The blind can lead 3:42PM

Three basic mine mechanical botwere painted ugly yellow removing the regular desert camouflage to make these as the main visual threat.


they had the basic anti radar jammer strapped on the back of the lead unit and the other two had installed a rocket lunching array on their backs. each hand held a missive caliber rotating machine gun with a flamethrower attachment instead of digging tools.


"we are going to rub a bank using all tree?" a shocked thin child like man asked in disbelief.


"its like killing a fly with a nuke." added another.


"less talk more action." a grumpy tone shook the pair back into action.


"now get in them and do it!" the same voice now echoed thue the entire garage that held the tree war machines. the group had rented it just for this purpose.


the plan was to destroy the entire bank and just create a lot of havoc in the city n order to make their name known.


everyone had to know about the new group that is hear to fight for humanity...


and since all the accounts inside the bank belong to companies and individuals who work against that. if they destroy it it will show the enemy that they have super deadly tools to fight and to the rest that tey are not scared.


showing off the basic super secret mechs was just to be flashy and to guarantee that no one small or under armed will touch them. forcing the police to stand aside.


in addition this show of power was pushing the thugs to fear them.


hack even the mafia will have to thing five times before trying something.


no one wants a robot with a huge gun in there face.


this one ack will kill at least 12 birds with 1 stone.


and they knew it.


no they wanted it.


the whole world must know that a new player has appeared. and they have really large teeth.


yes! today will be the day that the world will shake in fear!




A large explosion shook the corner of Main and 12th street. as large chunks or brick and concrete erupted into the busy downtown square. the rush hour just hit its peak as hundreds of cars stood still and pedestrians overflowed the sidewalks.


some froze in fear as others moved with hurried steps hopping to reach their desired destination with purpose in mind.


the explosion ripped a large chunk of the street with it.


rocks, metal and flesh flew in all directions.


chunks of the building fell on top of vehicles crushing and damaging them.


a dust cloud hid most of the devastation as cries of pain and fear filed the street.


panic ensued as survivors tried to run from the area fearing another explosion. as the crowd got entangled on to bystanders who were just glaring at the destruction with curiosity and fear.


they became like animals as most tried to escape the horror.


mamy pushed and puled others down out of their way sometimes trampoline others underfoot.


many bystanders just stood there as others trampled over due to the stampede and some people were killed.


"help!' and "please someone save... " began adding to the chaos.


but this disaster just started: the three robots began shooting and walking in the direction of the main city bank.


with each step cars were riddled with bullets. with each second building crumbled from the rocket barrage.


unyielding death and destruction slowly moved to its target.


emergency responders with the help of the police finally reached the kcene. and simply could not approach the suspects any closer than several blocks due to lack of firepower.


and if that was not bad enough the three robots began to spray fire right into the bank building as soon as they got to the door. in proses cooking all the victims inside.


then they took out a large flag and raised it above the rubble as a show of victory.


as a final nail in the coffin they used their large hands to rip the safe out of the building and walked out with it all the way to the edge of town. coursing billions in damage and hurting tens of thousands of people on their way.


in order to stop the relentless death march the authorities had to leave them alone and not follow.


they understood that any retaliation or signs of pursuit will bring an even worse outcome.


no one wanted to face a hungry lion. no not a lion.


no to compare a lion to this was wrong. in this case it was the hungry t-rex so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and do what the terrorists demanded.