Chapter 34- Rank Up

8 hours and 34 minutes later, time seemed to split apart in the training room, colours began to seep out from the tear in space and Sol was ejected from the void into the training room. He fell to his knees and threw up like last time.

It would have been fine but Sharp in the room but instead there was a group of new fodder groups who were staring at Sol.

"Sorry guys," Sol said and then threw up again.

Sharp burst into the room a second later.

"Sorry! Just an experimental teleportation method. Go on with your training." Sharp said. He bent down and heaved Sol up from the floor. He dragged him into a nearby training room.

"You ok?" Sharp asked as he wiped a bit of vomit off his jacket.

"Did I miss it?" Sol asked.

"No, we still have 25 minutes before we meet the team. What's wrong with your face?"

"What do you mean?" Sol asked.

Sharp handed him a mirror and he gasped. His face was slightly more elongated and had a tinge of purple.

"This is not good," Sol said.

"Wait, the purple is vanishing," Sharp remarked.

Sol felt his face bones shrinking and he screamed from the pain. He clutched his body as his bones began to return to their normal state. Whatever Sol had done it caused him to morph into a Hearthren.

Sharp flicked on his glasses and examined Sol's body.

"Hold on, it should end soon," Sharp said.

Sol didn't respond and instead screamed louder. After a few more minutes he calmed and the sounds of bones crunching stopped.

Sol laid on the ground and heaved every breath. "What the fuck was that!?" Sol shouted.

"Relax Sol, I believe cultivating mana in the Euclid Dimension has caused you to transform into a full fledged Hearthren. Your body was adjusting back to the Mortal Dimension." Sharp said.

Sol sat up and grabbed the mirror. He now looked like he normally did 8 hours ago.

"How long were you there for?" Sharp asked.

"3 months and 9 days in total." Sol said.

"And the skill?"

Sol smirked, "Expert six, took me a while to even get the skill."

Meditation Expert VI

Your body's mana circulation and mana control is incredible. You can now call yourself an expert in Meditation.

Total Wisdom Gained: +7

Total Intelligence Gained: +11

Sol showed him the blue screen and then handed him back the mana density measuring tool.

"I'm impressed," Sharp said, "How high did you achieve it?"

"Well the average mana density of the dimension is 180, I tried the summoning spell but I couldn't get past 850. You were right though, 900 seems to be correct."

"How are you mentally? Three months is a long time." Sharp asked.

"Kinda peaceful actually. It feels fine when you know you aren't missing much." Sol replied.

"That actually sounds logical," Sharp said, "Since you are now more magically tuned, do you notice any difference?"

"Yeah the density of magic seems awful here, it was like a warm blanket over there but now it's like the fan is constantly on."

"Strange analogy, are you sure you are all ok?"

"I'm fine Sharp, thanks for waiting- what like 8 hours?" Sol questioned.

Sharp laughed, "Yeah the lady at the counter kicked me out after 5, then a new Fodder group went in there. I was sitting outside in the hall just waiting. And I saw that new video of us in the dungeon?"

"Oh yeah that, my fucking sisters saw it." Sol stated, his memories coming back to him.

"They couldn't blur your penis but your tattoos and tallies? A penis of that size would be easier to spot amon-"

"Yeah I get it," Sol said with a smirk, "Do you know who did it?"

"I asked around but even Mercy didn't know, perhaps it was an Elder in charge of the new department they set up."

"We need to go," Sharp said as he pulled Sol up from the floor, "We got 15 minutes until the promotion."

"Shit, I vomited all over myself. Travelling through the void is like going on a boat-"

"For the first time," Sharp finished, "That's what the necromancer said."

Sharp brought out a bucket of water from his inventory and placed it in front of Sol.

"Thanks," Sol said, "And for everything else."

"As your future brother-in-law I believe it would only be necessary."

"Sharp, I appreciate you doing this for me but don't ever refer to yourself as my brother-in-law. The rest of the group doesn't even know I have sisters."

"Right, well we made a deal anyway. I will keep some of your blood and I'll help you with your class."

Sol nodded and splashed his face with water. He stripped down naked and started to put on his uniform for the promotion. The two made it to the main reception hall just as the rest of their team did.

"You like shit Sol," Tower said.

"I feel like it," Sol replied.

Just then, Mercy walked in and saw them. They tightened up their posture as he stopped by them. He had his hands behind his back as usual and his small stature standing upright and oozing authority.

"You look like shit, Immortal," Mercy said.

"I feel like it, Sir,"

"At ease," Mercy added.

The group relaxed.

Mercy cleared his throat and turned to Tower, "Your group has been requested by a Prince from Auraria. A country in the southern region. He needs transport to a city that has no teleportation pad, it's a small one of a population of around 400,000."

"Why us, Sir?" Tower asked.

Mercy nodded over to Sol, "Seems you have a famous member in your group. Not only the fact he is immortal but over 32 million people saw his penis today."

Sol almost choked, "32 million?" he asked weakly.

"Indeed Immortal, 32 million and counting, seems almost comical doesn't it? They decided to not censor your penis but airbrushed your tattoos and tallies. I do not know who did it but I get the feeling you would like to have a word with them?"

"A polite word, Sir." Sol corrected through gritted teeth.

Just then, a door at the front of the hall opened and out stepped an Elder rank.

"Masks, now." Mercy ordered.

Since Mercy was their Elder in charge of them, he couldn't do the ceremony himself.

The group put on their masks quickly and stood at attention. The main reception hall was where promotions occurred. The walls were plain, made of rock and there was no decoration in the slightest.

At the stage in the front of the hall there was an old wooden podium with a lectern on top. Above that on the wall there was the Unwanted slogan.

'Those thrown away, sworn to protect.'

It was corny but every Unwanted knew it, it was exactly what they did for society.

Fodder Group 1141 stood at attention in a row facing the podium. There were roughly 40 other people who were in attendance of the promotion. Various admin figures along with Fodder and Raptor rank who knew and were close with the group.

The Elder rank cleared their throat and the room went silent.

"My alias is Pincer, Elder rank. Today we will be promoting Fodder Group 1141 into the Raptor rank." Pincer said.

Sol hadn't heard much about him but it was known he was a duel specialist like Mute.

"Calamity and Elder ranks, please walk past the group," The Elder rank said on the podium.

It was a tradition to welcome a group with more powerful people in order to show what the next rank or two requires.

Mercy walked by first and then Boseman who lightly tapped Sol's penis and gave him a wink. Another three walked by who Sol didn't know.

The five of them stood opposite and stood at attention.

"Tower, please step out." The Elder said.

Tower did.

"Tower is a person of incredible strength, a man who bears the rare mark of Magni. He is a smart leader who knows what every member of his team is capable of. Today, he earns the Raptor."

"Sharp, please step out."

"Sharp is the scout of the group, a smart man who helps his team in identifying threats and securing their future. His intelligence is beyond any others in this organisation and today, he earns the Raptor rank."

"Mute, please step out."

"Mute, an elf who uses her sword to speak her words. The top dueler in her recruitment stage and a deadly weapon to critical points. Today, she earns the Raptor rank.

"Spike, please step out.

"Spike, the opposite of Mute. A man who's voice is so strong he can cause a tsunami. Today, he earns the Raptor rank."

"Immortal, please step out."

Those in attendance began to whisper and Sol internally rolled his eyes.

"Immortal, the most famous of the group. He is ready to throw himself in front of his teammates. He does not fear pain and the threat of death for he does not fear it. Today, he earns the Raptor rank."

A round of applause sounded through the reception hall.

The Elder rank cleared his throat and the room fell to silence.

"The Calamity and Elder ranks in front of you have been in your position, yet they have proven themselves to be more. They are powerful city destroyers, they can lay waste to thousands of enemies in front of them. They are what you should aim to be. Do you accept the challenge?"

"Yes, Sir!" The group yelled.

"So be it," Pincer said, "The name of your group?"

Tower stepped out further, "The Ill-Favoured Five, Sir!"

"Lengthy but creative, and if one of you dies?" Pincer asked.

"That will not happen, Sir!" Tower shouted.

Pincer seemed to smile under his mask, "A wise answer Tower. Today is the day your group will be known as the Ill-Favoured Five."

The audience all clapped and Pincer let the Calamity rank pin the Raptor rank badge on their uniform. They were each handed metal sigils that doubled as adventurer badges.

"This ceremony has concluded, at ease." Pincer said. The man exited into an arched doorway to the side and disappeared from view.

Tower threw his hands up in the air in celebration as did the rest of the group, it was such a proud moment for them. They had been through thick and thin with each other, almost died a dozen times but they still stood stronger together side by side.

The audience congratulated them, each one spending an increased time with Sol who seemed to not notice. Once the room had settled down, Mercy gathered the Ill-Favoured Five and took them to a briefing room.