Chapter 81- Rumours

A day later, the rumour started to spread that the Immortal was in the Cliffwood dungeon. People started calling his name, adventurers were being hired by reporters to take pictures and so forth.

Sol was on the tallest tree of the whole jungle, he was eating a can of pineapple. Wolfy placed her lap on his head and he stroked her. He went over his recent notifications.

You have levelled up! Level 44

You have 2 free stat points to allocate

You have levelled up! Level 45

You have 2 free stat points to allocate

You have levelled up! Level 46

You have 2 free stat points to allocate

You have received the title Monster Slayer IV by killing 25,000 monsters!

+1 Endurance

+1 Luck

To Monster Slaver V: 25,124/50,000

You have levelled up Iridescent Blink Novice IV->V (A)

Teleport up to 10m away.

Cooldown- 25(-1) seconds

Mana Cost- 140(-2)

You have levelled up Iridescent Benevolence Novice II->III

Borrow a skill from any of your summons.

Cooldown: 9:10 (-20s)

Cost: Dependant on skill or spell.

You have levelled up Iridescent Benevolence Novice III->IV

Borrow a skill from any of your summons.

Cooldown: 8:50 (-20s)

Cost: Dependant on skill or spell.

You have gained more resistances in Pain Resistance Expert II (P)

All Pain is dulled to 70% of original.



Soul: 29%

Stone: 1%

Void: 1%

Fire: 1%

Earth: 1%

Wood: >1%

Shadow: 1%

Wind: >1%

Mind: >1%

Birth Name: Solomon Thorn

Race: Hearthren

Sex: Male

Level 46

Progression: 56%


Monster Slayer IV

Multi Killer II

Man Slayer I


Unbridled Resistor

Dimension Traveler

Euclid Summoner


Class- Euclid Summoner

To next class advancement: 5.35%
































Disease: Affinitous (Permanent)

Cursed: Kiss of Death.

Charisma :




Skills and Spells

Pain Resistance Expert II (P)

Monster Lore Beginner V (P)

Dagger Mastery Expert I (P)

Leadership Beginner I (P)

Stealing Beginner I (P)

Fishing Novice I (P)

Hand Combat Intermediate II (P)

Cooking Novice III (P)

Identify Beginner IX (P)

Iridescent Blink Novice V (A)

Euclid Banishment Novice III (A)

Iridescent Benevolence Novice IV (A)

Reproduction Beginner I (P)

Summoner Menu for Euclid Summoner Class


(Red Horned Demon)- Oglak Level 56

(Clawed Night Rabbit)- Fluffy Level 45(+2)

(Night Prowler)- Wolfy Level 47

Sol always thought he had killed way more than 25,000 monsters but the system doesn't lie. He assigned his 6 free stat points into wisdom and he was almost at the threshold of gaining another spot for a summon.

His class had levelled up by 3%, he didn't know if that was fast or slow. Summoning classes statistics were not documented by the Unwanted and he couldn't compare it with anything. He knew that summoning Oglak would also increase it but he didn't want to risk people seeing him.

Sol finished scooping the pineapple from the bottom of the tin when he got a new notification.

The Stone Monkey King Event has started!

20,000 stone monkeys have been killed to trigger the summoning of their king.

Experience is doubled for those who partake in the fight.

Loot drops have increased.

The Stone Monkey King will spawn at the central ruins in 9:58s

Sol rubbed Fluffy's chin. "You wanna go kill a boss?"

Fluffy pressed her head into his other hand. He flew away as Sol stood up, he had been waiting for this event. He packed up his lunch and stood topless, overlooking the vast jungle around him.

Wolfy howled, she was ready to go.

Sol opened his hands to the side of him and shifted his body weight over the branch. He felt the air on his face as he passed hundreds of branches in a second. He held out his hand and caught a hanging vine.

He swung through the forest towards the central ruines. Wolfy was close by his side, pouncing from tree to tree. Sol activated shared sense and saw a crowd of people already gathering at the central ruins.

They looked to be around on average level 45, with some of those whose aura looked to be level 60 or above. If a level 60 still came to the dungeon then that showed just how lucrative it actually was.

Sol watched from the central ruins, as more and more people started to arrive. Some looked nervous whereas some were joking around. The mini-boss wasn't anything special, a physical type like most under bosses under 50 with only one skill that regenerated its armour and gave itself 30% increased resistances.

He saw Arthur Murdoch and his team emerge from a few trees, the man instantly clocked Sol watching everyone else above. No one spoke to him or his team, they just ogled at them.

Sol wanted to kill him there and then but he wasn't going to. Mercy had reminded him that it was pointless, Henry- Arthur's father, would destroy everything Sol ever loved.

Time remaining: 1:45s

A high level female adventurer spoke up with all the people around.

"Join my raid party, we'll split everything on contribution after. I'm not trying to fuck any of you over, this is the safest way and we can see who's injured."

The adventurer set out an open party and Sol added himself as the Immortal.

Everyone saw the Immortal's name and started looking around, Sol found it funny. He saw Arthur look up to where he was a few seconds ago, Sol had moved into a better position. He wanted to see his team's skills first.

As it ticked down to zero, everyone applied buffs to themselves. Arthur's sword lit up with fire magic while the rest of his team activated numerous types of skills Sol hadn't seen before. They were picked from the best families in the world, just so they could compete and boost Arthur.

"Healers! Focus on the tanks. The boss has a high resistance so mages try to use the surroundings against it rather than hitting it directly. It has no armour on the inside of its legs so assassins and warriors focus that, don't be stupid guys and we got this."

Sol was impressed how well the women organised everyone, she was on the same level as Tower. Sol looked at her with more scrutiny.

"Evelyn?" Sol questioned himself, it was the beast-kin that he slept with in the toilets at Elora's party. He wasn't going to introduce himself again, that would be too awkward. She did notice his name however and looked around like the rest.

"Right! Focus now!" Evelyn shouted.

The sound of a beating chest echoed in the distance, a huge stone armored monkey jumped down into the centre of the ruins. It slammed its fists down, cracking the stone beneath it and then roared.

Most of its body was covered in stone armour, its hands were like giant rocks and its whole neck up to its head was covered in moveable armour.

It was one hell of a boss and Sol felt that his group would struggle with it. But with 30 people here it shouldn't be a problem.

"Tanks! Engage!"

Four burly guys wearing thick plated armour banged on their shields and taunted the boss. Ranged attackers started firing towards the armour to try and crack it while the mages gave them cover fire.

Arthur and his team engaged too, they were fast and coordinated. They were like clockwork, their skills with weapons and magical skills were ridiculous. They were at Sol's level but they looked to be as strong as Raptor rank.

Arthur himself held a sword then glowed with light and fire magic, a potent combination. He attacked from a distance with spells pouring off his sword.

Sol had seen enough, he wanted a bit of the action. He put in some bluetooth earphones and played a song from Summer's playlist. So What by P!nk blasted his ear drums, he winced at first but then grew to like the song.

He whistled as he jumped from the tree and teleported down underneath the Stone Monkey King, he slashed wildly at the exposed skin on the inside of its legs. The giant monkey howled and went to grab Sol but he barrel rolled away. Magical spells and projectiles struck the monkey to keep it at bay until the tanks could lure it in again.

"You finally showed huh?!" Evelyn shouted across the ruins to him.

"Like you needed my help," Sol said.

Wolfy came in from the side and attached her claws into the monkey's head. She pulled apart the moveable stone armour on its face. All of the adventurers looked at Evelyn who rolled her eyes.

"Well fucking hit it then!"

Powerful attacks impacted the stone monkey's face causing flesh to break off. Some of the attacks hit Wolfy but her thick hide managed to mitigate most of the real damaging attacks.

She yelped and dashed back into the jungle. The moveable armour once again covered the monkey's face and the tanks went about kiting it while sometimes taking hits when necessary.

Sol saw Arthur and his team all stare at him but he ignored them. He started sprinting towards the stone monkey.

"He's a fucking idiot," One of his group said.

Wolfy came shooting out from behind a cracked pillar and Sol used her as a stepping stone. He activated Lucia's Dupe perk and then Fluffy's Dark Place Dash skill.

He landed on an old broken archway and then jumped off again to be underneath its legs. Lucia, with her sharpened edge, caused massive damage to the inner legs of the monkey.

Sol appeared from the dash a few metres away from the stone monkey. Arthur and another woman charged past him. He recognised another woman as Synthia Evergand- Elora's sister, bound by money and not blood. She was a part of Arthur's team, she wasn't as talented as Elora with magic and went into adventuring instead of joining the High Temple.

Arthur's flaming blade struck the monkey's armoured neck and managed to penetrate the thick stone. It wasn't enough to reach the skin but even damaging the armour was impressive, his weapon plus skills and form were outstanding.

Synthia moved just behind him, pouring poison from her hands into the cuts and making them even larger. She was a poison mage, unfortunately, the High Temple didn't qualify it for their ranks. She was just as capable as her sister but lacked the magic.

"You going to fucking stand there Immortal?!" Eveyln shouted angrily as she swung a giant axe in her hand.

Sol whistled again and Wolfy shot out, he rode her around the monkey and teleported underneath it while she attacked the head. He did more damage underneath while Wolfy held the stone flaps open.

Even more attacks came at it, Arthur and his team moved in once the attacks had stopped and dealt crazy damage. They worked like one organism, bouncing off of each other, exploiting their own strengths and covering their weaknesses. In fact, they didn't have many weaknesses, they had a healer at the back who restored their stamina and health.

Suddenly, a shockwave came from the stone monkey king, sending multiple adventurers flying. Arthur, Synthia and another of their team were sent skidding backwards.

"It's regenerated its armour, it has a 7 minutes cooldown so give it everything!" Evelyn shouted.

The stone monkey roared as it grabbed two huge bamboo shoots and ripped them from the ground.

"It has a deadshot skill! Tanks, be wary!"

A deadshot skill meant it had 90% accuracy when throwing or hitting things. The stone monkey king started to swing the giant bamboo shoots, they crashed into the tanks- giving the massive monkey some space.

Arthur started firing fire magic off his sword, the stone monkey focused eits agro while blocked the powerful magic and reared up to throw the huge bamboo shoot. Arthur's positioning was off and he wouldn't be able to dodge it in time.

Sol spat on the floor as he teleported in front of Arthur, the bamboo shoot pierced through the center of Sol's chest and slowed down just enough to stop at Arthur's eyes. The rest of his team gasped.

Sol commanded Wolfy to pull the giant bamboo shoot out as he lost consciousness. He remained standing up as the night rowler pulled it out, revealing a half-metre size hole through his chest. Arthur could see the entire fight through the hole.

Blood poured out as his body started regenerating before them. He whistled to Wolfy and joined back in the fray with the others.

"Show off," Synthia muttered.

"I am without words," Their healer said.

Arthur shook himself out of the daze and joined the adventurers in the fight after.

It didn't take long for the monkey to go down, with the amount of attacks and taunts it stood no chance. With Evelyn commanding them none died, a few had broken ribs from the blunt force attacks but nothing a healer couldn't fix.

Sol was wiping Lucia off on the monster's corpse when Eveyln approached him.

"You fight better than you fuck," Eveyln said in her foregin yet completely enticing accent.

Sol shrugged as he sheathed Lucia, "You weren't the one screaming."

Eveyln chuckled as she held out her hand for a shake.

Sol clasped her wrist and she did his, it was a beast-kin's handshake from her home city. He had met a lot of them before.

"That predator yours huh?" Evelyn asked, "Rumours are true."

"Just the one," Sol said.

"A tame like that is something to be proud of," Evelyn stated.

"She's pretty good," Sol said.

"There's a raid party going for the level 3o boss tomorrow if you want to join me?" Evelyn asked as she stared at his eyes through his mask.

Sol nodded, "And after?"

"You get to fuck me."

Sol nodded, "Deal."

Evelyn gave him a wink before heading off to check the loot. Wolfy came under Sol's hand and he stroked her head lightly.

"Immortal!" Arthur said as he walked towards Sol.

'Here we go' Sol thought.

Snythia stormed by Arthur while shaking her finger, "He did not need you to save him, he has multiple bulwarks."

Wolfy growled while showing her teeth. Snythia stopped dead in her tracks.

"I'll kill that thing if you let it on me," she protested weakly.

"I don't control her," Sol said.

Wolfy increased the growling sounds until Synthia took a step back.

"Synthia, he saved me from a lot of pain. Even if it wouldn't have killed me he still did me a favour," Arthur said.

Synthia huffed, she crossed her arms and stormed away. Arthur stood there fairly awkwardly.

"I'd like to thank you anyway, Immortal." Arthur said.

Sol nodded as he chucked a piece of meat to Wolfy.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Arthur asked.

Sol looked up at him with a confused face, his mask was on but the response was in his body language.

"Oh, aha, there's a raid party going for the level 3o boss. We'll be meeting here tomorrow."

Sol nodded, "I'll be there."

Sol wasn't really paying attention to Arthur which he found puzzling. Most people treated him with the utmost respect given his standing.

"Oi, Immortal." One of Arthur's teammates said. "Show Arthur some fucking respect."

Wolfy found her feet and the man readied a spell in his hand.

"You really want to do that?" Sol asked without looking at him, he continued to stroke Wolfy.

The man hardened his gaze and was about to attack when Arthur stopped him. "Reddy, I don't fancy picking your corpse up."

Reddy seemed to be older than the rest of Arthur's group, he was tall- just under Sol and had a rough looking face. The man looked to be a support type mage. It was clear the man acted as a spy so his father could monitor Arthur.

"I don't fucking like Unwanted, this prick included," Reddy said to Arthur before stopping and turning around.

"Sorry about Reddy, he's a bit aggressive sometimes. May I introduce the rest of my team?"

Sol looked up at him to meet his eyes then stood up. "Sure."

It would be good to get a detailed look at his team if they were facing them in the games.

A cat-kin woman came up, she was pretty like all cat-kin and wore her blonde hair in a ponytail. She was wearing light leather and had two small scepters hanging on her waits. She looked to be a hired gun but Sol couldn't tell. She also looked to be an assassin type.

The cat-kin bowed before Sol while swishing her tail, "My name is Lucy," she said, her voice was respectful and calm- her tail betrayed her though.

"Immortal," Sol replied.

"And this is Harry Field, our healer."

"Nice to meet ya," Harry said.

He was an average looking man with a green robe, he was related to Kara somehow but in which direction Sol struggled to identify.

"Oh, are you free tomorrow at 7?" Arthur asked.

"For a date?" Sol questioned half-jokingly.

Arthur chuckled, "No, there's a raid party being organised for the level 30 boss. I believe the adventurer known as Evelyn will be there."

Sol now knew what he was talking about, "I'll be there," he said.

"Immortal," Lucy said, her tail swishing backwards and forwards frantically.

Sol nodded.

"May we duel?" She asked.

"Lucy, not know and definitely not him," Arthur said, "You will be able to during the games."

Lucy looked defeated but her tail didn't, "Maybe tomorrow," Sol said.

She nodded.

"It was good to meet you, Immortal," Arthur said, sticking out a hand.

Sol clasped it normally and held it for a second, "Likewise."

Sol activated Dark Place Dash and became invisible, he headed for the trees in the distance so he could go through the loot in peace.

"Interesting man," Arthur said.

"'Cause he didn't kneel in front of yah?" Harry the healer asked.

Reddy spat on the floor as he walked back up to the group, "Never trust an Unwanted. Filthy orphans contracted to murder."

"He seemed fairly normal," Arthur said.

"I got that too," Lucy added, looking into the sky.

"I don't think they're that bad, and he really is immortal. That was no gimmick back there," Harry said.

"I'll give him that one," Reddy said, "He's strong though, that 'don't mean he can be trusted."

"Reddy," Harry said, "He saved Arthut a bulwark charge, that's more than you've ever done."

Reddy scoffed while looking at the stone monkey king's corpse.

"I like him," Arthur stated.

Sol grinned as he listened through the Fluffy's shared sense, they were an interesting lot much like his own team. Arthur was smart but innocent in a sense, he expected Sol to be subservient to him but Sol only bowed when he needed to.

Sol also showed no ill will towards Arthur, he was not accountable to what his father did. But he was a tool for which the revenge would take place, he just didn't know when but it would happen.

Sol dumped the worthless loot in his pouch and headed up into the trees to take a rest.