Chapter 78- The New Elder In Charge

The next day, after an early hour training session with his sisters, Sol got a call from Tower again. He was told to come in immediately for a mission debrief.

Sol was walking up to his team outside of a briefing room.

"What's going on?" Sol asked, "Short notice."

Tower looked as if he hadn't got a wink of sleep.

The giant man touched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes, "Fuck, I don't know, I got a call from Heresey saying to bring you guys in now?"

"It's not about that night is it?" Sol asked.

"No, no," Tower said. "It could be… "

Heresy opened Mercy's door from the inside, "You're all late."

"Sorry, Calamity Rank Heresy," Spike said as sarcastically as possible.

Heresy grabbed his dick and pushed him into the ceiling, "When I'm Elder Rank, you won't be speaking to me like that anymore."

"This is blasphemy," Spike cried out with a mixture of crying and laughter.

She dropped him, "In- now," she ordered.

Heresy was a woman in her mid thirties, she wore normal formal clothes one would wear to church. Her brown hair was put into a neat ponytail and she always looked so angry all the time. Her eyes were always wide and her eyebrows twitches constantly. Funnily enough, this wasn't why she was called Heresy. She was called Heresy for her unorthodox methods. She thought wildly differently to most, she never took in anyone else's views except for her own.

The team hurried inside her office; Sol kept a hand next to his own dick.

She cleared her throat. "You're not here for the stunt you pulled two nights ago," Heresy said as she sat upright in Mercy's chair.

"I would like to know why you did it though."

"It was all my fault," Sol said. "Friends of mine were kidnapped and I asked my team to get them back. The guards were in on it and I lost my temper."

"Temper? Killing five guards out of temper means you lack the appropriate restraints to operate within the Unwanted. Let Odin know that it got thrown out once they saw the slavers you slaughtered in the cave. And the 3 in that area that were tortured."

Sol was quiet, she liked to speak and he didn't really want her to stop.

"Do you not have anything to say for yourself,"


"That is No, Ma'am now. You will treat me with the same respect as you did Mercy."

"Where's Boseman?" Spike asked. "Ma'am,"

"He took the office a few doors right from mine."

"Isn't this one the biggest?" Spike questioned sarcastically.

Heresy flinched and Spike jumped from his chair, she smiled crazily and relaxed back down.

Sol's spine shivered, why did it have to be her?

"Well, that matter has now been resolved. You will be competing in the Adventurer Games in the following days, you will be fighting in one the games called Monster Rush and possibly the duels however that is dependent on numerous factors. Regarding your pay, it has been increased by 21% in accordance with your new ranks. Tower, your additional pay for the leader has increased by 15%." Heresy said.

"Adventurer games..? Ma'am," Tower questioned, he thought he heard her say that they were competing in the Adventurer Games.

"Yes, that is what I said. For a team leader your intelligence is incredibly low."

"Sorry, what?" Sol questioned, "... Ma'am."

She breathed in aggressively and prepared to shout. "You are competing in the Adventurer Games!"

"Why?" Tower asked calmly.

"Oh, did I not say why?"

"No, Ma'am."

"The team from Auraria for the under 50s category for Monster Rush has been murdered in cold blood in their sleep. Castrated, tortured and left to rot in their rooms."

"Chaos Masters?" Tower questioned.

"So you can listen. Their is no clues to indicate it was them but it is clear they retaliated for your successful escorting mission of the 3rd Prince."

"Is this mandatory?" Tower asked. "We would like to discuss it as a team, Ma'am."

"You're being asked by a king of one of the powerful countries in the world and you want to discuss it?"

"Pay?" Spike asked.

"Always money with you, bard. 3 gold each and 4 silver. 18% increase for Tower."

That was a lot of money but the team wasn't exactly short on any coin right now.

"Fuck," Tower said as he leant forward. "Can you give us a moment outside, Ma'am?"

"You have exactly a minute," Heresy said as she hit a timer on her watch.

The group headed outside for a vote.

"This is fucked, we're not some show boaters," Spike said.

Tower massaged his temples. "Money is not an issue. I jus- fuck."

"It's 'cause we're famous and the king has a hard on for Sol," Spike stated.

"I… I don't mind," Sol said. "As long as we can wear our masks."

"I am with Sol," Sharp said.

"Fuck it," Spike said while throwing his hands in the air. "I'm in."

It was a moment of craziness from the group but after a few more seconds, Tower was in, which only left Mute. Her body language was hesitant and the group couldn't tell.

"It's four against one Mute. You can drop out, we won't hold anything against you," Tower said.

She changed her body language to yes.

"Alright," Tower said. He lowered his voice. "I hate that fucking bitch."

The group nodded their agreement.

"Time's up!" Heresy's voice boomed through the door.

The group entered and sat down in front of her desk.

"We're in," Tower said.

"Wonderful," she exclaimed with a devilish grin. "You will be able to wear masks if you were wondering."

"Ok, will our voices be heard?" Sol asked, "... Ma'am."

"Your admin and blacksmith will work on that," Heresy said.

She brought out a pen and passed around a document to the group who all signed their names down.

"Immortal, you will need to work on your level. The rest of the group is close to fifty and you are 41 from your last report. I suggest the level based dungeon in Cliffwood."

"Am I getting paid?" Sol asked.

"No," she plainly put it.

"How long do we have?"

"Four days, there will be a check up for you a day before and you will be attending the party after where you will meet the king and the other competitors."

"The king's not gonna try and pull anything with Immortal is he?" Tower asked.

"Let Odin pray he doesn't know," Heresy said. "Now leave, I'm busy."

The group left and headed straight to the bar at base. Tower had stopped outside and punched a stone wall twenty times to let his anger out.

"Fuck her!" Tower screamed, he didn't care people were staring as they walked by.

After the last punch, Tower had calmed down.

They sat around a circular table as the news was playing.

"I'm sorry guys," Sol said, "It's because of me."

Tower downed his ale and held it in the air for another.

"I don't think any of us saw it coming," Sharp remarked.

"It would have been easier if Mercy told us," Spike said, "At least he doesn't sexually assault me."

"So we're fighting in the team games," Tower said as he hung his head, "What does that mean?"

"There's multiple events, ours is called Monster Rush," Sharp said.

A waitress put down an extra large cup of ale for Tower on the table.

"Sharp, would you kindly explain them," Tower said calmly.

"Monster rush is a huge event with every team. It can last upwards of 6 hours. The objective is just to survive from other teams and monsters. The more monsters and people you kill, plus how long you survive you will be judged on points you accrue."

"And it's on the first day?" Tower asked.

"Correct- First day. Thankfully, the Chaos Masters will be expected to attack during the duels on the last day of the games."

"Our chances of winning?" Spike asked.

"8.1% for Monster Rush."

"Just like that? Seems fairly low." Sol asked.

"The best of the best fight in these games, children of famous adventures, princes and princesses taught by experts as soon as they could move. People with multiple god marks."

"So we're gonna get our shit pushed in?" Spike asked as he down his drink.

"Perhaps," Sharp responded, "There is a limit that only Epic grade items are allowed."

"Lovely," Spike said sarcastically, "So I can get fucked up by a prince with an Epic sword instead of a Legendary. His name will be Arthur and he'll be a spellsword."

"There is actually a spellsword named Arthur Murdoch fighting for New London," Sharp said with a push up of his glasses.

Sol's blood boiled, that was Henry Murdoch's son. He suddenly wanted to level fast.

"So we have to pull out everything if we want to beat them?" Sol asked.

"Yeah, you're gonna want to summon that big ass demon," Spike said.

"Hiding cards is a large part of the games, especially for us, it's also encouraged so the audience finds it more entertaining," Sharp answered.

Tower snored loudly against the wooden table. All four of them moved him over to a booth and let him lie down.

"Did Tower get back last night ok?" Sol asked.

"Stop shitting in the house, there's acres of fields where your shit could actually be useful," Tower slept.

That gave the group a chuckle to their gloomy situation.

"I believe June had brought up some bad memories for him. She asked about his bloodline," Sharp explained.

"Poor girl," Spike said.

"Yeah, I'll always listen though," Sol said.

"I think I could recite it,"

"Giants were not the size of houses but mountains," the group said in sync.

"Hey you fucks," Boseman said.

"You drew the short straw with the office," Sol stated.

"I fucking hate her," Boseman said as he sat down in their booth. "Did you guys accept?"

"You cheeky fuck," Spike cursed. "You knew. It would have been easier if it was from you."

"She offered," Boseman said as he hid behind his drink. "Did Tower make that hole outside?"

Sol slumped back in the booth and nodded.

"Bessie, stay still, your hooves are dirty," Tower snored, still in a deep sleep.

"I'm guessing you accepted?" Boseman questioned.

"She kinda forced us too," Sol said.

"She's a bitch but she gets the job done," Boseman stated.

"Yeah, but you do too, she doesn't need to be like that all the time," Spike said.

Boseman shook his head. "I'm good, I know I am- but she's great."

"I don't want to hear anymore about her," Sol said.

"Catch you guys later, your mood is making me depressed," Boseman said as he sat up from the booth.

Spike let his head slam into the table, he held it up and slammed it down again and again. He put a cigarette into his mouth and lit it. Sol opened his hand up and Spike pinged one at him.

After around 10 minutes of silence, Ester sat down at their booth.

"Hi guys," she said cheerfully.

The group all stared at her with sunken faces.

"Just to let you know my alias is Nude now."

"No way," Sol said as a grin grew on his face.

"Do you like it?" Ester said with a smile.

"Ester," Spike said, "Who came up with it?"

"Calamity Boseman," Ester replied.

Spike and Sol looked at each other and started laughing.

"He said it was slang for a cool old woman," Ester said.

"First rule of being in the Unwanted, don't trust a word Boseman says."