Chapter 77- Team Introductions

At 5 o'clock on the same day, Sol received a phone call from Tower. He was back at home and his sisters were cleaning furiously like their lives depended on it.

"Hey Tower," Sol said.

"Heya Sol, I was wondering if I could come a little earlier?" he asked.

Sol glanced around at the spotless house. "Sure, why though?"

"You know how I get a little different with the team sometimes, especially with Spike."

"Yeah, good impressions right."

"You got me, plus you have the only family still alive in our group. It would be nice, you know."

Sol knew where he was coming from, Tower clearly wanted to be their uncle. He always wanted a family since he never experienced having one. His group was the closest thing he had.

"Sure, Summer's going to ask about two handed weapons, you ok with that?" Sol asked.

"Fine," he said cheerfully. "I've got a bunch of old ones she can have."

"You don't need to suck up that much."

"If she wants them she can take them," Tower said with a chuckle. "I'm just at base, I can get to yours in 15 minutes."

"That's cool, see you then," Sol said, hanging up the call.

"Hey girls, Tower's coming in a couple minutes," Sol said, poking his head into the room.

"I haven't cleaned the oven yet," Summer stated.

Sol laughed, "Yeah, 'cause he's going to look in the oven and think we're awful people. The house looks amazing- just relax."

"I'll go up and change now," Summer said.


"Is this ok?" June asked as she came down with a beautiful blouse and tight trousers on. Her hair was tidy and she had put makeup on.

"You look stunning," Sol said truthfully.

"Do you think Mr Demy would like it?"

"You know he doesn't care what you look like."

"Still, I want to look nice for others too. Oh, the elf called Mute, does she actually speak?"

"No June," Sol said, laughing. "That's why her alias is Mute."

"I just thought she was quiet," June said. "I wanted to ask her about some runes from elven lineage."

"Don't ask about anything from their pasts," Sol reminded. "I told you that earlier. The only exception is Tower, he will talk to you all day about his bloodline."

"Sorry, I forgot."

Sol rolled his eyes. His sisters were excited about meeting them which he liked, he still couldn't tell if it was the right thing to do but he owed his team for how fast they came last night.

A few minutes later, Tower knocked on the door. He was wearing the nicest shirt he owned; he dressed like a farmer, brown trousers and a grey blazer on top. Sol opened the door and let him in. He ducked his head on the doorway and followed Sol into the living room.

"Nice place," Tower said, ogling the clean carpets and dustless shelves.

"Best I could get," Sol said.

Summer walked into the room with a smile.

"You must be Tower," she said with a curtsy.

Sol internally face palmed.

Tower chuckled. "No need for formality, I'm no one special. You must be Summer then."

She nodded. "Would you like a drink?"

"Yeah, anything is fine."

Tower took up a whole 3 person sofa as he sat down. "How long have you lived here? If you don't mind me asking that is," he asked.

"A year now," Sol said, "Bought it outright after the Rangel mission where we stole a bunch of shit."

"That was a fun one," Tower rekindled.

Summer placed a drink down on the table just as June came down the stairs.

"Hi!" June said in a fluster.

Tower stood up, almost breaking the sofa. "Nice to meet you," he said with a headnod. "My Alias is Tower."

"Likewise, my alias- my name is June."

Tower chuckled again.

The two sisters sat down on a sofa and started chatting to Tower. He was especially nice to them and he held curse words in. They could care less but it was his show of appreciation and affection.

"So June, you are a Rune Writer, I've only met one other before," Tower said.

"Yes, Mr Demy- sorry, I mean Sharp has been teaching me."

"Oh really?" Tower questioned as he looked at Sol.

"They've been dating," Sol said calmly.

Tower almost spat his drink back in his glass. "Sorry, come again?"

"We are currently dating," June repeated.

Tower looked at Sol.

"They knew each other before, Sharp works part time at the Grand Library."

"Oh, what a coincidence," Tower said with a bit of jealousy, not in the dating part but more of not spending time with them.

"I was against it at first," Sol said. "But Sharp is Sharp, I don't think I've even seen him look at other women."

"You're right there," Tower said. "And Summer, you're a fire enhancer and a dancer?"

"Yes, I've currently halted some shows though."

"Fire-void enhancer," Sol corrected.

"Void, really?" Tower questioned. "I can only think of Kara Field as the other void mage I know."

"I can show you if you like," Summer said.

Tower looked at Sol who nodded. "Just keep it under control."

Summer nodded and activated her flames.

"Wow, that's really something. Have you both got classes yet?" Tower asked in amazement.

"No, we're working on it though. Sol's been training both of us pretty hard," Summer said.

"Sol's way of fighting is terrible," Tower said. "You'd need a proper tutor."

"Hey!" Sol complained.

"He just throws himself into fights, I can't count how many times he's crawled out of a monster's stomach."

The sisters laughed and grimaced at the same time.

"You'd be surprised at the creative ways to kill a monster if you can't die," Tower said,."I could think of ten right now."

"You're not wrong," Sol added.

"So Tower," June said. "Sol was telling me about your interesting bloodline."

'Oh Odin,' Sol thought.

Tower talked until the rest of the team arrived. June and Summer stood politely to greet each and every one of them. They all headed into the lounge and drinks soon fell into their hands.

"How did that boss fight go in the city?" Spike asked.

"Bit of a shit show to be honest," Sol said honestly.

"We got it done in the end," Sharp stated.

Sol suddenly remembered something. "Tower, do you have a dog?"

Tower looked puzzled as to how Sol knew that. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Sol smiled and started laughing while pulling up a video of the fight from his phone.

"C'mere boy," Tower said as he grabbed the giant wolf's tail, "You've been shitting in the house again."

The group burst out laughing and Tower went bright red.

"His name's Frank," Tower said as he placed his head in his hands.

"What happened to the real boss?" Summer asked.

The team all glanced up at Tower. "You guys took the oath right?" he asked.

They both nodded eagerly, on the edge of their seats.

"Overseers," Tower said.

"I knew it," June remarked.

"Out of anyone in the world, they're the last people you want to mess with," Tower said. "And it was only 2 of them."

"Woah, and to think you guys are only Raptor Rank." Summer stated.

"Best success rate in the whole of the Unwanted," Tower proudly said.

"I thought The Wolf's were," Sharp said.

"They broke up a couple days ago," Tower said, "Two of them moved up to Elder rank."

"That's why," Sol mused. "Heresy is going for the Elder rank. Her and Boseman are taking over for Mercy."

"Heresy?" Spike questioned. "She's crazy. And she hates everyone."

Sol shrugged. "She can't touch us without consequences."

"Oh yeah," Spike said, "'Cause we're famous," he teased.

"You guys are really famous though, there's dozens of fan pages out there," Summer said.

"It seems we are, of course, Sol seems to garner the most attention," Sharp added.

"I saw Ester by the way," Sol said. "We're cool now."

Spike laughed, "What if it was a dude?"

"I couldn't have done anything, I met her in Mercy's office."

"Well, I think we should talk about the two lovely women in the room more," Spike said modestly. "They are the newest addition to the family."

It was a relaxing night with a few alcoholic drinks, Spike kept diverting Summer's gaze while June was flirting with Mr Demy in the strangest way possible. Tower was glad to speak to the two and Mute sat there drinking quietly, she seemed happy to be there too.