next knight:


black ops are carefully sweeping the school grounds with a top priority mission.


find and make contact with two targets.


to try to approach them with friendly terms.


after that try to take them to the base for further friendly talks.


the targets are considered as armed and dangerous and to not be underestimated at any time.


and for gods sake not to be turned into enemies under any circumstances.


because if such a situation is ever reached the entire country will be in danger.


this super dangerous op was not given to just a simple team.


this was passed out to the best op group. The Black Bulls.


the commander of the black bulls was a proud former Russian red burett.

in charge of a fully armed group that has been in many dangerous situations.


they had experience in communicating and working out of deadly situations and dealing with them if they go wrong.


no terrorist group could match them in a fight or peaceful negotiation.


Sergey was a tall man with super short black hair with white snow like eyes given this grandma who was a Siberian native.


Sergey was the best of the best and ran this bunch of seven man and two women group like a clock.


they were perfectionists to the letter. with a history 1356 of 100% completion rate of all operations under their belt.


(how can two kids force the brass shake in their feet?) he could not figure it out.


Sergey understood that his group was selected for a reason... but no matter how hard he tried to get an answer he could not find it.


(now is not the time to think about that. I have to stay focused) and he spun the barrel down the empty hallway keeping it pointed slightly down just in case a covin was still around.


he could not believe that a pair of kids eliminated a platoon in minutes. no he had to check it out himself.


just like a river the group of ten moved from room to room silently and deadly. they had the full body armor on with a large variety of weapons attached to them for any situation. guns, knives, smoke and flash grenades, night vision googles glowed as the group moved tirelessly. no sound was made as the squad flawlessly proceeded.


they did not know the exact location of their targets. as such they had to search every nook and cranny. and on top of that to not be seen at the same time.


they were now going down the main hallway from north to south.


out of nowhere fear hit Sergey's stomach so hard that he actually threw up. just standing in the hallway in front of infirmary room door made his gut go out of control.


his gut never let him down before.


it guided Sergey in many situations and helped him out in a jam.


just like a sixth sense his gut screamed out this time.


Sergey's gut saved him many times to tell him that danger was near.


it would tingle or pinch or tighten depended on how bad it was.


never has it hurt this bad!


his companions seeing their leader bending down and loosing his lunch made them sweat.


they understood without words that they severally underestimated their targets.


his timmy saved their lives more than once. and they knew that this was a bad singh.


this will not be a fruitful encounter and they knew 100% that they will not come back alive no matter what.


so the leader had to gave a retreat hand sing and the group moved back disappearing like the wind.


for the first time in their history they were not able to complete the operation.


and the worst thing about this loss was that they have not even met the enemy.


absolutely disgusting feeling of despair filled Sergey as he led his group back to safety.