Chapter 35- New Mission and Elora Evergrand's Interview

It had an interactive TV in the center where the mission plan was laid out. Mercy stood by the side while the group sat facing it.

"I would like to personally congratulate all of you. I know each and every one of you very well and I am proud that I recruited you." Mercy said.

Mercy straightened his back up and cleared his throat just as Boseman walked in.

"Hey, it's the big dick guy." Boseman said, meeting Sol's eyes.

"Has everyone seen it?" Sol asked.

"It's at 40 million on Elora Evergrand's socials, she's going live in about 36 minutes to do the interview." Sharp said.

Sol face palmed.

"Boseman," Mercy said with a slight hint of anger.

"Ah, sorry." Boseman said as he made his way down to the front with Mercy.

"Anyway," Mercy continued, "You will be protecting Prince Asbalm Ash As, third in line for the Auraria throne. He has enough money for an Elder rank team but declined and wanted your group. I am slightly worried about this situation as the Chaos Masters are after him."

Spike raised his hand, "Is his name really Asbalm Ash As? Sounds like a fancy moisturiser." He asked.

Boseman held in his laughter.

"Yes, any serious questions?" Mercy asked.

"Why the Chaos Masters?" Sol questioned.

"Well, having a prince killed on Kraos soil means talk for war. The Chaos Masters are what their name suggests. However, they are like us in a sense. They were thrown out from society but instead of protecting it they want to see it crumble and burn."

"Can we not put an Elder rank on guard?" Tower asked.

"He has requested us not to. I still am puzzled as to why he doesn't, additional support is always welcomed. We all know that but still, we don't know why." Mercy said.

"What is the chance of them showing up?" Sol asked.

"87% projected. Practically definite." Mercy responded.

"And we are suspected to encounter them in New London, en route to the city called Longwater?" Sol asked.

"Yes, from the moment you leave the compound with him we suspect you will be tracked. Two other vehicles of his will be behind and in front of the armored truck you will take him in. Also, two bodyguards will never leave his side. In both of those vehicles there are 8 trained fighters. So you will also have a total of 18 capable fighters you are in control of."

"It just feels like we are walking into a trap, Sir." Tower said.

"I understand," Mercy agreed, "You still are completely in your right to decline the mission."

Tower leaned back in his chair causing it to creak under the pressure.

"Vote on it?" Tower asked the group.

They all put their hands up except Tower.

"We have 18 meat shields," Spike said. "Plus Sol."

Sol didn't disagree, "How many Chaos Masters and what are their levels."

"Best guesses, 40 of them level 30-50. The royal house have declared that they have increased their activity in New London, not just for the Prince but the recent adventure games that will be taking place next week. Which almost every Unwanted at this base will be attending."

"So this is like a bonus for them?" Spike asked honestly.

"Yes, their leader- Xabarth The Torturer will not be there." Mercy replied.

"By Odin, that is one scary name." Sharp said.

"A scary man indeed, Sharp," Mercy said. "He is a supposed level 90 and on par with an Elder rank or higher. He is a torure specialist and a grandmaster in his skill and spell tiers which branch across five different magic schools."

"So if he turns up we're screwed?" Spike asked again, honestly.

"Abort the mission immediately. If he shows up and kills the prince then he himself would have waged war on a country since he is a figure. If it's just footmen then the country would be at fault for letting him die to cannon fodder."

The group talked between themselves for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"We accept," Tower said.

"He is leaving at 6:30, you will all be given the address but meet here first at 6. I believe Elora's interview will be shown in a few minutes so after that get some rest."

"Yes, Sir!" the group said.

Mercy and Boseman left first and headed to the canteen of the base, the Ill Favoured Five were following just behind them. As they entered the canteen it was noticeably full of people all staring at the giant TV at the back of the room.

They stood near the entrance where they could still see the screen. Once the adverts passed someone jumped up on the table and told everyone to shut up. The room quietened down while the sound of the TV was turned up to the max.

"You're watching State News. Tonight, we have the glamours Elora Evergrand here with us tonight to tell us about the mission she went on with the secret organisation known as the Unwanted. Are they real or are they a myth?" a classic newscaster's voice said over the intro.

The canteen all booed at the last part.

"Shit, they're gonna show the video," Sol said and was about to leave but Boseman stopped him.

"You're a celebrity now, can't be running from your fans," Boseman said with a devilish smile.

Tower grabbed Sol's shoulder and a devilish smile grew on his face too. They stood next to him so he couldn't move.

Once the intro had finished, a female reporter wearing a white pencil dress sat on the stage with an empty orange seat next to her.

"Hello and welcome to the interview we've all been waiting for. So here I am to welcome you to our most stunning guest ever- Elora Evergrand!"

Elora Evergrand exited from the side wearing her battle robe, she looked like she did that day of the mission. Sol couldn't help but think back to last night and her naked body.

"Elora, do you mind if I call you that?" The reporter asked.

"Of course," she said with a bright smile.

"This morning you released a video of you fighting alongside the Unwanted. I think the first question we want to know the answer to is if the Unwanted are in fact a real organisation? Not a myth so many of us have been told."

"They are in fact real, the mist you see are the masks they use to hide their faces," Elora said.

The canteen erupted in applause and whistles but Boseman told everyone to shut up with his sound magic.

"Why do they hide their faces? We all know how strong the Unwanted are proposed to be."

Elora cleared her throat before answering, "They do not want attention. They only act in the best interests of society without the recognition. They only agreed to let the footage out as they thought it would be best for you to know they are real."

"There have been some very awful incidents they caused in the past, what do you make of that?" The reporter asked,

"They only act in the best interest of the society as I said before. They do the dirty work the adventurers do not want to do. If that involves the killing of 30 to save 300 then they will do it with no questions asked."

"Some may see that as brainwashing, mindless slaves to kill people- what would you say to that?" the reporter asked, she was really getting the dirt out from under fingernails. The question seemed harsh but the reporter was just doing her job.

"They are in no way brainwashed, believe me, I have met and worked with them and they have far more character than any normal adventurer," Elora said.

"So in the video you were with five others?" the reporter asked, "We will play the whole video now. Please be warned this footage shows extreme violence, gore and nudity."

A few eyes glanced at Sol who looked down to the floor, hanging his head in embarrassment.

"Spike, I want a song!" Tower shouted over the recording, his voice was distorted. The camera panned to Spike who had his mohawk blurred out along with the rings on his fingers. He began to play his guitar and the sounds echoed around the cave.

Sol, with a blurred face and distorted features, stretched and ran down into the horde of the undead with the music blasting out. Even he had to admit it looked awesome. Elora burnt all the undead into dust, including Sol's body. The audience in the studio gasped at the sudden death of the man but were shocked as a heart grew out from the dust and a body was formed. The audience and the canteen all gasped in unison. Mainly at the immortality but also Sol's dangling member.

"Clothes!" Tower's voice shouted from the recording.

The video turned off and they were now brought back to the studio. The entire canteen turned and faced towards Sol who was held upright by Tower and Boseman.. He tried to struggle free but couldn't. He just took the embarrassment head on.

"That man in the recording had been getting a name for himself recently. Is his alias Immortal?" the reporter asked.

"Yes," Elora answered with red cheeks.

"Is he truly Immortal?" she asked, "Or is it false and just a trick or skill?"

"It is real, I've seen it with my own eyes. I watched him dive into an undead bull's stomach with half his body rotting off and he just stood up in front of me after. Even the video shows him growing a heart back from nothing."

"Is it a skill or spell?" The reporter asked.

"I do not know. However friendly and efficient they were, they rarely revealed who they were: what their classes were or anything about their lives. The only clue you get is their alias," Elora replied.

"Interesting," the reporter said, "So the member called Tower. We have information about him that he received a mark during this mission. Is that true?"

Elora put her hand to her ear as she checked with someone whether she could answer.

"I apologise for the hesitation there, I have been instructed to not reveal too much about them. But I can in fact clarify that the person known as Tower received a mark from Magni, God of Strength."

The canteen and audience erupted in chatter.

"So an Unwanted is worthy of receiving a God's Marking- and Magni's at that."

"Indeed, I cannot go into much detail at how he received it but he received it when he held back an entire horde of undead with nothing but his own hands." Elora said.

"Very impressive, and how would you compare the Unwanted to normal adventurers?" the reporter asked, she was trying to get Elora to answer the juiciest questions.

"The Unwanted are what they are- unwanted. Many of them are orphans, fallen nobles, just thrown out of society. Then they are recruited by the higher ups within the organisation. I would also like to point out that you cannot just join the Unwanted, you have to be invited."

"Did any of them tell you how they were recruited?" the reporter asked,

"No, not at all. Many of them came from troubled backgrounds so I would say it's a soft spot for all of them."

"Right, right. If you could sum up the group of Unwanted within a sentence, what would it be?"

"They were efficient, powerful and ready to die for the society that cast them aside," Elora said.

"Well, that is all we have for today. You've heard it here, the Unwanted are real and they are powerful. They act in the shadows of our cities to protect us. This is Scarlet Hawk and you're watching State News."

The outro played and the canteen all respectively clapped together, they were no longer a myth. Elora had made them look exceptional on live TV.

"That went better than expected," Tower said.

"She handled it like a pro," Spike said, "Thank fuck we got her and not a pompous one."

"I believe Elora wants only the best for the Unwanted," Sharp said.

"I agree," Sol replied with a small smirk.