Chapter 87- Boss Fight Part 2

"Sol!" Lucia screamed, "Wake up! Wake up! We're falling!"

He opened his eyes to see the lovely sunny sky in front of him, it took him a while to realise that it was moving away from him. Sol flipped onto his belly and spread his arms out.

The dungeon boss platform was so small he could barely see it. He also saw the man that was sucked up with him. His body was limp and he was far ahead of him.

"Is he alive?!" Sol asked.

"Um, yeah, yeah he is," Lucia responded, "He's dying though, death from a thousand cuts."

Sol squinted his eyes, the man was covered in blood. The sand magic had done a number on him. He leant towards the man and tucked his arms in to catch up. Sol caught onto his body and wrapped his legs around him. He went to reach into his pouch for a health potion but remembered he was naked.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

The ground was getting closer and Sol debated if it was worth saving the man.

"Summon Fluffy," Lucia stated.

Sol had never summoned anything in the air before, it sounded impossible. There was only one way to find out. He selected the flying bunny off the menu and started the summoning. Thankfully, the placement was moving with him. It was requiring more mana but it wasn't like he was summoning Oglak.

The iridescent magic ripped a hole into the void and Fluffy emerged.

"We're getting closer!" Lucia said in a panic.

"Just shut up!" Sol rudely replied as he was thinking of a way to secure the man.

He cut the weapons belt off the man and used it to tie him to fluffy. He then ordered the bunny to use his dash once he reached the platform and then chew through the belt.

"It's coming fast!" Lucia screamed.

Sol placed Lucia back between his teeth and then pushed off from Fluffy. The bunny opened its wings and flew away from the platform for his landing. All Sol could do was hold his dick as he plummeted back into the dungeon's orbit.

Arthur pulled his sword out of the Wyvern's head and sat down on the sandy floor with a thump. The rest of the dungeon party were all doing the same except for Evelyn who was worried.

"Can anyone see the tank and Immortal?" She asked everyone.

They all looked up to the sky but the sun was blinding.

"I think I see-"

Sol's naked body splattered on the ground, Lucia went through his already mushy brains and bounced off.

"I found Immortal," Someone joked.

A few seconds later the tank that had gotten sucked up swooped in from the side and skidded onto the ground in front of the group.

"Heal him now!" Evelyn screamed at the top of her lungs.

Harry and another two healed the bloodied man as a naked Sol popped up on two feet. He frightened a few people, however he wasn't sure if it was about his birthday suit or his sudden regeneration from a pool of flesh and blood.

Sol started to look around for his trousers but most importantly his pouch. That was when Reddy came up to him.

"Hey," the man said, "here you go."

Reddy handed him his trousers and his pouch. He slid the trousers on and hooked the pouch up onto his belt. He double checked to see if anything was taken out.

"I urm- just want to say… thanks."

"For?" Sol asked.

"Saving my life," Reddy said.

Sol waved him away, "I just wanted to hit you again."

Reddy chuckled nervously, "I owe you one anyway."

Sol nodded in response and the man rejoined his team. The man was still an asshole to Sol, first impressions went a long way.

"Oi," he heard someone say behind him.

Sol turned to see Evelyn looking happy, "So you killed it then?" He asked.

Evelyn looked at the corpse of the wyvern, "It was tough like it always is, did you save that man?"

Sol shook his head, "I didn't even realise he went up with me."

Evelyn nodded slowly in confusion, "You saved my clean sheet, I thank you for that."

"Don't say thank you, I got the experience I need anyway."

Evelyn extended a handshake to Sol and he grasped it, "Do you want to come drink with me and a few friends."

Sol had forgotten about that deal, he was up for it then but now he just wanted to go home.

"Next time, I've had a rough couple of days."

She pouted but then brought out a piece of paper, she wrote her number down on it and shoved it down his underwear.

"I'm expecting a call," she said.

Sol smiled under his mask and nodded. She was great at sex but all Sol could think about was Elora when it came to it. There was no one that was as beautiful as her. He slapped his head twice as he thought about her, he liked to pretend he had an iron will.

"Hey, Immortal." Arthur said as he extended his hand.

Sol clasped it, "How long was I up there for?"

"10 minutes-ish,"

"You guys killed it pretty fast after I left."

Arthur laughed, "Yeah, the leader said to dump everything."

"Are you ok?" Lucy interjected.

"What do you mean?" Sol asked.

She crossed her eyebrows, "you went… splat- like, just there."

Sol looked at the pool of blood and shrugged, "fine, didn't feel a thing."

"Anyway," Arthur said, changing the subject, "Are you coming to the event at the royal quarters tomorrow?"

"No, why would I be there?" Sol asked.

"For the games, every country and team will be there."

Sol opened his mouth but paused, "... I didn't know," he said honestly.

"Oh, well, see you at the games… And beneath us on the leaderboards." Arthur joked.

Sol leaned back while folding his arms, "Thing about the Unwanted is that we don't just kill monsters, it's men too and our team specializes in assassinations." Sol half-lied.

Arthur gulped, he didn't get the clear banter.

Sol clapped his hands, scaring the poor spellsword, "See you there then."

Arthur smiled weakly as Sol turned away to check on his notifications. He didn't want to get too friendly with Arthur or his team, he wanted a line to be set. It was strange how he felt no ill will from Arthur's father, he didn't seem anything like him.

Arthur was a very skilled and powerful spellsword there was no doubt in that, but he was just less arrogant which Sol liked. Regardless, they were going to be a hard team to fight at the games, Sol had heard rumours that they were projected to win.