Chapter 82- A Series Of Unfortunate Events Part 1

The next morning, Sol woke up to see the dungeon hadn't gone through any time change. It remained constantly at noon which messed with his body clock. These sorts of dungeons were always a mystery, as many people didn't want to ask questions.

He stretched before taking off into the trees with Wolfy behind him. He headed to an exit to the next level and selected level 25. The levels went smoothly, level 26 was a parkour level, level 27 a puzzle one. Level 28 was a giant insect level that was universally hated- including Solomon; and level 29 was a rather strange one. It was a survival level type before the big 30.

Sol looked at his watch before stepping into the exit. He had roughly 6 hours before the meet up at the final boss on level 30. Level 29 was notorious for adventurer deaths, it was a purely luck based level.

He teleported into a small room where there were two six sided dice placed on a small pedestal.

Level 29

Please roll the Dice of Life. The environment and monsters are dependent on the numbers you roll.

After your number has been decided, you may advance to the number you chose.

Life is but a roll of the dice

Sol looked at his pitiful luck stat of 8, he needed to play some cards soon and boost it. Luck was a strange stat, it influenced almost everything around you except no one knew what it actually did or how it was quantified.

It was a make or break stage of the dungeon. Rolling a high number meant it would be a breeze- roll a two or a three, and you were screwed. Hence, the Dice of Life. He blew on them as he shook the precious dice in his hand, "C'mon baby, give me a six or higher."

He threw them down quite hard on the pedestal, he patiently watched as they bounced around. One bounced off the pedestal while the other one had stopped dead.

You have rolled a 1.

You have rolled a NULL

Fortune does not favours the stupid

You will be teleported into the (1) area of the dungeon in 1 minute.

Sol quickly bent down and threw it back on the pedestal. He never realised he could throw a 1.

"Please, c'mon. A one, a fucking one!"

Lucia laughed from within her sheath. "I'm more impressed you rolled a 1 with two dice."

"Shut up!" Sol shouted, "How can I fix this?"

"Pray to Odin, I dunno."

Sol slammed his fist down on the pedestal, cracking it in two.

You have rolled a NULL

You have rolled a NULL

Anger does solve all of life's problems

You will be teleported into the (0) area of the dungeon in 1 minute.

Lucia started pissing herself laughing. "You are a complete tool."

"So I don't get a second chance but if I destroy the fucking pedstal it recounts it!?"

System Notice:

Sigurd has been alerted of your unfortunate circumstances.

He is now watching.

He is impressed yet completely disappointed with your actions.

"Fucking cunt- fuck- shit- fucking," Sol cursed as he started punching the concrete wall.

"A legend is watching you, that's kinda cool not gonna lie. He's practically a god." Lucia said calmly.

"I don't fucking care, I just don't fancy being torn to shreds every 2 seconds."

System Notice:

Sigurd is hurt that you do not care if he is watching.

"You're fucking dungeon is about to kill me a hundred times over and your feelings are hurt! I still don't give a shit!"

System Notice:

Sigurd is intrigued by what you mean.

Sol took a deep breath to calm himself down, there was no way out of this now. He impatiently tapped Lucia as the timer ticked down.

"Relax big guy," Lucia teased. "You'll be fine."

"Lucia, now's not the time."

Sol was whisked away as the timer ticked down to zero, he instantly gasped for air before taking in his surroundings.

A barren wasteland with little to no oxygen to breath. There were no clouds or sun, only stars lit that lit up a dusty grey ground with no life at all around. Sol started to panic as the barely oxygenated air filled his lungs.

"I can't-"

'Relax, Sol' Lucia said in his head. 'There's barely any oxygen to calm your heart rate down. The more you stress the more you'll need to breath'

Sol trusted her and complied. Each breath he took gave him just enough oxygen so his brain wouldn't shut off.

He slowly gripped grey sand beneath his feet.

Survive for 5 hours in order to complete the level.

Sigurd is watching.

'I bet Sigurd is rubbing one out right now' Lucia teased in his head.

'Lucia, can you see anything? My eyesight is going blurry'

'Regenerate yourself. Should also restore the oxygen.'

Sol stabbed his heart with Lucia. His eyes stopped being blurry and he looked around. The barren wasteland was not as barren as he first thought, he was on a large flat area surrounded by thin rope bridges that led to similar flat edges. The rope bridges were over a pit so far deep that Sol couldn't see the bottom of.

"Put that thingy on," Luca ainstructed.

Sol knew what she meant and immediately put the device Ozark had made for him.

He held his breath for another 3 minutes looking around everywhere.

"Where's all the monsters?" Lucia asked.

'Good question' Sol thought back to reduce his oxygen expenditure.

Of course, Lucia had just jinxed it. A hand gripped onto the top of the flat surface next to Sol. It was a hand clasped in armour.

Level 51 Headless Armour

Monster Lore

-Armour possessed by a spirit. The headlessness part is unknown.

"What sort of dungeon is this?" Lucia questioned as the monster pulled itself up.

It wasn't exactly a monster, it was a set of armour without a body inside and helmet.

"Kill it then!" Lucia shouted, "It's creepy."

As the headless armour stood tall, Sol clicked the button on his finger and regenerated with oxygen again. He kicked the armour over the edge, splitting it into pieces. It fell into the pit but started floating- then coming back together to form an armour set.

"We're so fucked," Lucia said.

Another one appeared behind Sol, then another, then another. Soon there were 6 headless armours surrounding him. He had repeatedly kicked them down, their armour was strong- possibly in the rare kind but they broke away from each other easily. It was more of the immortal and constantly coming back together part that really screwed him over.

"Get on the bridge!"

"I'm not getting on that thi-" Sol said with a short breath.

"Fine, don't take my advice."

Four more headless armours crawled up from the pit and that was more than enough to get Sol to run for the bridge. He teleported past one and carefully fast walked across the bridge. The rope bridge was barely holding on, he felt that once wrong footing and the wood planks beneath him would break.

"Why are you walking like a granny holding weights," Lucia complained.

Sol ignored her.

The rope bridge shook violently as the headless armours clambered onto it.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck-"

Sol activated his teleport skill again right as the bridge fell into the bottomless pit. The armour pieces however didn't return. He might have found a way to kill them but he hadn't yet received any experience- or they were still falling- or regenerating.

An armour hand clasped onto the side of the flat area Sol was on and heaved itself like the last time, then another, then another. It was repeating itself- not in a time loop but like walking onto a spawning location.

Sol repeated the same thing, he cut the thin rope bridge and all the armour fell down to the bottom.

'We have 5 hours of this' Sol said internally to Lucia.

'Keep focus, think of the loot at the end'

Sol activated the killing device on his arm and generated his oxygen. He ran over to another platform area. His face slammed into an invisible barrier. It was the border of the dungeon, he had only run across three of them and there were six other platforms within the dome that shimmered above him.

He rubbed his nose violently.

"Hold them off as long as you can. There's only another 6 we can go onto. You have to split that time into 40 minutes per platform.

'They will overpower me in 5' Sol thought back.

"Fuck- I don't know then. Summon something."

'I can't concentrate long enough, I wouldn't have enough time either.'

"Can't you just teleport to the Euclid Dimension."

Lucia always came up with a solid plan but as Sol went to access the teleport option it was blocked.


Sigurd has blocked your attempt at leaving the dungeon.

Sol's blood boiled but he kept his calm as she kicked a headless armour off the edge.

"This guy's a right prick," Lucia stated.

Sol was tackled to the ground but managed to squirm his way out. He knocked another two off but four more climbed back up. It was difficult to hold his breath while fighting but he managed- he just couldn't be as overly confident with attacks.

There were over 20 headless armours on the platform now and it had only been a few minutes.

Sol held his own against them for another 5 minutes- every 30 seconds more and more would show up. It was a constantly losing battle.

He shoved a headless armour off his back and then teleported near the rope bridge.

"Wait!" Lucia exclaimed, "You still have 23 minutes left."

"I'm not waiting any longer!" Sol shouted with the last of his breath before regenerating.

He quickly walked across the bridge like last time, he waited for a few seconds before cutting the rope. About 50 headless armour fell into the dark pit below.

Sol repeated the process, it was grueling and mostly annoying. The shortness of breath constantly was cutting down his focus and Lucia didn't help by yelling every 20 seconds.

He cut the rope of the last bridge and 60 headless armour fell into the pit, he now had no more bridges left. Again, the floating armours crawled their way up to the platform.

"You're screwed now," Lucia stated.

Sol ignored her as he knocked two back down into the pit as four more climbed up. If it was any other type of monster he could stab them but Lucia did barely anything to them. She had stayed in his sheath the entire time.

As more climbed up, Sol was worrying about what to do.

"You're gonna have to jump and teleport," Lucia kindly explained.

Sol chucked another off the edge. "I don't like that idea!"

"Well do something, I don't wanna go down there."

Sol's feet danced underneath him, he didn't know what to do. He was hesitating and causing himself more stress.

"Fuck it!" Sol shouted as he started running to the edge.

He pushed off with as much force as he could muster. Time seemed to slow down as he stared into the bottomless pit below.

"Now!" Lucia shouted.

Sol teleported near the other edge, he extended his right arm as much as he could and caught onto the side. Four fingers clutched onto the dusty ground. He went to pull himself up but a metal gauntlet was pulling on his leg.

Sol croaked for air as he kicked away at the headless armour but its grip was tight.

"Kick Sol! Kick it off!"

He tried his best, using every last ounce of oxygen to kick and pull himself up. It wasn't enough and his fingers slipped on the top of the platform. Time slowed again as he watched the starry sky become smaller and his vision was engulfed by darkness.