Chapter 86- Boss Fight

"Where is he?" Arthur asked his team.

Reddy shrugged, "I told ya, can't trust an Unwanted."

"We're leaving now!" Evelyn shouted to the raid group.

There were 23 of them excluding Sol who were present. They all were around level 50 or 60 and boasted expensive equipment. The level 30 boss was notoriously hard if you weren't prepared.

Sol stepped out of a portal butt naked, he only held onto his pouch and Lucia.

"Nice of you to join us-" Evelyn said but stopped upon noticing his circumstance.

Sol realised his mistake and threw on some clothes quickly.

"Is that the only weapon you brought?" She asked.

Sol ignored her.

"What happened, you rolled a 2?" She asked.

Sol ignored her again, he was not in the best of moods.

"Right," Evelyn shouted, "That makes 24! We're leaving now!"

"Hey, Immortal," Arthur said, "You good?"

He seemed awfully friendly with malice.

"Yeah," Sol said as a new dungeon portal appeared in front of them.

He was invited into the party as he stepped inside. The group were all teleported to the 30th level.

They were whisked away to a small tropical island, the sun was beating down and the air was dense with magic. It didn't look to be the dreaded level 30 to Sol but this was a huge mistake everyone made.

"How was level 29?" Arthur asked Sol.

It took him by surprise to notice the man standing right next to him.

"I rolled a 0."

Arthur stopped for a moment, "Well, that was quite unfortunate. How did you do it?"

Sol took a deep breath in, "I smashed the pedestal."

Arthur nodded slowly, "That'll do it. What was the level like?"

"Unkillable enemies, no oxygen, impossible task," Sol said.

"You're lying," Reddy said, "Why would they not give you oxygen."

Sol stopped to look at the man known as Reddy, he would be easy prey.

"Reddy, there's no point in starting a fight. This is the last level, we all need this," Arthur said.

The man tutted, "I don't trust this cunt. He'll fuck us over at the first chance he gets."

Sol had heard enough already, the man was spewing vomit. He teleported over to him and pushed him up against a rock by his neck. Arthur's team drew their weapons but didn't move after.

"What did you call me?" Sol asked.

Reddy croaked for breath, "A- cunt."

Sol increased the strength of his grip, "Again?"

"Oi! Meatheads!" Evelyn shouted back to them, "Save it for the boss!"

Sol punched Reddy across the face and threw him to the side, "Don't spew shit if you can't back it up."

Reddy wiped the blood from his mouth but didn't say anything. The rest of his team didn't say anything either or try to attack him.

Sol met the eyes of Arthur and his team before turning away and following the rest of the group.

"He fucked you up Reddy," Harry said.

Reddy spat out a mouthful of blood again as he got up, "Thanks for the help guys."

Lucy threw her hands on her hip, "You had it coming."

"Synthia?" Reddy pleaded.

The poison mage looked away in embarrassment, "You know I don't like him too, but that was stupid."

Arthur sighed internally, his team were great fighters but terrible friends. He always thought he had a big ego himself but his team was far worse.

They moved through colourful trees until the group came to a rocky area that had a pathway leading upwards. The rock looked more like sandstone as it offered a yellow tinge which fitted in with the tropical climate.

"Right!" Evelyn shouted.

"A team will move forwards through the easy mobs. Ranged- keep your bows ready but only shoot if the team is in trouble."

A team that looked to be in the high sixties went in front as they moved through level towards the boss. Before they could get to the boss, they had to pass through a tight corridor of Sand Spikebacks. Unlike their counterpart, Sand Spikebacks were vicisoulsy fast and were covered in sharp keratin along their whole shell. Their tails were split at the end which offered a more damaging advantage as they batted against each other and they were hard to predict.

The team moved fast through them, these types of mobs were easily killable and they didn't need any help at all. Sol was surprised at how many powerful people were here, he was still a bit annoyed at what Arthur's teammate said and Sigurd's comment from earlier.

He wandered off to the side, behind a rock and summoned Wolfy to his side. He emerged back into the middle of the party as he rode on her.

"What was the problem?" Eveyln asked him.

"His balls are bigger than his fists," Sol said.

Evelyn tutted, "And yours aren't?"

Sol opened his hands out innocently, "I don't start fights I can't win."

"You fought this boss before?" Eveyln asked him, changing the conversation.

He shook his head, "I heard it's a bastard."

She grunted, "Last time it took 4 people out. They were stupid still but… they're dead you know."

"I don't think we'll get into any serious trouble," Sol said, cheering up the mood.

"I want you to be frontliner and tank, are you good with that?" Eveyln asked.

"Fine by me, you want me to distract it?" Sol asked.

She nodded as a sand spikeback blocked out the sun in their view.

They moved up, further towards the top of a small sandstone formation.

"Everyone spread out!" She ordered, "Get in position!"

The team followed the orders like soldiers. Sol instructed Wolfy to disappear behind a few rocks. He wanted her to come out to either save people or suppress the boss, either way, she was going to be used as a meat shield.

Sol took off his shirt and duplicated Lucia in his hands. He felt ready. He looked at the man next to him, his legs were shaking.

"You good?" Sol asked.

"Urm… Yes, Sir," the man meekly replied.

"I'm not a Sir," Sol replied, "You nervous about the boss?"

"Oh… yeah, kinda," the man gulped, "are you going to harvest my soul?"

Sol stood up right and put his hands on his hips, "what the fuck?"

The man looked at Sol with a side eye from his helmet, "that's what everyone's been saying."

Sol rolled his eyes under his mask, "I'm not going to harvest your soul. Who's been saying that?"

The man dabbed the sweat from his face, "I read it online. You take people's souls and absorb them, and you sacrifice one each time you die."

"That sounds pretty cool, that would be a neat class."

"So you don't?"

"Oh I do," Sol joked, "Instead of their souls it's their life force. Don't worry, I won't be harvesting anyone's today- I'm kinda full."

The man proceeded to sweat more and shake. Sol had heard strange rumours before but nothing as crazy as what the man said. He was about to tell him it was a joke when Evelyn shouted.

"It's coming!"

A shadow in the shape of wings flew over their heads. Sol could feel its presence without seeing it.

DUNGEON BOSS Level 71 Lesser Sand Wyvern, Grandmaster of Sand Magic, Unlimited Stamina, Dodging Brilliance, (See More)

The Lesser Sand Wyvern was like a dragon except it didn't have two front legs. Instead, it used its clawed wings to walk on the ground. It's armored scales were the colour of sand and it boasted impressive claws and teeth. What was worse in this case, was that it had magic. Bosses that could use grandmaster magic were a huge problem for any adventurer since it was like fighting against a person.

The wyvern landed down on the sandstone ground, it's claws banged against it creating a tink sound. It reared up on its two feet and let off a screech. It pushed everyone a few inches back, the sand felt like razors on their skin.

"Tanks engage! Let Immortal take the big damage!" Evelyn shouted.

The tanks slammed their shield into the ground and slowly approached. One activated a taunt skill and got the attention of the boss. Sol moved just behind another with his hand on their shoulder.

The wyvern attacked with it's clawed wing. The tank's shield took most of the damage and only scratched the holder.

"Aim for its eyes!" Evelyn ordered.

Magic and arrows pelted the face of the wyvern but the boss closed its eyes. This would be a huge mistake. From behind the boss, Arthur's sword lit up with fire as he charged forward. He was buffed by Reddy and had Lucy by his side, Synthia wasn't far either and had poison balls filling her hands.

Arthur stabbed his sword into the wing of the wyvern and pulled it down towards him by half a meter. The wyvern spun around with anger in its eyes and whipped its tail towards Arthur.

He dodged under it while deflecting it off his head. He doubled back as Lucy pounced off his shoulder and made the wound larger a meter. From a distance, Synthia spewed poison inside the wound on its wing. It spread quickly and its veins pulsed with black magic.

The wyvern reared up and flapped its wings in a full circle to send everyone flying backwards. Once it had settled, sand started flying towards the top of its head. It was gathering into a large ball that was rotating with haste.

"Sand Magic! Immortal, find the target!"

Sol calculated the wyvern's target and teleported in front of a female archer as a sand spear pierced his chest. The initial impact didn't hurt that much but when the sand was pulled out by the wyvern, it invaded every part of his body.

A quick regeneration however healed him and pushed out the sand.

"He's doing it again!" Eveylen notified.

Sol commanded Wolfy to jump from a sandstone rock a dozen meters away and block the sand magic spear. It didn't penetrate her skin but definitely damaged a few ribs.

The wyvern had settled its magical attacks down and focused on hittin the tanks that were near it. The closed ranged damage dealers were bouncing off the wyvern, taking turns at stabbing and slicing at the boss. It's scales were awfully hard to penetrate unlike the wings of the creature and they only managed to remove a few at a time.

Sol was moving from tank to tank, only sacrificing himself when needed. It definitely was a hard boss, not only were the physical attacks lethal but so were the magical ones.

"Back off!" Evelyn shouted as she noticed the boss preparing a spell.

The tanks jogged back with all their heavy armour. The air around the wyvern began to pick up the sand into a tornado. Thankfully, Evelyn knew every single one of the wyvern's attacks. They were never in order but there were clear signs beforehand.

The large group slowly walked back further as the sand beneath there was pulled towards the wyvern. The raw mana the wyvern could use was outstanding. Sol with his highered perception and new attunement to mana meant he could understand the sheer power of it which he most certainly respected.

The tornado sucked itself way up into the clouds and sand had already started falling back down to them. The wyvern began to move towards them.

"Follow me!" Evelyn shouted as they all ran as a group to avoid the moving tornado.

It was a very strategic boss, not one where it was all brawn. Once the sand tornado had settled they went back at it. It became like clockwork. That was until the boss reached a certain threshold.

"Right! Everyone to me!" Evelyn ordered.

The wyvern flapped its wings and disappeared into the few clouds among the sunny sky.

"It will begin to swoop. I will call out where. We stand no chance at defending so do not be fucking stupid."

Everyone jogged over to Eveyln as the wyvern swooped down again. They ran with her since she had memorised every single attack. Each time was random but it was the estimated guess that she went off.

"Sand magic attack!" Evelyn shouted, "Tanks cover!"

Sol moved in front of the rest of the group just as the wyvern swooped down with a trail of sand behind. The wyvern missed them but even so the sand that covered the boss area in a split second felt like glass on his skin.

"One more, then all move out!"

The wyvern swooped down again with its winged claws spread out. It missed them and disappeared back into the clouds. A few seconds later it slammed back down looking more than pissed off.

"Engage! It is close now!"

Sol went a little more aggressive this time, he saved his teleport when someone needed saving. Lucia could do little damage to the wyvern so in reality he was just distracting the main damage dealers of the group.

"Shit!" Evelyn said, "Retreat, it's going into its tornado stance!"

Evelyn was not expecting the spell to return so soon, she had never seen it done that fast.

The sand began to pick up around the tanks and close ranged damage dealers. Sol immediately called Wolfy in and commanded her to yank people back. Unfortunately, one person was sucked up into the tornado.

"Retreat!" Evelyn yelled again.

Sol moved around the tornado to see if anyone else was about to be picked up. He saw Arthur trying to pick up Reddy on the floor. The bastard man's leg was bent at a ninety degree angle.

The wyvern noticed their presence so Sol jumped up and punched it in the face. It definitely hurt him more than it did the wyvern but that wasn't the goal. The wyvern snapped viciously at him with its sharp teeth. He barely dodged the attack and kited the boss away from Arthur and Reddy.

The wyvern seemed to understand what Sol was doing and switched its attention back to the group.

"Sol!" Lucia screamed among the powerful sand tornado.

Sol couldn't see much but the wyvern's head was not facing towards him. He teleported to where the wyvern was looking, he was just in front of Arthur and Reddy.

The wyvern chomped down on Sol, its whole mouth taking from his waist upwards. It's teeth went through Sol's flesh like jelly, snapping his spine and only leaving a pair of legs behind.

The wyvern threw his body to the side, it clearly wasn't interested in the tasty meal. It dug its claws into the stone and moved towards Reddy and Arthur, the sand tornado started to pick them up slowly.

Wolfy grabbed Arthur and threw him far out of harm's way which only left the crippled Reddy hovering in the air- the sand ripping through his skin. Sol- a naked Sol, came flying from the wyvern's side with two feet in the air. He drop-kicked Reddy out of the tornado and sent him barreling towards his own team.

Sol tried to join him but was sucked up into the sky, the sand tornado had gotten too powerful and too close. It didn't feel like glass anymore but instead perfectly crafted needles penetrating every millimeter of his skin.

He lost focus, he wasn't sure if he had passed out.

The rest of the group was standing far away by now, they had helped Arthur and his team to safety. Harry- their healer, snapped his leg back into place and applied healing magic to the now-open wound.

Soon the tornado stopped but the Sol and the other hadn't come down yet.

"It's low!" Eveyln said, "Burst it!"

Everyone moved out while activating their strongest skills or spells. They were 2 men down and didn't want to risk anyone else.

Arthur's sword lit up in flames and his movements became quick and light. He charged forwards with Lucy by his side and attacked the wyvern along with the others. Snythia conjured and enormous rune above the wyvern and poison poured over it. If any allies came into contact with it would increase their movement and stamina. Both of Harry's hands were outstretched and green magic was funneling into them all. The wyvern screeched and tried to attack but was shut down immediately.