she wants to die? 6:03am.

Shade was watching her boss shoot another person in the face. as this was not the first time she was not shocked to see it. the act was rare as he only did that to his worst enemies.


the face of the boy covered in all black was hit and disappeared in the smoke.

for some reason this made her worry about him.


(why do I feel like I don't want him to get hurt) she couldn't understand. but she had to do what she was told to do. until the day that she could save someone important to her.


and as her orders were to follow and be hidden she was still in hiding away from the rest of her group.


she will do nothing to help her boss until she was ordered to do it.

(they are strong.) but that shot gun was death itself. no one can take something like that to his face and survive. her heart hurt for no reason that could be expected.


the black figure slowly moved. the right hand was shaking and slowly moved towards Shacs neck. like a slow snake it crawling towards it's target.




Shac was stuck between a rock and a hard place. as the main that should have a missing head now. instead of dismemberments of the head that should have been there.


(what the f#ck?) his brain could not understand why the boys face didn't even have a scratch on it.


(he is not human!) he new this was a fact because he saw as the entire head regenerated itself in mere seconds.


but before he could finish the thought the girl that somehow appeared behind him. this act was what made him shoot in the first place.


her hand moved before his mind could finish it's conclusions. he was smashed like a bug with her hand. his bones crumbled as his frame bent and broke under huge pressure.


the human body was always too soft. as it takes very little to actually damage it enough to cause death. but when a ton falls on you. only bones and bloody mess remains.


the sudden death of their boss the rest of the gang fall into two groups. some who were going to fight and those who were going to run.


now Shade was free to do as she wanted.. finally she can free her little sister for the clutches of the gang and the two of them can run away and be free.


she moved out to the underground shelter. where people are held for ransom or other reasons.


she had to hurry before the word got out that her handler got taken out. otherwise her family will be killed or moved somewhere else that she did not know about. just so that they can keep her on the leash. so that she will not be a threat to them.


( today they all die!) mind and body aliened together to achieve this as soon as possible as the figure increased its speed and became unseen.




Shade has learned her deadly art of assassination from the early years.


together with her older and younger brothers she was kidnaped from her family.


at the tender age of 5 she was forced to kill her own parents to save her brothers that did not do so well in the program where finishing last meant death by your pears.


at first the instructors were just watching and not doing anything.


every morning they ran until the teacher demised them to do push ups and pull ups.


then swim and rock climb.


finally after all that you get your breakfast.


after eating it was time for hand to hand combat.


then weapons training.


more running....

more swimming...

more climbing...


MORE! of everything and finally if you can make it into your room after all of that you get a hamburger with fries and coke as dinner...


NO LUCH! never!


this crazy schedule defiantly was not possible for everyone to keep up with. and only a week into the training the first useless link was removed.


everyone was given a stick and told to hit the child ones as hard as possible. and if the instructor believed that the his was too week than they will be the ones who got hit next.


the beating will not stop until the weakend child dies.


the assassin school was mursiless and did not like any kind of weakness or disobedience.


it did not take long for the child to die as they already were week from all the workouts that they just failed at and had been barely moving and breathing by than.


they ware just laying on the ground just shaking with each hit. the body shook and moved the crying was getting quieter and then stopped.


and even after the fact that they have already died we were not allowed to stop the hitting until every single person got a chance.


with this kind of punishment no one wanted to be last anymore.


However over time her brothers began to be too close to be last each and every time... and as she was #2 in the whole class she surrendered him into the dungeons in order to save hs life. and becake forever chained.


Now she was not under surveillance of her handler and was free to finally try to save them.


this fact pushed her hard...


"we can be free" shade had the energy to actually speak the sentence this time. not just think it.