king of life. 5:11am.

a black figure slowly walking approached the group of delinquents. knives, guns and shovels glittered in the rising sun. uneasiness oozing out of each of them.


slowly removing a sword from his back he put it on his left shoulder. at this time the sun ray hit it just right that it's glare reflected blinding several people for a bit.


this would have been the perfect time for an attack, but the lone sword welder just calmly continued to walk closer to the group.


the big boss guy grabbed his sawed off shot gun and pointed it right into Zeros face.


"my name is Chuck Norris." the Shock lied with an evil smile on it. even though his back began to sweat with a hint of fear he had to look in control. not week like he felt and absolutely not scared.


Bruzer was frozen as his handyman was sitting on his knees and crying over his missing hands. and Cowboy was laying in a pile of his own puke. his strongest pawns are no longer available to be used.


in order to not lose face in front of his remaining pawns. so he did the only thing that he was able to do. and that is to threaten the competition in hopes that they back off so that Shoc could still be seen at someone who is in charge of the situation.


"are you the fucking pig who dared to touch my man!" he roared pushing his gun right into the boys nose.

"now I heard you guys have a lot of my money." he laughed and pulled the trigger...




"can I ask you.... how did you find out about my issue?" a young girl was looking for something that could explain the situation. for some unknown reason a cute boy came to rescue her. but even many days after the whole school attack incident.


the red robot that was given to her as a gift was now permanently a part of her. somehow it shrank wrapping itself around her body forming a gorgeous long red dress. she was just like a transforming medical girl in the anime shows.


Shira asked her question during a relaxing dinner time. it wasn't a question as if she didn't trust her new friends. no it was more of a hope to hear the truth. and maybe knowing the truth can help to heal the deep scar in her heart.


the relaxing atmosphere helped her in achieving her true freedom.


"during the day when we arrived in school and the entire building was full." Zero started to explain.


"and as I was walking through the hallway I felt a strong desire of death." he continued.


"since I was also feeling the same way back then I was drawn to you." he confirmed.


a long silence followed that simple reason as everyone simply rested. during this she had a lot of time to figure out her feelings.




Mary was watching the gang leader monkeying around and recklessly trying to throw his way around. her heart filled with anger.


no not anger. it was more like a feeling of unyelding rage.

(how dare they try to get him?) she was boiling inside.

(don't they realize just how much he went through already?) her eyes turned red. and she moved without thinking.


she was behind the big guy in a second. as she was in process of slamming this guy into missed meat.

something unexpectedly bad happened.


his finger twitched from this fast movement. the stress has pushed him past the line of no return. unable to keep control his finger pushed the gun trigger as it fired.