Bosses? 2:11pm.

"Ugh... please i will do it... don't kill me"... a begging tone was crying into a cellphone.


"Im going now." he pleaded...


"yes." he begged.


"yes the phone will stay on the entire time." he continued as he cried.


"i know.... sobbing.


please"... he begged.


"yes!" he suddenly responded robotically. and entered the school grounds with a machete in his hands. his eyes looked pale as he moved like a zombie.


the mans figure entered the building and several screams filed the air. many kids ran our of the building with fear on their faces. as he moved on scratching the big knife against the walls as classrooms emptied out.


fortunately no one was hurt so far. and the crazed man did not attack anyone as of now.


he was not in his right mind everyone understood that much. but why did he come here many ideas came to mind as some students began to speculate.


"do you thing its someone's father, mad at the school for some bad grades?" asked one.


"maybe his daughter got pregnant and he is hear to get the dude who did it?" suggested another.


more and more students safely joined them outside as the police arrived to deal with the situation. several minutes latter they dragged the man out in handcuffs.


"welcome to the heaven you who have the power to live!" he was yelling at the top oh his lungs. as the commotion was about to settle down an explosion rocked the lunchroom.


then a few rounds of gunfire erupted inside. a window broke as several man wearing simple street clothes with guns jumped out still shooting into the building. one even threw a grenade into the hallways as another explosion rocked the building and windows began to shatter.


than out of nowhere a tank and a Humvee with a huge machine gun turret entered the courtyard.


someone maned the big gun and just began spraying bullets at the school not caring about who got in their way.


the tank was staying out of it until the explosion inside gave it a signal to join the fight.


the tank turned the big gun to the principles office and fired. half of the top section of the main building was alliterated into nothing.


during this crazy attack the students escaped in every direction. some got hurt but most made it out alive. more military vehicles and even several helicopters shoved up and unloaded a barrage of heavy fire.

the school turned into a battlefield.




"General we have reports that an unknown well armed group is attacking the school where the assets are." his receptionist announced.


"how bad is the situation?" Shung demanded. thinking that its sad that last knights military infiltration did not achieve any difference in the situation.


"they have several tanks, helicopters and gun-trucks with them." impatiently someone shouted.


(that's more firepower than we thought I would bring) he thought...and that was too fast of a response he figured out that somehow his department had a leak in the information.


"do we know where they came from?"

Shung demand answers passing back and forth.


if we go to save them than we look like were against the bosses, but if we don't we will not be trusted as a deterrent against terror. (So what do we do?) the general could not figure this out.


(How do we save the people and please the bosses because if we don't the peace that normal people who don't know about the bosses will be taken away from them by force and I can't do anything right now about it?) his mind was raising.


(we must make the bosses happy no matter what for now.... or at least pretend like we're helping them.) he sighed and sat down to read the field reports.


(so... the only answer is) finally making up his own mind.


"i will ask what they want us to do first before we respond." he ordered uncomfortably slapping his hands on top the paperwork.




in a deserted village a large convoy of vehicles and construction equipment vere finished the last of a secret soldiers of the Death Gods.


a Colt like group has been hiding and growing in power in every country on the planet.


they found the existence of the extra terrestrial aliens and even made contact with them.


these aliens were just pure bullies and as they like to watch as week creatures struggle and finally die.


they attract the two types of humans that humanity was never able to eliminate.


the criminals and the power hungry scary cats who always bully others but cry like babies or use fake threats when they are the ones who are hurt.


these types of humans came together and finally created a city of everything evil.


the name of this city is Guhena.


most of Guhena was originally a small logging town that had been supported by a mill.


for years the small town tried to survive until the mill closed down.


when the mill stopped working because they could not make enough money to stay afloat.


the biggest problem was the location and how long it takes for supplies to be delivered.


so that small town began to lose its residence as people had no work to pay for things.


eventually it was abandoned and then sold to the current group of religious lunatics.


they believed that they were going to be the rollers of the planet as soon as the aliens made their move.


to make things worse. somehow an Individual was excepted into the alien community and he was said to be able to make the creatures do as he wanted.


as proof of this fact several small car sized spaceships we're portalling and policing the city.


they hovered around without a sound and shooting at anyone who wants to break or damage properly.


and unlike humans who use guns the ships used Lasers and Beams that vaporizer the item that it touches.


seeing this many people have began to move into Guhena.


most not realizing that soon they were going to be slaves.




inside Guhena:


a little child was running for her life as a huge dog was on her heals.


the small figure dived into a thin hall in the wall only to hear as a huge dog slammed into the same wall at full force.


the building shook slightly as the large Mut tried to follow hit target but it's size just hurt it's shoulders and pride.


whining like a puppy it circled around hoping to get to it's pray in a different way.


sniffing the air it stuffed it's huge head into the crack and barked out of frustration as it's pray began to gain ground.


angry yelling type of barking woke up every single living creature in the two kilometer area.


the time was still too early for most humans and all this loud barking made a few of them come with sticks.


at first the dog thought that they came to help him in hunting for it's pray.


then it though that maybe they came to play his favorite game called "catch".


unfortunately for the dog these humans came to teach the dog some manners for making too much noise.


they began to pound at the poor hound with the sticks and did not stop even when the poor thing begged for mercy by whining and hiding it's tail.


several squeals later a bloody gray furry creature was laying down on the street breathing heavily.


it was able to escape death by pretending to be dead. and now it tried to get up to return to it's master.


unbelievably it saw his pray approached him and gave him a piece of bread that she stole earlier.


her soft hands plaid with his ears.


somehow his pray came back to save him.


to say that this made the dog lose its understanding of this new city was an understatement.